So many things has happened within the last few days starting from the eve of Christmas. That 24th morning, went for my 5th check-up at the doctor's. Alhamdulillah everything is OK with the baby. But during the scan, suami received a VERY sad news. An uncle, although not blood related, passed away about the same moment I was having my check-up. Although we knew he was critical and admitted to the ICU the night before, the news still came as a shock to both of us. I was a bit saddened because I didn't get a chance to see Arwah Pak Din before he passed on because suami felt it was inappropriate for me to follow him to the hospital the night before.
Al-Fatihah Pak Din.. Semoga roh mu di cucuri Rahmat.
Immediately after my check-up, we headed to arwah's home to help prepare for the arrival of the jenazah. We did what we could. Although I only got to know arwah for a short period of time, to me, he too was like an uncle. Someone who made an impact in my life, made a difference and played an important role in the union of me and suami as husband and wife. The faith he had in me for being able to change for the better, and supporting suami with his decision when many were against was truly meaningful. I hope arwah is in a better place now as he has been sick for quite a long time.
My heart goes to suami...having to lose 2 of the most important people in his life within a year. It is very challenging...What's worse is there's not much that I can do. Although I can only share his sadness, hold him and comfort him and sedekah Al-Fatihah to arwah, the loss is big and his alone. Arwah was a man suami really looked up to..someone he'd listen to and turned to. Most of the time, arwah was truly like a father to him although suami still had his own. So I guess, 2009 has been a truly trying year for suami..losing a son and a father figure in the same year..
Only a few more days left to the year...I hope the new year would bring us better news and brighter hope..not just for me and suami, but to everyone out there. Am slightly relieved that the year is over, but it doesn't mean that the challenges coming are...
My new year's resolution? Is to be able to face all the challenges that life will bring with full strength, hope and faith. And most of to be able to see and make sense of the reason behind it all..To learn better...
Take care everyone..I hope the new years brings joy and happiness to everyone! See you next year if not sooner!!
Dec 28, 2009
Dec 21, 2009
Sapik! Masihkan Kau Ingat?
Hahaha! I was cleaning out my stuffs yesterday and look what I found!!!!! Do you remember this?
Antique I tell you!
*in exactly one week, this card you gave me will be exactly 7 years old!!kalo ada anak, anak dah masuk darjah satu weyh!!!*
Dec 17, 2009
Hi! My Name Is.....
Suami said if the baby is a boy..he will have sole power to name him..
But if it's a girl...the decision is in my hands. To date..we still don't know what the gender of our baby is yet. I am coming into my 22nd week and will have my next check-up next week. Hopefully this little one will stay put and open wide when the doctor does the ultrasound scan...
So, since I don't have to think about boys names..Here are some names and their meanings that I have come across..
Kaleela - sweetheart
Hessa - destiny
Almira - nisbah (ratio?!?)
Hasya - perfection
Iris - name of flower
Khayla - pretty
Marissa - well mannered (bersopan-santun)
Qaireen - goodness (kebaikan)
Qasrina - castle
Raisha - ruler of king (pemimpin raja)
Rihana - sweet basil
Tahira - pure
Rania - happiness
The meaning might not be precise coz some of it is jumbled in malay and english and sometimes the translation is kinda funny..heheh! I have been throwing about some names already and I think I know what I want..but am not telling until the baby arrives :P
You might notice that the names don't sound like the typical malay sounding names. That's because suami has set a ground rule that he wants the name to sound 'international'..sukati la...To me, as long as it sounds nice and has a good meaning to it is good enough...
I have always like the traditional malay flowers for a baby girl's name..the likes of Melor, Mawar, Melati, Orked, Jasmin etc..but suami don't like..and he wouldn't justify it either! Mengada! But it's okay. Now that I can name our daughter (IF its a daughter)..siapla kalau dia tak register nama anak kitorg with the name that I want......:P
" name is (insert name)...but Daddy Peah says my name is Peah...."
No..Peah is not my husband..He is just someone I would REALLY LOVE to pull my prank on some day....hehehe! What is the prank you might ask?? Well..if one day it get executed..I'll DEFINITELY blog about it....:P
But if it's a girl...the decision is in my hands. To date..we still don't know what the gender of our baby is yet. I am coming into my 22nd week and will have my next check-up next week. Hopefully this little one will stay put and open wide when the doctor does the ultrasound scan...
So, since I don't have to think about boys names..Here are some names and their meanings that I have come across..
Kaleela - sweetheart
Hessa - destiny
Almira - nisbah (ratio?!?)
Hasya - perfection
Iris - name of flower
Khayla - pretty
Marissa - well mannered (bersopan-santun)
Qaireen - goodness (kebaikan)
Qasrina - castle
Raisha - ruler of king (pemimpin raja)
Rihana - sweet basil
Tahira - pure
Rania - happiness
The meaning might not be precise coz some of it is jumbled in malay and english and sometimes the translation is kinda funny..heheh! I have been throwing about some names already and I think I know what I want..but am not telling until the baby arrives :P
You might notice that the names don't sound like the typical malay sounding names. That's because suami has set a ground rule that he wants the name to sound 'international'..sukati la...To me, as long as it sounds nice and has a good meaning to it is good enough...
I have always like the traditional malay flowers for a baby girl's name..the likes of Melor, Mawar, Melati, Orked, Jasmin etc..but suami don't like..and he wouldn't justify it either! Mengada! But it's okay. Now that I can name our daughter (IF its a daughter)..siapla kalau dia tak register nama anak kitorg with the name that I want......:P
" name is (insert name)...but Daddy Peah says my name is Peah...."
No..Peah is not my husband..He is just someone I would REALLY LOVE to pull my prank on some day....hehehe! What is the prank you might ask?? Well..if one day it get executed..I'll DEFINITELY blog about it....:P
Interview with Rockstar
Hari-hari aku sembang ngan cik rockstar ni. Biar busy cemne pun, asal nak ngadu je..sembang. Tu pasal bile Rockstar tak online aku boleh meroyan!hahaha..contoh sembang kami arini...
nota: perbualan ini adalah kisah benar dan adalah berkaitan dengan orang2 yang disebut. Tiada suntingan dilakukan terhadap perbualan ini..Sekian.
SS: ceh
i wish i was a fulltime blogger
aku selalu dapat inspirasi time2 tgh keje
tapi bahan2 untuk bekap blog aku kat rumah
but by the time aku sampai rumah
moment tu dah gone
sbb skolah sume pompuan
berlakon english drama pun jadi laki
nak bekap dgn gambar2 aku konon muka macho time english drama
jadi nak explain
bile dah keluar sekolah
jumpa lelaki tulen
aku jadi kekok
amik gambar pun horror
u shld see gambar aku masa after f5
serious shit aku tak reti senyum!
makanya..sampai sekarang aku tak suka camwhore
tapi sedih
sbb dlm kepala otak..posing dah vogue ala2 heidi klum
skali tgk result dlm gambar...
mcm seal!!
aku rasa
paling sonok blog nie
tunjuk kehodohan kite
ah itu topik aku!
*tips for the day: to laugh at yourself....nanti aku upload gambar2 yang aku maksudkan itu!*
Dec 16, 2009
Gwe Pingin Nonton T-Rex Lagi!!
Setelah dikeji tidak rock lagi...I just HAVE to post this up!
I it the old 'groupie' in me..but these guys are like drugs to me! They are so addictive and their voices just continues to play in my head over and over again after I went to see them perform last week. I want to go again!huhu! But the only time I'm able to stay up late would be a weekend and I don't like the weekend crowd at Hard Rock. Especially when these guys are'll be jammed packed I tell you!
*sigh.......orang lain mengandung ngidam makanan...aku ngidam nak tgk band!*
Go catch T-Rex at Hard Rock Cafe KL. They'll be here til 30th Jan 2010! *Dah macam PR T-Rex dah aku ni!*
I it the old 'groupie' in me..but these guys are like drugs to me! They are so addictive and their voices just continues to play in my head over and over again after I went to see them perform last week. I want to go again!huhu! But the only time I'm able to stay up late would be a weekend and I don't like the weekend crowd at Hard Rock. Especially when these guys are'll be jammed packed I tell you!
*sigh.......orang lain mengandung ngidam makanan...aku ngidam nak tgk band!*
Dec 15, 2009
For mommies and mommies-to-be
OK...since I got my other pregger friend excited about the baby cot, I actually found the website for Twins Baby shop. Check them out here!
They actually have a few outlets, the one in Klang being their latest one. Their outlets are in Ampang, Bandar Utama and Kuantan (that's a sign for me!!). The website will give you an idea of what the prices are like, but nothing beats going there yourself because the website did not cover on their travel cot range and a bunch of other cool stuffs.
So go try check them're bound to make the daddies-to-be roll their eyes because of the amount of stuffs you'll want to buy!:P
Azie..see the red arrow in the pic? That's the baby moses basket I was telling you about. It's about RM150. Not in the website tho, so you'll have to go to the outlet to find it. Since you wanted something like that, maybe this would be a good buy coz even if the baby out grows the basket, you can still use it as a playmat.
They actually have a few outlets, the one in Klang being their latest one. Their outlets are in Ampang, Bandar Utama and Kuantan (that's a sign for me!!). The website will give you an idea of what the prices are like, but nothing beats going there yourself because the website did not cover on their travel cot range and a bunch of other cool stuffs.
Traveling cot+playpen+changing bed. It will fold like an umbrella. This was similar to the one suami bought previously for about RM450 @ Anakku (on Sale) and was sold for only RM289+free mattress @ Twins Baby.

Azie..see the red arrow in the pic? That's the baby moses basket I was telling you about. It's about RM150. Not in the website tho, so you'll have to go to the outlet to find it. Since you wanted something like that, maybe this would be a good buy coz even if the baby out grows the basket, you can still use it as a playmat.
Weekend Well Spent
I had Friday off last week due to the Sultan of Selangor's birthday. A rare public holiday when I am actually on leave when almost everyone else (except those working in Selangor) isn't. So suami decided to take Friday off as well (since he works in KL) coz he wanted to clear off a few days of his annual leave anyway.
Since we didn't celebrate our 2nd anniversary properly, we decided to do so over the long weekend (but I had to work on Saturday actually). No surprises this time..only proper planning. We checked into Concorde Hotel on Thursday coz I wanted to catch my fave band performing in Hard Rock Cafe. Back in the days when I was a 'Party Animal' I would check these guys out without fail whenever they're in town. Serupa groupie dah time tu! ALMOST everyday kat situ. But they're good! REALLY good..They did their rendition of Bohemian Rhapsody and their harmony was simply AWESOME!!
Since we didn't celebrate our 2nd anniversary properly, we decided to do so over the long weekend (but I had to work on Saturday actually). No surprises this time..only proper planning. We checked into Concorde Hotel on Thursday coz I wanted to catch my fave band performing in Hard Rock Cafe. Back in the days when I was a 'Party Animal' I would check these guys out without fail whenever they're in town. Serupa groupie dah time tu! ALMOST everyday kat situ. But they're good! REALLY good..They did their rendition of Bohemian Rhapsody and their harmony was simply AWESOME!!
Meet T-Rex..Performing now at Hard Rock Cafe Kuala Lumpur until 30th January 2010. A performance not to be missed! I vouch for it!
Lisa joined us for a while at HRC. Suami who's not really into these kinda things also thought they were good. The best thing was catching up with the band members itself. Back in the days I used to spend quite some time with them when they were in town. It was great to see you guys again especially Rudy and Anya!! Missing was Widya. She has left the band and replaced with (I'm sorry!I didn't get his name) but he was with Asia Reform. So go and check them out while they're still in town! These guys are bound to keep a full house whenever they perform during weekends that's why I prefer to go see them during the weekdays. With my current condition, I am in no position to brave through the club goers!
But we left half way through the second set..because both suami and I had a long day (we came straight from work..checked in and went to HRC for dinner) So don't blame suami for almost always leaving early whenever we go for a concert and what not ok?
Friday, 11th December 2009
We checked out of Concorde and decided to go to Aquaria KLCC. Suami is such an animal lover and has never been to Aquaria KLCC before..hahah!It was sooooo cute seeing him all excited and explaining to me about all the marine life and how he has seen bigger fishes when he goes for his diving. I would have taken pictures but our camera was broken :( The tunnel in Aquaria KLCC is as close to diving as I could go for now..maybe soon I'll get my diving license OK sayang? In due time..but not now.. Next trip..Zoo Negara! Anyone wants to join?
After Aquaria KLCC, we headed to the Curve to catch a movie. We watched 'The Storm Warriors' but sorry to say, it didn't catch my interest. Although suami is an avid Pendekar Laut/Pedang Setiawan and the comics alike fan, he also felt the movie was a bit slow. More fight scenes from the previous movie, but slow none the less. I fell asleep but was interrupted by the couple sitting next to us yang tengah ber'projek'! :P
Saturday, 12th December 2009
I had to work since I changed my working Saturday with the week before to attend my cousin's wedding in Alor Star. While I was at work, suami had some errands to do at his parents house. Picked me up in the afternoon and we headed to Taipan Subang for my favorite Kelantanese cuisine..AYAM GORENG KAMPUNG!!! Sooo yummy..sorry Amad..but although Anjung Merah in USJ3 is more comfortable, the food in Taipan is nicer la. Again..after lunch, went home to sleep..
Now suami and I have a new hang out spot that we both like to have our coffee and go online..Starbucks Skypark @ Subang Airport..We like it coz its sooo near to our place, not too crowded and the connection is REALLY fast..I can get my food done in Cafe World (my current obsession in FB) in a jiffy!hehehe! So we had our dose of coffee and FB there before we called it a day..
Sunday, 13th December 2009
Suami woke me up early (8am is early for a weekend for me ok!) and off to Jalan Pasar we went! This was one trip I wasn't too excited coz there wasn't anything I needed from Jalan Pasar. They sell all these sound system, electronic, portable dvd players and road hawkers selling binoculars, laser pointers, etc. Suami wanted to get some gadgets for his paintball marker but was shortlived because DBKL was doing their raids that morning. Thought of having the Banana Leaf @ Paandi Jalan Pasar, but it was too early for that too. So we left Jalan Pasar and just drove on..but by that time, it was just nice for us to go for lunch so we headed to Old Klang Road for our fave Chee Meng Chicken Rice.
After that..went for a drive and we ended up in Klang! Hahah! I love it everytime suami takes me to Klang..I am always amazed that we are still in Selangor but in a totally different town from the likes of PJ, Subang etc..It felt like we were in a different state. So we drove about aimlessly and ended up in this baby store 'Twins Baby' opposite from Jusco Klang (near Taman Botanic, Klang..the houses there are SOOO CANTIK!) Haha! This time..suami sakit hati! The baby cots and playpen at Twins Baby was SOOOO FREAKIN' CHEAP!!! Suami sakit hati because we found another travel playpen that was soo cantik and a fraction of what we paid for the playpen that we already have. And we thought our playpen was a steal coz we bought it on sale..this other playpen we saw..was HALF of the discounted price of the playpen we bought previously!! But of better quality and design!! And on top of came with a baby safe latex matress which costs RM129 for FREE!!hahaahah!
But we also found a beautiful baby cot (which will match the baby's room!) which is adjustable and can be changed into a child's bed for RM689!It was so cantik..but we decided to come back later. They have another outlet in OU I think..but knowing what a bargain hunter suami is..we would probably still come to Klang and get the baby cot (IF we're gonna get it la)
Then we went home...but when we got was only 2pm and we've already covered half of the state of Selangor!hahaha! So apalagas! Tido laaa!! That night we had dinner at Oldtown Kopitiam in Shah Alam with Tariq. He brought back some sata for me and suami and made me homesick for Kuantan! :(
The weekend was definitely well spent despite having to work on Saturday. I like that..
*uh-oh..will blog about my FOOD FEST in Alor Star for my cuz's wedding soon*
Dec 8, 2009
'RAIN'ing everyday..
I seem to see Rain everyday now..
Does it mean anything?
Is someone trying to tell me something?
Or it's just my imagination???
Sasha poyo!
Aaaaanyway..I've noticed everytime I'm pregnant I get all this weird funny dreams. Boyfriend from a flower bud la, date with Jack Nicholson la..Last night was suami giving birth. YES! SUAMI giving birth to twin nonidentical boys. One had his light brown eyes like his, fair and the other one was darker and the baby could talk. The darker one said his name was 'Adam'. Totally freaked me out a bit coz arwah's name was Adam (the part suami giving birth didn't freak me out tho..)
Then we had a hard time trying to feed the boys..coz HELLO..suami don't have any breast milk. Neither did I coz I was still conceiving. Apparently I was pregnant with twin girls :P Mind you, the baby boys weren't exactly newborn baby sizes..more like 6-7months old and was rolling about.
Weird..maybe because I was going through baby names yesterday (which I plan to blog about soon ok..)
And no, people..I still don't know the gender or my child yet. I'm about 19 weeks now and during my last check up, the baby wouldn't stop moving when the doctor was scanning it. Struggle jugak nak ukur the baby's growth..But alhamdulillah, so far everything is fine. The baby is growing according to its supposed pace.
And I don't think I'm carrying twins either although my belly did suddenly swelled almost overnight. Tetibe semalam rasa sakit pinggang and berat sangat perut ni.
Uh-oh..I think the baby can hear us now. Coz when I was in Alor Star, my mom was nagging profusely and the baby kicked!hehehe! Then when I got back, the baby kicked again when it heard suami's voice..I think it's already familiar with suami's voice because suami talks to the baby everyday now (everytime nak merepot when mama buat perangai..:P) I tried asking the baby if it was a boy or a girl..but the baby won't answer....:( names. (Girls names seems to be more interesting rather than boys' names laaa..Can't seem to find any interesting boys names yet..)
Does it mean anything?
Is someone trying to tell me something?
Or it's just my imagination???
THAT BOD!!! 8 months worth of training and diet..but he is soo goofy when he smiles
Sasha poyo!
Aaaaanyway..I've noticed everytime I'm pregnant I get all this weird funny dreams. Boyfriend from a flower bud la, date with Jack Nicholson la..Last night was suami giving birth. YES! SUAMI giving birth to twin nonidentical boys. One had his light brown eyes like his, fair and the other one was darker and the baby could talk. The darker one said his name was 'Adam'. Totally freaked me out a bit coz arwah's name was Adam (the part suami giving birth didn't freak me out tho..)
Then we had a hard time trying to feed the boys..coz HELLO..suami don't have any breast milk. Neither did I coz I was still conceiving. Apparently I was pregnant with twin girls :P Mind you, the baby boys weren't exactly newborn baby sizes..more like 6-7months old and was rolling about.
Weird..maybe because I was going through baby names yesterday (which I plan to blog about soon ok..)
And no, people..I still don't know the gender or my child yet. I'm about 19 weeks now and during my last check up, the baby wouldn't stop moving when the doctor was scanning it. Struggle jugak nak ukur the baby's growth..But alhamdulillah, so far everything is fine. The baby is growing according to its supposed pace.
And I don't think I'm carrying twins either although my belly did suddenly swelled almost overnight. Tetibe semalam rasa sakit pinggang and berat sangat perut ni.
Uh-oh..I think the baby can hear us now. Coz when I was in Alor Star, my mom was nagging profusely and the baby kicked!hehehe! Then when I got back, the baby kicked again when it heard suami's voice..I think it's already familiar with suami's voice because suami talks to the baby everyday now (everytime nak merepot when mama buat perangai..:P) I tried asking the baby if it was a boy or a girl..but the baby won't answer....:( names. (Girls names seems to be more interesting rather than boys' names laaa..Can't seem to find any interesting boys names yet..)
Dec 1, 2009
on! on!
I am a daughter of a Hasher..or better known as the Hash House Harriers. They are a bunch of drinking men who has a problem with running..:P
As far as I can remember, my babah has always been a Hare (or a Tortoise..the break the group into're either a Hare or a Tortoise based on the Hare and Tortoise folk story) and goes by the name of Mad Capt. Mad I dunno why but Capt because my dad was in the army and was a Captain when he left the service. If you think his nickname is funny..there are others in the group who goes by more obscene names..:P
So he always goes for his Monday run. Whatever we wanted to do or go back then, we can go any day EXCEPT Monday..coz that's when he goes for his run. He never misses it for ANYTHING..(but he seems to be missing SOME of his Monday runs if ever I'm in town nowadays..) And they always celebrate their HHH Family Day on every 1st of May. I never missed the family day..up til I started Uni and my job at Starbucks. Coz Public Holidays meant triple-pay at work...Now I secretly wished I didn't. HHH Family days are always fun...the treasure hunt, the games (both for kids and adults) and the ever delicious BBQ..(that was how I learnt to make my yummy BBQ Lamb..)
I remember once..I was maybe 9 or 10 years old then. Mama woke us up early that day coz all of us were going to see Babah go for his annual run at Taman Pertanian in Kuantan. So when we got there, I was half asleep and Babah asked me "Adik nak lari jugak tak? Ikut Babah.." and groggy lil me asked.."Jauh ke?"
"Tak jauh...dalam 3km je.."
Trusting my dad..I said ok.
3km MY FOOT!!!! It was a 10km RUN!!!
But I finished it..I even made the 13th or 16th place for the women's category. I cried my heart out due to exhaustion when I reached the finish line..but I MADE IT! Mind you..I was only 9 or 10 years old that time with no training whatsoever!
So this year, when I heard about all the excitement of my friends doing the Penang Bridge Run..I suddenly thought to myself.."Why not?" Maybe I should try next year, after the baby arrives and all that. Maybe IF I can train in time...Why the heck not kan?
I called Babah up naturally, being the runner in the family and all..and he said "Can...But you have to start training now laa..You're so fat now!"
So much for optimism from my Babah huh....
Don't think I can repeat my GLORY when I was 10 years old....or maybe I can. Well, we'll just have to wait next year and see la..I'd prolly take baby steps and start with half-marathons or something..
*tetibe semalam semangat and perasaan berani tak bertempat menusuk kalbu. Siap rasa berani nak amik lesen diving lagi...:P..semangat je tu...betul2 berani ke tak..tatau laaa!*
As far as I can remember, my babah has always been a Hare (or a Tortoise..the break the group into're either a Hare or a Tortoise based on the Hare and Tortoise folk story) and goes by the name of Mad Capt. Mad I dunno why but Capt because my dad was in the army and was a Captain when he left the service. If you think his nickname is funny..there are others in the group who goes by more obscene names..:P
So he always goes for his Monday run. Whatever we wanted to do or go back then, we can go any day EXCEPT Monday..coz that's when he goes for his run. He never misses it for ANYTHING..(but he seems to be missing SOME of his Monday runs if ever I'm in town nowadays..) And they always celebrate their HHH Family Day on every 1st of May. I never missed the family day..up til I started Uni and my job at Starbucks. Coz Public Holidays meant triple-pay at work...Now I secretly wished I didn't. HHH Family days are always fun...the treasure hunt, the games (both for kids and adults) and the ever delicious BBQ..(that was how I learnt to make my yummy BBQ Lamb..)
I remember once..I was maybe 9 or 10 years old then. Mama woke us up early that day coz all of us were going to see Babah go for his annual run at Taman Pertanian in Kuantan. So when we got there, I was half asleep and Babah asked me "Adik nak lari jugak tak? Ikut Babah.." and groggy lil me asked.."Jauh ke?"
"Tak jauh...dalam 3km je.."
Trusting my dad..I said ok.
3km MY FOOT!!!! It was a 10km RUN!!!
But I finished it..I even made the 13th or 16th place for the women's category. I cried my heart out due to exhaustion when I reached the finish line..but I MADE IT! Mind you..I was only 9 or 10 years old that time with no training whatsoever!
So this year, when I heard about all the excitement of my friends doing the Penang Bridge Run..I suddenly thought to myself.."Why not?" Maybe I should try next year, after the baby arrives and all that. Maybe IF I can train in time...Why the heck not kan?
I called Babah up naturally, being the runner in the family and all..and he said "Can...But you have to start training now laa..You're so fat now!"
So much for optimism from my Babah huh....
Don't think I can repeat my GLORY when I was 10 years old....or maybe I can. Well, we'll just have to wait next year and see la..I'd prolly take baby steps and start with half-marathons or something..
*tetibe semalam semangat and perasaan berani tak bertempat menusuk kalbu. Siap rasa berani nak amik lesen diving lagi...:P..semangat je tu...betul2 berani ke tak..tatau laaa!*
Nov 29, 2009
Review: Ninja Assassin
During all the hype for Twilight's Saga - New Moon, I was quiet skeptical about my movie date with suami during the recent long weekend due to Hari Raya Qurban. But there we were, in front of the ticket counter, and saw that there is still a glimmer of hope..Ninja Assassin..Mind you, both suami and I are not whatchamacallit..Twi-hard fans. Although we think that New Moon might have more objective or a storyline for a movie as compared to the first part of the saga, we didn't feel very vampy or wolfie (cue She-Wolf by Shakira.ugh!can't stand that song either!!).
When they were promoting Ninja Assassin, I heard on (Terry kot..) saying that it would be the perfect date movie...HE WAS RIGHT!!!!! It had elements in the movie that would make the boys AND girls fantasize about it..(although the fantasy would prolly have different directions..:P) The choreography was EXCELLENT (maybe a little bit like how Rain's music video would look like..) the effect was not bad if you're into all those comic book effects..and the storyline was smooth. But MOST OF ALL...this was one 'Rain' that you don't want to stop..heheh..*drooooolllllllllllll*
I don't think I could be much of help in telling you how the movie went since I'm still not over drooling over Rain. But safe to say..the movie will leave you feeling that you WANT to be a Ninja.....This movie gets my 4stars (5 would be too much) and Rain is not bad for an actor. Maybe the character suits him. Plus I think Sung-Kang (Fast & Furious: Tokyo Drift) made an appearance in the beginning of the movie..I used to have the hots for him during Tokyo Drift..but so sorry to say..Rain made him look like a sissy...Well Sung Kang was good while it lasted...:P
*My dearest unborn child...if you are a can look like Rain...ayah says OK!:P*
Nov 26, 2009
How Do I? I Don't....
How do I,
Get through one night without you?
If I had to live without you,
What kind of life would that be?
Oh, I...
I need you in my arms, need you to hold,
You're my world, my heart, my soul,
If you ever leave,
Baby you would take away everything good in my life,
And tell me now
How do I live without you?
I want to know,
How do I breathe without you?
If you ever go,
How do I ever, ever survive?
How do I, how do I, oh how do I live?
Without you,
There'd be no sun in my sky,
There would be no love in my life,
There'd be no world left for me.
And I,
Baby I don't know what I would do,
I'd be lost if I lost you,
If you ever leave,
Baby you would take away everything real in my life,
And tell me now,
How do I live without you?
I want to know,
How do I breathe without you?
If you ever go,
How do I ever, ever survive?
How do I, how do I, oh how do I live?
Please tell me baby,
How do I go on?
If you ever leave,
Baby you would take away everything,
I need you with me,
Baby don't you know that you're everything,
Good in my life?
And tell me now,
How do I live without you,
I want to know,
How do I breathe without you?
If you ever go,
How do I ever, ever survive?
How do I, how do I, oh how do I live?
How do I live without you?
How do I live without you baby?
I've been thinking about my late son a lot these past few days. Missing him more than I'd normally let myself..I don't let myself think how much he'd grown by now if he was still alive. I would just be torturing myself more. But I have friends with sons who was born about the same time Arwah was born. Don't get me wrong, I'm happy following their progress and proud of my friends who are now mothers. But I am only human and sometimes that 'If only' thought would somehow manage to get through...
I am thankful for suami.for always being so strong and supportive..I am thankful for my family, my mom especially who understands or at least tries to understand what I'm going through..I am thankful for the child that I am bearing in me now..
But I am still scared..skeptical...paranoid..whatever you want to put it. I don't think I'd be strong enough to go through anything like this anymore..
I've always been kinda optimistic about life. It hasn't been easy for me, even since I was a child. But I have ALWAYS chose to be happy. It's really hard this time..harder than anything I have ever had to do. Hard to put up a happy face..but I'm doing my best.
I think I'm feeling extra sad because I will be going to visit Arwah's grave for the first time tomorrow. I don't know how I will react..I don't even know what to do when I do get there.
Well, guess I will find out tomorrow..
Selamat Hari Raya Aidil Adha to all my muslim friends...
Get through one night without you?
If I had to live without you,
What kind of life would that be?
Oh, I...
I need you in my arms, need you to hold,
You're my world, my heart, my soul,
If you ever leave,
Baby you would take away everything good in my life,
And tell me now
How do I live without you?
I want to know,
How do I breathe without you?
If you ever go,
How do I ever, ever survive?
How do I, how do I, oh how do I live?
Without you,
There'd be no sun in my sky,
There would be no love in my life,
There'd be no world left for me.
And I,
Baby I don't know what I would do,
I'd be lost if I lost you,
If you ever leave,
Baby you would take away everything real in my life,
And tell me now,
How do I live without you?
I want to know,
How do I breathe without you?
If you ever go,
How do I ever, ever survive?
How do I, how do I, oh how do I live?
Please tell me baby,
How do I go on?
If you ever leave,
Baby you would take away everything,
I need you with me,
Baby don't you know that you're everything,
Good in my life?
And tell me now,
How do I live without you,
I want to know,
How do I breathe without you?
If you ever go,
How do I ever, ever survive?
How do I, how do I, oh how do I live?
How do I live without you?
How do I live without you baby?
I've been thinking about my late son a lot these past few days. Missing him more than I'd normally let myself..I don't let myself think how much he'd grown by now if he was still alive. I would just be torturing myself more. But I have friends with sons who was born about the same time Arwah was born. Don't get me wrong, I'm happy following their progress and proud of my friends who are now mothers. But I am only human and sometimes that 'If only' thought would somehow manage to get through...
I am thankful for suami.for always being so strong and supportive..I am thankful for my family, my mom especially who understands or at least tries to understand what I'm going through..I am thankful for the child that I am bearing in me now..
But I am still scared..skeptical...paranoid..whatever you want to put it. I don't think I'd be strong enough to go through anything like this anymore..
I've always been kinda optimistic about life. It hasn't been easy for me, even since I was a child. But I have ALWAYS chose to be happy. It's really hard this time..harder than anything I have ever had to do. Hard to put up a happy face..but I'm doing my best.
I think I'm feeling extra sad because I will be going to visit Arwah's grave for the first time tomorrow. I don't know how I will react..I don't even know what to do when I do get there.
Well, guess I will find out tomorrow..
Selamat Hari Raya Aidil Adha to all my muslim friends...
Nov 24, 2009
2 Years and Going Strong..
Happy 2nd Anniversary sayang..
It's been a trying journey for both of us but alhamdulillah it has made us closer and loving each other more and more each day..
Can't imagine my life without you.
I loved you then,
I love you now
and I will love you for the rest of my life.
You will always be my best friend, my lover and my husband..
Nov 15, 2009
Review: The Time Traveler's Wife and 2012
The 2 latest movies that I've had a chance to go watch. Honestly speaking, I enjoyed The Time Traveler's Wife more than 2012. But since I watched both, so here's my 2 cents worth for both movies..
So we've seen many versions of end of days or armageddon or apocalypse..whatever they call it. But I must say, although this movie managed to make me feel scared about the end of the world as we know it, it did not really succeed in making me feel the emotion of losing your loved ones like Armageddon did. I did feel kinda annoyed with John Cusack's character and the guy who played as the President of USA's advisor. Both should get AT LEAST a punch in the face! Their characters were annoying especially that Anhouser character..Although this movie doesn't get my 5stars for it..the CG was amazing and as far as logical explanation goes, this movie is alright. Just because it doesn't leave my tearducts to overflow, doesn't mean it's bad. Just don't think alll the hype about it is necessary..Plus, why do they only seem to emphasize on Buddhism when it was other religions that predicted 2012? But you gotta love Adam Lambert's single for this movie 'Time for Miracles'. Was not much of his fan during American Idol, but I LOVE his new single...
*I hope I can still make it for MJ's This Is It at the movies...*
So I'll start with The Time Traveler's Wife first. Sorry for the late review coz I think this movie might not be showing in the cinema's anymore. But although movies that are based on books are never done justice on the movie screens, but I guess they did their best for this. not only made me cry, but suami and another guy friend cried too (although they both tried to cover up by starting to throw pop corns at each other during the movie just to make sure that the other is more macho..) hehe! In a way, this movie can be categorized as one of the most ultimate love stories ever. The book is better..but the movie is worth it too. It makes you laugh, it makes you cry and it's leaves a heart warming feeling afterwards..A highly recommended movie is you're having a date night with your partner, just cuddling up on the sofa while you're taken through the journey of what you call 'true love' in a movie...
*I hope I can still make it for MJ's This Is It at the movies...*
Nov 13, 2009
Rawkstar Punya Tag
Sebab Rawkstar dah effort gila conjure up this tag on her own..I'm honored to do it. Nah..jawapan jujur aku...
1. Siapa orang yang kau teringin nak tampar?
Kalau aku cakap..aku boleh kene buang keje..:P
2. Siapa kau nak jadi Sugar Daddy kau. Bagi sorang je, wajib Malaysian.
Ah..kamu sudah tahu..Mr. Shebby Singh...
3. Siapa manusia paling annoying kau pernah jumpa? Siapa orang paling famous kau pernah jumpa? Siapakah orang paling vain kau pernah jumpa?
Annoying: Berlambak weyh! Dan sebab dia paling annoying maka aku dah tak jumpe dan tak mau ingat..maka tak ingat..
Famous: Krisdayanti kot masa keje kat Sbux dulu. Eh..Paula/Jenny Malai Ali pun penah jugak. Tapi dengan Kris aku ada gambar sebagai bukti.
Vain: Jawapan serupa macam orang annoying. Makanya...tak ingat.
4. Apa yang kau paling harapkan dari pasangan kau?
Sentiasa sayang dan setia pada aku..
5. Kau penah kentut dalam lif?
Aku adalah bom 'gas beracun' bergerak...esp bila sedang membuyung...jadi berjaga jaga ye!
6. Makanan paling jijik kau pernah makan?
Kalau jijik..takde la aku nak makan kan?
7. Rancangan Tv paling bodoh kau pernah tengok?
Entah..writer's block pulak tetibe...
8. Kalau terperangkap dlm jem, pastu rasa terkencing, apa kau akan buat?
Menari setempat sambil having cold sweat sbb menahan kencing.
9. Kau stalk hp or email kekasih kau tak atau share paswed fb/email?
Pernah baca hp secara curi2 dulu tapi sekarang dah tak kuasa. Kalo tak trust, baik takyah ada relationship. Password..aku tak share..tapi dia memandai meng'share'kan diri sendiri sampai sukati mak bapak dia masuk blog private aku. Padan muka jumpe bende tak best kat blog private tu. Sape suruh kau breach into other people's privacy kan?
10. Kalau jumpa kucing kena langgar kete dah speruh mati kaki putus sume, kau buat ape?
Aku buat2 tak nampak sbb aku geli tgk semua bende2 gory ni. Tapi ia akan mengganggu fikiran aku untuk sekian lama.
11. Apa perasaan kau bile tengok cermin sorang2?
"Gumuk laa mak buyung ni!"
12. Kalau kau jumpa gambar wanita bogel yang kau kenali (selain dari artis mahupun pelakon porn) dalam pc bf kau, apa kau buat?
Aku saun dia pastu merajuk pastu ungkit pada setiap peluang yang ada. Yes...I can be VERY bitter if I want to!
13. Apa kau buat kalau kawan kau asyik mengadu benda yang sama berbulan2?Pastu orang nasihat taknak dgr.
Hahah!Anies...nak tau apa perasaan kengkawan kau yang kau dok mengadu damba ke?hahahah!Aku simple...bila kau ngadu..aku nasihat. Kalo aku cakap, ko tanak dengar, "Aiman tak kesah". Tapi kalo pastu, benda yang sama jadi lagi kat kau sebab tak dgr cakap aku..aku cuma cakap.."I told you so..padan muka!"hehehe! Tapi ailebiu still...
14. kalau nampak kawan ade taik idung nak terkeluar, atau ade 2 helai bulu hidung yg terlebih pjg terkeluar dr idung, bgtau direct ke, tarik tepi dan bisik ke, gelakkan ngan org lain ke atau buat tatau?
Buat donno..tapi kalau aku rasa SANGAT terganggu, aku tegur secara lawak bodo..
15. Hantu dari filem mana kau paling takut?
Dulu aku takut cite "IT"..tapi bila dah besar..tgk balik tak takut langsung. Senang cite, sume cite hantu aku tak suke tgk. Aku penakut sebab masa tgk cite "Jangan Pandang Belakang"..sepanjang-panjang movie tu aku duduk terbalik menghadap kerusi.
16. Rancangan Realiti TV yang kau teringin sangat nak masuk dan kenapa.
Amazing Race kot. Holiday around the world free!!hehehe!
17. Kalau diberi peluang masuk Amazing Race, siapa pasangan yang kau akan pilih.
19. Bakat yang kau harap sangat ada pada kau.
Musically talented. Ada sedikit seperti kau Anies. Teringin bersuara merdu dan bijak bermain piano atau drum. Sebab bila tere main piano, nak main alat2 music lain agak mudah.
20. Kalau diberi peluang dan mesin masa untuk kembali ke zaman lampau, concert siapa yang kau teringin nak pergi tengok?
21. Tattoo. Kau nak? Bole. Tapi hanya satu, dan mesti tattoo wajah celebrity. Wajah siapa kau nak?
Kene letak muke orang takmo la.
Dah habis. Aku dah combine due2 jadi satu ok. Aku tag Ida, Elsa, Zurina, Sophie, Hazim dan Darkk. Jika Peah belum kene tag, maka dia pun aku tag.
1. Siapa orang yang kau teringin nak tampar?
Kalau aku cakap..aku boleh kene buang keje..:P
2. Siapa kau nak jadi Sugar Daddy kau. Bagi sorang je, wajib Malaysian.
Ah..kamu sudah tahu..Mr. Shebby Singh...
3. Siapa manusia paling annoying kau pernah jumpa? Siapa orang paling famous kau pernah jumpa? Siapakah orang paling vain kau pernah jumpa?
Annoying: Berlambak weyh! Dan sebab dia paling annoying maka aku dah tak jumpe dan tak mau ingat..maka tak ingat..
Famous: Krisdayanti kot masa keje kat Sbux dulu. Eh..Paula/Jenny Malai Ali pun penah jugak. Tapi dengan Kris aku ada gambar sebagai bukti.
Me, Krisdayanti & Noney back in my Starbucks days.
Bukti kukuh ok?Kalo tak sesape bleh claim jumpe org femes!:P
Vain: Jawapan serupa macam orang annoying. Makanya...tak ingat.
4. Apa yang kau paling harapkan dari pasangan kau?
Sentiasa sayang dan setia pada aku..
5. Kau penah kentut dalam lif?
Aku adalah bom 'gas beracun' bergerak...esp bila sedang membuyung...jadi berjaga jaga ye!
6. Makanan paling jijik kau pernah makan?
Kalau jijik..takde la aku nak makan kan?
7. Rancangan Tv paling bodoh kau pernah tengok?
Entah..writer's block pulak tetibe...
8. Kalau terperangkap dlm jem, pastu rasa terkencing, apa kau akan buat?
Menari setempat sambil having cold sweat sbb menahan kencing.
9. Kau stalk hp or email kekasih kau tak atau share paswed fb/email?
Pernah baca hp secara curi2 dulu tapi sekarang dah tak kuasa. Kalo tak trust, baik takyah ada relationship. Password..aku tak share..tapi dia memandai meng'share'kan diri sendiri sampai sukati mak bapak dia masuk blog private aku. Padan muka jumpe bende tak best kat blog private tu. Sape suruh kau breach into other people's privacy kan?
10. Kalau jumpa kucing kena langgar kete dah speruh mati kaki putus sume, kau buat ape?
Aku buat2 tak nampak sbb aku geli tgk semua bende2 gory ni. Tapi ia akan mengganggu fikiran aku untuk sekian lama.
11. Apa perasaan kau bile tengok cermin sorang2?
"Gumuk laa mak buyung ni!"
12. Kalau kau jumpa gambar wanita bogel yang kau kenali (selain dari artis mahupun pelakon porn) dalam pc bf kau, apa kau buat?
Aku saun dia pastu merajuk pastu ungkit pada setiap peluang yang ada. Yes...I can be VERY bitter if I want to!
13. Apa kau buat kalau kawan kau asyik mengadu benda yang sama berbulan2?Pastu orang nasihat taknak dgr.
Hahah!Anies...nak tau apa perasaan kengkawan kau yang kau dok mengadu damba ke?hahahah!Aku simple...bila kau ngadu..aku nasihat. Kalo aku cakap, ko tanak dengar, "Aiman tak kesah". Tapi kalo pastu, benda yang sama jadi lagi kat kau sebab tak dgr cakap aku..aku cuma cakap.."I told you so..padan muka!"hehehe! Tapi ailebiu still...
14. kalau nampak kawan ade taik idung nak terkeluar, atau ade 2 helai bulu hidung yg terlebih pjg terkeluar dr idung, bgtau direct ke, tarik tepi dan bisik ke, gelakkan ngan org lain ke atau buat tatau?
Buat donno..tapi kalau aku rasa SANGAT terganggu, aku tegur secara lawak bodo..
15. Hantu dari filem mana kau paling takut?
Dulu aku takut cite "IT"..tapi bila dah besar..tgk balik tak takut langsung. Senang cite, sume cite hantu aku tak suke tgk. Aku penakut sebab masa tgk cite "Jangan Pandang Belakang"..sepanjang-panjang movie tu aku duduk terbalik menghadap kerusi.
16. Rancangan Realiti TV yang kau teringin sangat nak masuk dan kenapa.
Amazing Race kot. Holiday around the world free!!hehehe!
17. Kalau diberi peluang masuk Amazing Race, siapa pasangan yang kau akan pilih.
Fine la ko tak pilih aku jadi pasangan kau anies....Aku rasa aku akan pilih suami la. Sebab walaupun aku tau kami akan bergaduh bagai..I can count on him!
18. Rancangan Realiti TV paling menyampah kau tengok.
Hahahaha! Semua reality show yang kat Channel 712 - Gastineau Girls la, Keeping up with the Kardashians la, KLS, serta Denise Richards: It's Complicated. America's Next Top Supermodel pun annoying..contestant annoying, Tyra Banks pun annoying. Tapi aku tgk jugak, sebab channel lain asyik tunjuk reruns aje.
18. Rancangan Realiti TV paling menyampah kau tengok.
Hahahaha! Semua reality show yang kat Channel 712 - Gastineau Girls la, Keeping up with the Kardashians la, KLS, serta Denise Richards: It's Complicated. America's Next Top Supermodel pun annoying..contestant annoying, Tyra Banks pun annoying. Tapi aku tgk jugak, sebab channel lain asyik tunjuk reruns aje.
19. Bakat yang kau harap sangat ada pada kau.
Musically talented. Ada sedikit seperti kau Anies. Teringin bersuara merdu dan bijak bermain piano atau drum. Sebab bila tere main piano, nak main alat2 music lain agak mudah.
20. Kalau diberi peluang dan mesin masa untuk kembali ke zaman lampau, concert siapa yang kau teringin nak pergi tengok?
Boyz II Men dan Michael Jackson. (kenapa kene pergi masa lampau??) dan jika berpeluang, Janet Jackson. Dance choreography mereka GEMPAK!
21. Tattoo. Kau nak? Bole. Tapi hanya satu, dan mesti tattoo wajah celebrity. Wajah siapa kau nak?
Kene letak muke orang takmo la.
Dah habis. Aku dah combine due2 jadi satu ok. Aku tag Ida, Elsa, Zurina, Sophie, Hazim dan Darkk. Jika Peah belum kene tag, maka dia pun aku tag.
Nov 12, 2009
Sangat Betul!
Aku kopipes quote ni dari Darkk yang juga telah kopipes dari org lain yang aku tak kenal. Aku nak share ngan korang sebab aku rasa quote ni SANGAT la betul...
Ah..UPDATE! Thanks to Sapik..I've found the original quote..
*Jadi aku ni besar ke, sederhana ke, rendah atau cetek??? Sila jangan jawab soklan aku ni...:P*
Orang yang berfikiran besar, akan bercakap tentang ilmu.Suami cakap ada versi english..tapi aku tak jumpe. Takpela..kita share je yang ni..maka renung-renungkan la ye kawan-kawan...
Orang yang berfikiran sederhana, akan bercakap tentang peristiwa.
Orang yang berfikiran rendah, akan bercakap tentang orang lain.
Orang yang berfikiran cetek, akan bercakap tentang diri sendiri…
Ah..UPDATE! Thanks to Sapik..I've found the original quote..
Great minds talk about ideas,
average minds discuss events,
weak minds talk about other people
-Elanor Roosevelt
*Jadi aku ni besar ke, sederhana ke, rendah atau cetek??? Sila jangan jawab soklan aku ni...:P*
Nov 2, 2009
hahah!seperti yang dijangkakan..yang kene surprise adalah suami. but I still have to give him credit for trying.
according to suami, we were SUPPOSED to go to krabi over the weekend. but somehow, his booking got mixed up and everything was cancelled. I don't bother to interrogate further. I was secretly glad that we didn't go. with my current condition and weird food would probably be a problem if we were to go somewhere foreign. I admit now that I am not a good travel partner..I am very homely now. but..we still had the whole weekend to least I wanted it to be that way..:P
suami did want to go and hang out with his friends etc etc..but I said, "since this weekend was SUPPOSED to be our weekend getaway, you CANNOT go hang out with your friends." mind you, I'm not always like this. under normal circumstances, suami usually can go and hang out with his friends whenever he wants to. but this weekend was different. but i didn't confine suami to the house or shoo-ed away friends who came over and what not. we still met up with k.lin, abg. lan, adi, chip and tariq (and jai, huda and sapik briefly). but essentially, i had suami all to myself through the weekend.
but the person who actually GOT the surprise was actually suami. I bought him a guitar as our anniversary gift (yes anies...guitar yang kau mahu itu kot..hehehe). it was actually an impromptu gesture. we were at midvalley and i wanted to eat my forever favorite portuguese grilled fish at Oasis and we walked by Rhapsody. i dragged suami into the shop and told him to choose a guitar. he thought i was joking..i even did the "Offer going once..going twice.." by the time i said going twice he quickly said "NAK!" :)
it bought a HUGE grin on suami's face...
Guitar Price: biarlah rahsia
Expression on suami's face: PRICELESS
then we spent the weekend furniture hunting - with baby on the way and all..and yup. we did find some cool bargains..a sofa bed for only RM399 and a big shoe cupboard for RM350 (i say big coz it's still not enough for my shoes!!damn!) so poor tariq was conned into helping us move the 'bed' which was our sofa bed into the baby's room to make way for our new sofa bed.(will update with pix later ok..) and as a reward for tariq, he was the first to sleep on the sofa bed...good review by tariq..hehehe!
then suami spent the rest of the night cleaning up the house while i snoozed..aaahhh..the kind of surprise ANY wife would love to get..:) and he did a good job too! thank you sayang! hehehe!
and yesterday was spent just the two of us...hape lagi..TIDO!!!hahahah!and both dreading work on monday.
I had a good weekend with suami..surprise or not. it's always nice spending time with him. only thing i need him to improve is lesser time on the handphone! psp is already within do i eliminate if not reduce his phone time...?
*i know many of you out there can't live without your phones..but i's serenity i tell you!*
according to suami, we were SUPPOSED to go to krabi over the weekend. but somehow, his booking got mixed up and everything was cancelled. I don't bother to interrogate further. I was secretly glad that we didn't go. with my current condition and weird food would probably be a problem if we were to go somewhere foreign. I admit now that I am not a good travel partner..I am very homely now. but..we still had the whole weekend to least I wanted it to be that way..:P
suami did want to go and hang out with his friends etc etc..but I said, "since this weekend was SUPPOSED to be our weekend getaway, you CANNOT go hang out with your friends." mind you, I'm not always like this. under normal circumstances, suami usually can go and hang out with his friends whenever he wants to. but this weekend was different. but i didn't confine suami to the house or shoo-ed away friends who came over and what not. we still met up with k.lin, abg. lan, adi, chip and tariq (and jai, huda and sapik briefly). but essentially, i had suami all to myself through the weekend.
but the person who actually GOT the surprise was actually suami. I bought him a guitar as our anniversary gift (yes anies...guitar yang kau mahu itu kot..hehehe). it was actually an impromptu gesture. we were at midvalley and i wanted to eat my forever favorite portuguese grilled fish at Oasis and we walked by Rhapsody. i dragged suami into the shop and told him to choose a guitar. he thought i was joking..i even did the "Offer going once..going twice.." by the time i said going twice he quickly said "NAK!" :)
it bought a HUGE grin on suami's face...
Guitar Price: biarlah rahsia
Expression on suami's face: PRICELESS
then we spent the weekend furniture hunting - with baby on the way and all..and yup. we did find some cool bargains..a sofa bed for only RM399 and a big shoe cupboard for RM350 (i say big coz it's still not enough for my shoes!!damn!) so poor tariq was conned into helping us move the 'bed' which was our sofa bed into the baby's room to make way for our new sofa bed.(will update with pix later ok..) and as a reward for tariq, he was the first to sleep on the sofa bed...good review by tariq..hehehe!
then suami spent the rest of the night cleaning up the house while i snoozed..aaahhh..the kind of surprise ANY wife would love to get..:) and he did a good job too! thank you sayang! hehehe!
and yesterday was spent just the two of us...hape lagi..TIDO!!!hahahah!and both dreading work on monday.
I had a good weekend with suami..surprise or not. it's always nice spending time with him. only thing i need him to improve is lesser time on the handphone! psp is already within do i eliminate if not reduce his phone time...?
*i know many of you out there can't live without your phones..but i's serenity i tell you!*
Oct 29, 2009
Long Weekend for me..
Am taking the day off tomorrow. Suami said he's taking us to go 'somewhere'. Puas aku tanya hari-hari "Kita nak pegi mana ni???" Siap merajuk segala dengan harapan mendapat jawapan. Tapi suami cakap "Biarla suprise please..I tak pernah boleh surprise you.."
Which is true.
My poor suami..since we got together he's always planned some surprise for me for special occasions but to his avail..I ALWAYS find out before. First time he tried to surprise me was for my 26th birthday. Siap komplot dengan Lina and Fariq..penat diorg berdua pick me up from work, took me to go have coffee, jalan-jalan sumer. Last-last my then future sister-in-law spoilt the surprise by sending me and SMS saying..
"Sorry I can't make it tonight..hope you enjoy the 'surprise'"
Konpem laaa kantoi ada birthday party kann???hahaha!I immediately called then fiance and said "You buat birthday party ke untuk I?"
The poor darling was so disappointed when he knew I found out. Apparently he has spent the whole day cleaning and cooking to prepare for my birthday that day...But I still had fun and it was REALLY sweet of him to do so..
The next surprise I spoilt for him was for our first anniversary. I found out about my gift in advance. This one was actually by accident. I wanted to borrow some money from suami, so I took out his wallet. Then I found out a receipt for a deposit for a motorbike which I was not familiar with the model or the plate number.
Our anniversary was supposed to be the next day and me being VERY pregnant that time, I thought nothing of the bike. I thought maybe he bought a new bike for himself or something. So that night I asked him.."Sayang, you beli motor baru ke?"
He was so shocked then looked disappointed. "Macam mana you tau?"
So I told him I saw the receipt in hi wallet. "You ni....*sigh* selalu tau spoil surprise I!" and then said to me since I already knew, might as well show it to me. That was when I met my beloved green bike..He sold off his EX5 which was his pride and joy and sometimes lifeline, just so he could buy me the scrambler....
So this time..OKlaa...I give chance to him laaaaa...he wants to surprise me..surprise la. :P Because I could go all Private Investigator on him and drill him for an answer..heheh! I don't really like surprises, but we'll see about this one...Whatever the surprise is, I will still love you sayang!
*Whatever it will be, at least I will have him the whole weekend ALL TO MYSELF!yeay!!*
Which is true.
My poor suami..since we got together he's always planned some surprise for me for special occasions but to his avail..I ALWAYS find out before. First time he tried to surprise me was for my 26th birthday. Siap komplot dengan Lina and Fariq..penat diorg berdua pick me up from work, took me to go have coffee, jalan-jalan sumer. Last-last my then future sister-in-law spoilt the surprise by sending me and SMS saying..
"Sorry I can't make it tonight..hope you enjoy the 'surprise'"
Konpem laaa kantoi ada birthday party kann???hahaha!I immediately called then fiance and said "You buat birthday party ke untuk I?"
The poor darling was so disappointed when he knew I found out. Apparently he has spent the whole day cleaning and cooking to prepare for my birthday that day...But I still had fun and it was REALLY sweet of him to do so..
The next surprise I spoilt for him was for our first anniversary. I found out about my gift in advance. This one was actually by accident. I wanted to borrow some money from suami, so I took out his wallet. Then I found out a receipt for a deposit for a motorbike which I was not familiar with the model or the plate number.
Our anniversary was supposed to be the next day and me being VERY pregnant that time, I thought nothing of the bike. I thought maybe he bought a new bike for himself or something. So that night I asked him.."Sayang, you beli motor baru ke?"
He was so shocked then looked disappointed. "Macam mana you tau?"
So I told him I saw the receipt in hi wallet. "You ni....*sigh* selalu tau spoil surprise I!" and then said to me since I already knew, might as well show it to me. That was when I met my beloved green bike..He sold off his EX5 which was his pride and joy and sometimes lifeline, just so he could buy me the scrambler....
So this time..OKlaa...I give chance to him laaaaa...he wants to surprise me..surprise la. :P Because I could go all Private Investigator on him and drill him for an answer..heheh! I don't really like surprises, but we'll see about this one...Whatever the surprise is, I will still love you sayang!
*Whatever it will be, at least I will have him the whole weekend ALL TO MYSELF!yeay!!*
Oct 22, 2009
Power Nap!
Referring to my previous entry, I seem to have a habit of being VERY sleepy at work. Especially after lunch. Possibly contributed to all the factors in the entry before this.
So yesterday, was no exception. But around 2pm, nature was persistently calling! My poor colleagues probably had a taste (more of smell actually) of my 'gas bomb'!hahahahahahah! the toilet I went. Big investment going on and I was feeling SOOOOOOO sleepy. hehehe..I think you can guess what happened next...:P
20 minutes in there, my colleagues started to worry and knocked on the toilet door..hehehe! I got out feeling VERY fresh..
Now that's what I call a POWER NAP!...:P
*baby..jangan ikut perangai mama ok? nanti bontot terlekat kat jamban susah mama nak tolong..heheheh!
So yesterday, was no exception. But around 2pm, nature was persistently calling! My poor colleagues probably had a taste (more of smell actually) of my 'gas bomb'!hahahahahahah! the toilet I went. Big investment going on and I was feeling SOOOOOOO sleepy. hehehe..I think you can guess what happened next...:P
20 minutes in there, my colleagues started to worry and knocked on the toilet door..hehehe! I got out feeling VERY fresh..
Now that's what I call a POWER NAP!...:P
gambar adalah sekadar hiasan. aku tak sekiut ini...:P
*baby..jangan ikut perangai mama ok? nanti bontot terlekat kat jamban susah mama nak tolong..heheheh!
Oct 20, 2009
Patutla Aku Selalu Ngantok & Malas!
9 Things that Zap Your Vitality
by Denise Shipani, Yahoo! Health
1. Being addicted to Email, Blackberry, IM, voicemail
Isn't being wired to the hilt--e-mail, voice mail, IM, BlackBerry--supposed to boost productivity, freeing up your energy? More often, the opposite is true. If you continually halt what you're doing to answer e-mail, check voice mail, and attend to a thousand other beeps and blips, your attention becomes diluted, which leaves you feeling depleted.
There are two things going on here, says John Salerno, MD, a New York City family physician and director of the Salerno Center for Complementary Medicine. "The brain needs a lot of physical and mental energy to multitask, which gets drained," he says. And continually redirecting your attention from the BlackBerry to other stimuli siphons more energy and distracts your brain further.
- anies!kita kene kurangkan sesi dowhhh!!
2. Visual Clutter
We may be used to living in enclosed spaces with lots of stuff--a refrigerator door packed with artwork, a countertop laden with mail, a desk that's little more than a shifting pile of folders and paper--but it's not how we're meant to live, says Dr. Salerno. "Clutter signals disorder, which makes us anxious. Our brains sense that anxiety."
- my desk is always messy! but I love my clutter..:(
3. Being Bored
Ever sat around for an hour or more not tackling a chore or work because it's just so darned monotonous? Mental foot-dragging, boredom and lack of motivation are draining, says Dr. Salerno. "Put simply, we like to see results, and getting things done gives us a mental energy boost." So avoiding tasks deprives you of that high.
-Aku takde geng sekepala nak buat keje ngan aku..cemne?takkan nak geng ngan bos kut?
5. Toxic Indoor Air
Humming copy machines. Cleaning products. Dry-cleaning chemicals. Synthetic carpeting. Even the desks in your office may be contributing to the load of toxins you breathe each day, because all of them release chemicals into the air. "No one knows for sure how much harm these cause to our bodies, but they do build up over time, and can drain your energy by potentially interfering with thyroid function and overloading the body's detox system," says Frank Lipman, MD, a New York City physician and author of Spent: End Exhaustion and Feel Great Again. (Reduce your exposure to chemical toxins.)
-this is know..Sick Building Syndrome! lecturers would be so proud! :P
6. Eating Too Much at Once>
Consuming a big meal is always something that will cause a dip in energy later, but that effect is most noticeable in the afternoon because the slump happens at that reach-for-coffee-or-sugar hour: 3 p.m. Here's what happens: You fill up on a carb- and calorie-rich lunch and, as nutrients are absorbed by your body, excess glucose is dumped into your bloodstream, and your body releases insulin to process all that sugar. "A better idea is to spread out what and how you eat throughout the day to keep energy levels steady," says Gloria Tsang, RD, founder of the nutrition website
-Betul!!!!!balik lunch je mesti ngantok!tapi harini ade jeruk kelubi best...
7. Living in Artificial Light
Our natural body rhythms are keyed to the rising and setting of the sun, says Carol Ash, DO, medical director of Sleep for Life, a sleep-disorder clinic in Somerset, New Jersey. When you open your eyes in the morning and get your first glimpse of sunlight, your brain receives a signal that helps it set its sleep-wake clock for the day. Similarly, seeing sunlight during the day gives your brain a boost. So if you are awake before the sun, and/or don't see much sun all day, your body is experiencing something a lot like jet lag.
-mcm superman laaaa pulak!
8. Listening to Negative Nellies
You may be upbeat, but it can be exhausting to listen to complainers all day long, whether it's the fellow mom who calls to trash-talk the neighbors or the coworker who never has a positive word to say. It's not your imagination: A 2006 study at Chicago's Northwestern University found that people forced to listen to "high-maintenance" colleagues became frustrated and unfocused, and suffered a decline in the quality of their work.
-hahahahahahahah!!!!gossip n complaints are BAD for you ok ppl!!
9. Holding a Grudge
It takes a surprising amount of energy to remember whom you have a grudge against, and to continually update the faults, missteps and things you're mad about. "Resentment is a huge drain physically as well as mentally," says Dr. Lipman. "Anger, resentment, grudges--all of these emotions are toxic, and we hang on to them in our bodies especially in tense, tired muscles."
-Haa...jangan berdendam! Ia mengganggu produktiviti anda!
You can read the original article and solutions to these problems here.
*patutla kol 3.30pm je aku dah start tersengguk sengguk kat meja aku!!heheheh!
by Denise Shipani, Yahoo! Health
1. Being addicted to Email, Blackberry, IM, voicemail
Isn't being wired to the hilt--e-mail, voice mail, IM, BlackBerry--supposed to boost productivity, freeing up your energy? More often, the opposite is true. If you continually halt what you're doing to answer e-mail, check voice mail, and attend to a thousand other beeps and blips, your attention becomes diluted, which leaves you feeling depleted.
There are two things going on here, says John Salerno, MD, a New York City family physician and director of the Salerno Center for Complementary Medicine. "The brain needs a lot of physical and mental energy to multitask, which gets drained," he says. And continually redirecting your attention from the BlackBerry to other stimuli siphons more energy and distracts your brain further.
- anies!kita kene kurangkan sesi dowhhh!!
2. Visual Clutter
We may be used to living in enclosed spaces with lots of stuff--a refrigerator door packed with artwork, a countertop laden with mail, a desk that's little more than a shifting pile of folders and paper--but it's not how we're meant to live, says Dr. Salerno. "Clutter signals disorder, which makes us anxious. Our brains sense that anxiety."
- my desk is always messy! but I love my clutter..:(
3. Being Bored
Ever sat around for an hour or more not tackling a chore or work because it's just so darned monotonous? Mental foot-dragging, boredom and lack of motivation are draining, says Dr. Salerno. "Put simply, we like to see results, and getting things done gives us a mental energy boost." So avoiding tasks deprives you of that high.
-Aku takde geng sekepala nak buat keje ngan aku..cemne?takkan nak geng ngan bos kut?
5. Toxic Indoor Air
Humming copy machines. Cleaning products. Dry-cleaning chemicals. Synthetic carpeting. Even the desks in your office may be contributing to the load of toxins you breathe each day, because all of them release chemicals into the air. "No one knows for sure how much harm these cause to our bodies, but they do build up over time, and can drain your energy by potentially interfering with thyroid function and overloading the body's detox system," says Frank Lipman, MD, a New York City physician and author of Spent: End Exhaustion and Feel Great Again. (Reduce your exposure to chemical toxins.)
-this is know..Sick Building Syndrome! lecturers would be so proud! :P
6. Eating Too Much at Once>
Consuming a big meal is always something that will cause a dip in energy later, but that effect is most noticeable in the afternoon because the slump happens at that reach-for-coffee-or-sugar hour: 3 p.m. Here's what happens: You fill up on a carb- and calorie-rich lunch and, as nutrients are absorbed by your body, excess glucose is dumped into your bloodstream, and your body releases insulin to process all that sugar. "A better idea is to spread out what and how you eat throughout the day to keep energy levels steady," says Gloria Tsang, RD, founder of the nutrition website
-Betul!!!!!balik lunch je mesti ngantok!tapi harini ade jeruk kelubi best...
7. Living in Artificial Light
Our natural body rhythms are keyed to the rising and setting of the sun, says Carol Ash, DO, medical director of Sleep for Life, a sleep-disorder clinic in Somerset, New Jersey. When you open your eyes in the morning and get your first glimpse of sunlight, your brain receives a signal that helps it set its sleep-wake clock for the day. Similarly, seeing sunlight during the day gives your brain a boost. So if you are awake before the sun, and/or don't see much sun all day, your body is experiencing something a lot like jet lag.
-mcm superman laaaa pulak!
8. Listening to Negative Nellies
You may be upbeat, but it can be exhausting to listen to complainers all day long, whether it's the fellow mom who calls to trash-talk the neighbors or the coworker who never has a positive word to say. It's not your imagination: A 2006 study at Chicago's Northwestern University found that people forced to listen to "high-maintenance" colleagues became frustrated and unfocused, and suffered a decline in the quality of their work.
-hahahahahahahah!!!!gossip n complaints are BAD for you ok ppl!!
9. Holding a Grudge
It takes a surprising amount of energy to remember whom you have a grudge against, and to continually update the faults, missteps and things you're mad about. "Resentment is a huge drain physically as well as mentally," says Dr. Lipman. "Anger, resentment, grudges--all of these emotions are toxic, and we hang on to them in our bodies especially in tense, tired muscles."
-Haa...jangan berdendam! Ia mengganggu produktiviti anda!
You can read the original article and solutions to these problems here.
*patutla kol 3.30pm je aku dah start tersengguk sengguk kat meja aku!!heheheh!
Oct 19, 2009
Hollywood Bug??
I approached him and said his rendition of the Frank Sinatra's song was just amazing..(where in the hell did I get that point pun I don't know!) And then, he looked at me and took my arms into his. He said "Let's get out of here"
We ended up going for sushi at Sushi King mane tah. But I said to him, "I can't eat sushi, I'm pregnant"
"It's ok, just keep me company"
Pastu tah macam mana..kami dikatakan berskandal!hahahahah!
Honestly, rather than dating Jack Nicholson, I would rather go out with Sir Richard Branson
Aaaanyway..there was this one time a rumor spread through the faculty. That there was someone, a rich man 'recruiting' any willing college students. Sugar daddy laaaaaa...and because of that rumor, it triggered another of my daydreams!hahaha!
I use to have a list.. IF I was ever to have a sugar daddy, only these men would ever be considered..
1. Sir Richard Branson
2. Richard Gere
3. Shebby Singh
hahahahahha! A LOT of my friends laughed at my 3rd choice but hellllloooooooooooooo!! Have you seen this man?He's hot!hahahahahahahahha! One of my girl friends is a stewardess for Air Asia, and she once served Shebby..and hooooyeahhh..she agreed with me. Shebby is one HOT old man!hahahah!
But matter how hard life was for me, I would NEVER submit to letting an older man 'sponsor' me just so I could have nicer things. It's like selling your soul to the devil...
Anyway..there is no point to this post. I'm just bored and I just wanted to get on Rawkstar's nerve..
Ye Anies...I got the Hollywood Bug. Nanti anak aku panggil Edward Cullen "daddy!"
*scary dowh!!no way..daripada si EC ni, baik takyah ade Hollywood daddy!! You can keep your Edward Cullen Anies...Happy belated birthday ok!(aku dah wish on time je lambat) yuh noe ai lebiu! *
*note: Am not a fan of Edward Cullen or Twilight saga n whatnot..*
Oct 15, 2009
He's Definitely Smarter Than a 5th Grader!
This is an essay written by my 8 year old grand-nephew (OMG! I am already pangkat nenek! Will explain about it nanti). His uncle (my nephew) posted it on facebook and I just can't help but share it with you. The uncle blames it on playing Halo too much..hahah! Aku pun tak terfikir nak strategize macam budak ni! When I was 8, I was busy playing..not thinking how to protect my country or help save Gaza!...heheh!
*is this a negative or positive impact from playing video games too much???*
Oct 13, 2009
Sila Tingkatkan Usaha Anda!
If you have been following my blog, you will notice that I have a thing for Flash Mobs. Some of my previous entries related to flash mobs
1. Tribute to Michael Jackson
2. Oprah Winfrey 2009 Kick-off Party by BEP
3. Sasquatch Festival - Guy starts Dance Party
But a few days ago I came across our very own local flash mob. A tribute done by a local fan club for this band called 2PM (Korean Boyband)..hehe..happy/sad to say it made my day!hahahah! Not because it was good..but it was...hahahahah!Judge for yourself... have to give it to them for trying..but guys..I think you need a bit more practice before you put it on the road! :P I don't know how the song goes coz I saw this vid in the office without my speakers on. But the original band (the dance routine the fan club was trying to convey) is this one..
Who is 2PM? Sorry!my passion for boybands stopped at N'Sync! :P
I must say kids nowadays have got guts..too bad they seem to almost always channel it for the wrong reasons...
*Jime jangan keciwa hanya ada seorang yang chumel ya..let's hope if they try this again..lebih ramai si chumel yang join!*
1. Tribute to Michael Jackson
2. Oprah Winfrey 2009 Kick-off Party by BEP
3. Sasquatch Festival - Guy starts Dance Party
But a few days ago I came across our very own local flash mob. A tribute done by a local fan club for this band called 2PM (Korean Boyband)..hehe..happy/sad to say it made my day!hahahah! Not because it was good..but it was...hahahahah!Judge for yourself... have to give it to them for trying..but guys..I think you need a bit more practice before you put it on the road! :P I don't know how the song goes coz I saw this vid in the office without my speakers on. But the original band (the dance routine the fan club was trying to convey) is this one..
Who is 2PM? Sorry!my passion for boybands stopped at N'Sync! :P
I must say kids nowadays have got guts..too bad they seem to almost always channel it for the wrong reasons...
*Jime jangan keciwa hanya ada seorang yang chumel ya..let's hope if they try this again..lebih ramai si chumel yang join!*
Oct 2, 2009
How to know if the relationship is going to last or not?
I had a weird dream last night. I dreamt of this guy who was born from a flower, looking soooo much like Adrian Grenier and was my boyfriend (in another life of course!) It was a nice dream until he asked me to play Star War's light saber with him..dreams don't make sense..I know.
My point here is that, during the part when he was holding me and whispered to me that he will always take care of me, it felt sooo..sigh..
I've had A LOT of relationships with men of different character and background...serious, non-serious, long term, short term, a friend, a name it, been there, done that! But I'm stressing here that it was in the past. I'm just mentioning it now because I think through my experience, I've been able to come up with a theory on whether the relationship will last or not.
The first week of a new relationship is always the best. The feeling you get when he texts you or calls you, that first time he holds your hand, the first date, the conversations..everything la! You can't help but smile all the time and nothing could go wrong! You get soooo excited when you're about to see him and you miss him all the time.
I 've had soooo many of this feeling that got shot down. So I came up with my own theories of my own so that I won't get my hopes up high...So here are just a few of them that I'd like to share. It might not apply to everyone because this is entirely through my own personal observation. And also note that this observation only apply to one side of the story. What the partner feels about the 'relationship' is not part of my observation ok?
You know it's just a fling when...
After 2 weeks, you or him start to get bored. No more excitement, you start to see his flaws..he starts calling you lesser and always has an excuse when you ask to meet up. Or maybe you're the one who is not interested to see him anymore. You start complaining about him to your girlfriends, you dread going out with him..the fireworks are just not there anymore.
Flings are easy to get out off..but the after-fling could get weird. Especially if you hang out with the same group of friends. Bumping into each other after the fling could get awkward..but not nasty. But there are some flings that ends well, where you end up as good friends. was just not meant to be.
You know this is not serious when...
You pass the 2 weeks mark. You're still in cloud 9 even after a month. But come the second month..things starts to get boring. You start to fight about little things..the same symptoms like I mentioned in the fling category starts to surface. Everything that he does just annoys you to the max!! Come the 3rd just can't stand him anymore!
The end of this relationship could sometimes get ugly cause on his side of the story, he probably felt that the relationship could go somewhere. Guys that believed in the relationship would probably put in an effort to actually try make it work. But nothing he does could re-ignite the feelings. It was just time to go.
Some guys could still be friends, good friends too after this. Hey, you spent 3 months together, you probably learnt quite a lot about each other to be a good friend after that. Its long enough to love him but not enough to be 'in love' with him.
Or he's probably someone you just NEVER want to see again. :P
You know that this MIGHT mean something when...
Even after 3 months you still enjoy each other's company. You still love spending time with each other and every new discovery about him is funny or amusing. You'd probably have the occasional fights because things start to get deeper. It could be about an ex or something that makes you feel jealous. start to feel jealous.
In the end, you end up being each other's habit. Because it is a known fact that if you do something for 3 months straight, it becomes a habit. So when you get to this point, I honestly have lost all my theories about relationships. Most of my relationship that lasts longer than 3 months would prolong to over a year or maybe longer. But it's safe to say that I sincerely felt something for the guys that I dated for longer than a year. Why it didn't last could be contributed by a lot of different factors.
The end of this relationship is always nasty! Break-up is never easy and is always followed by drama(s). Friends would be the people who gets stuck in between and it could get ugly not only to the couple, but sometimes with the people around them. This is because you have been with each other for soo long..your friends becomes his friends too, and same goes with his friends. Things could get VERY complicated.
It's actually kinda sad that I can't seem to have a friendship with the guys I dated for longer than a year. The feeling of not being able to be friends with each other is sometimes not necessarily mutual, but so far, it just don't seem to be possible for us to be JUST friends.
You know this means FOREVER when...
Even after almost 2 years of being married to each other, you love to see him when he's fast asleep. You miss him when he gets home from work late or has to go outstation..You feel something is missing when he is not around. You love him even more even if he has lost his muscular physique..
You are still so in love with him and you can't imagine life without him..even after all these years..
Heyyy...mestilah puji suami!!:P But married life theory?? I'm probably not ready to come up with any. But a few pointers I received for the elders...
3 things that we should live by. No one said being married was an easy thing and it requires a lot of hard work. But I think both suami and I are doing pretty well...
And uh-oh..NEVER keep any secrets from your matter how ugly it is. Because if he truly loves you, he would understand and still love you anyway.'s uglier if he finds out later on from someone else or when he gets caught off guard...
hehe..hope my entry this time is useful..
*I love you Suami...*
My point here is that, during the part when he was holding me and whispered to me that he will always take care of me, it felt sooo..sigh..
I've had A LOT of relationships with men of different character and background...serious, non-serious, long term, short term, a friend, a name it, been there, done that! But I'm stressing here that it was in the past. I'm just mentioning it now because I think through my experience, I've been able to come up with a theory on whether the relationship will last or not.
The first week of a new relationship is always the best. The feeling you get when he texts you or calls you, that first time he holds your hand, the first date, the conversations..everything la! You can't help but smile all the time and nothing could go wrong! You get soooo excited when you're about to see him and you miss him all the time.
I 've had soooo many of this feeling that got shot down. So I came up with my own theories of my own so that I won't get my hopes up high...So here are just a few of them that I'd like to share. It might not apply to everyone because this is entirely through my own personal observation. And also note that this observation only apply to one side of the story. What the partner feels about the 'relationship' is not part of my observation ok?
You know it's just a fling when...
After 2 weeks, you or him start to get bored. No more excitement, you start to see his flaws..he starts calling you lesser and always has an excuse when you ask to meet up. Or maybe you're the one who is not interested to see him anymore. You start complaining about him to your girlfriends, you dread going out with him..the fireworks are just not there anymore.
Flings are easy to get out off..but the after-fling could get weird. Especially if you hang out with the same group of friends. Bumping into each other after the fling could get awkward..but not nasty. But there are some flings that ends well, where you end up as good friends. was just not meant to be.
You know this is not serious when...
You pass the 2 weeks mark. You're still in cloud 9 even after a month. But come the second month..things starts to get boring. You start to fight about little things..the same symptoms like I mentioned in the fling category starts to surface. Everything that he does just annoys you to the max!! Come the 3rd just can't stand him anymore!
The end of this relationship could sometimes get ugly cause on his side of the story, he probably felt that the relationship could go somewhere. Guys that believed in the relationship would probably put in an effort to actually try make it work. But nothing he does could re-ignite the feelings. It was just time to go.
Some guys could still be friends, good friends too after this. Hey, you spent 3 months together, you probably learnt quite a lot about each other to be a good friend after that. Its long enough to love him but not enough to be 'in love' with him.
Or he's probably someone you just NEVER want to see again. :P
You know that this MIGHT mean something when...
Even after 3 months you still enjoy each other's company. You still love spending time with each other and every new discovery about him is funny or amusing. You'd probably have the occasional fights because things start to get deeper. It could be about an ex or something that makes you feel jealous. start to feel jealous.
In the end, you end up being each other's habit. Because it is a known fact that if you do something for 3 months straight, it becomes a habit. So when you get to this point, I honestly have lost all my theories about relationships. Most of my relationship that lasts longer than 3 months would prolong to over a year or maybe longer. But it's safe to say that I sincerely felt something for the guys that I dated for longer than a year. Why it didn't last could be contributed by a lot of different factors.
The end of this relationship is always nasty! Break-up is never easy and is always followed by drama(s). Friends would be the people who gets stuck in between and it could get ugly not only to the couple, but sometimes with the people around them. This is because you have been with each other for soo long..your friends becomes his friends too, and same goes with his friends. Things could get VERY complicated.
It's actually kinda sad that I can't seem to have a friendship with the guys I dated for longer than a year. The feeling of not being able to be friends with each other is sometimes not necessarily mutual, but so far, it just don't seem to be possible for us to be JUST friends.
You know this means FOREVER when...
Even after almost 2 years of being married to each other, you love to see him when he's fast asleep. You miss him when he gets home from work late or has to go outstation..You feel something is missing when he is not around. You love him even more even if he has lost his muscular physique..
You are still so in love with him and you can't imagine life without him..even after all these years..
Heyyy...mestilah puji suami!!:P But married life theory?? I'm probably not ready to come up with any. But a few pointers I received for the elders...
3 things that we should live by. No one said being married was an easy thing and it requires a lot of hard work. But I think both suami and I are doing pretty well...
And uh-oh..NEVER keep any secrets from your matter how ugly it is. Because if he truly loves you, he would understand and still love you anyway.'s uglier if he finds out later on from someone else or when he gets caught off guard...
hehe..hope my entry this time is useful..
*I love you Suami...*
Review: Chantek by Altimet feat. Adeep Fabulos Cats
Dikala tengah mengantok nak mampus buat R&D (bak kata Anies)..seriyes..bukan main Mafia Wars kat fesbuk ok..Maka untuk mengelakkan dari tertido kat meja aku ni, aku mendengar musik dari henset multipurpose ku ini. Tetibe dalam playlist aku lagu ni keluar. Rasa macam tenang kejap jiwa aku yang tengah 'HOT' kat segelintir manusia kat dunia ni. Maka dengan pantas cari videoclip kat youtube. Nak taruk lirik serupa buang masa sbb videoclip ni versi karaoke.
Lagu ni boleh ada dalam phone aku sbb aritu aku transfer playlist nephew aku. Banyak betul budak form 2 ni intro kat aku. Nak harap aku tau lagu ni sendiri..sedikit susah. Saya tak dengar radio melayu sangat dan suami balik2 dengar CD Anuar Zain dan Faizal Tahir nya.
Harap lagu ini dapat menenangkan jiwa anda juga....It's simple and sweet. Enjoy!
* agak Meon boleh rapping lagu ni ka?hahaha! and ko dah tanya tak dia pasal kariernya sebagai seorang model Proton????*
Oct 1, 2009
Review: The Lost Symbol by Dan Brown
To be honest, this is my first Dan Brown's book. I've seen both movies The DaVinci Code and Angels & Demons, but I have never read any of the books. When I saw how detailed the explanations of the 'clues' and 'symbols' that Robert Langdon had to follow in the movie, I was scared that the book might be too heavy reading for me.
So I don't know how to explain why I finally decided to buy this book. It was between Candace Bushnell's (writer of Sex and the City) Four Blondes or this. I guess I didn't want any chick lit reading or prolly my baby wants me to read something a bit more challenging. So I picked up the hard cover copy of The Lost Symbol (plus there was a 20% discount for the book!) and honestly...
I don't regret it!
This is another Robert Langdon series. This time round, Dan Brown decides to unveil the Freemasons, a secret brotherhood fraternity comprising of high powered, influential men from all over the world with different background and religion who's always misunderstood about their 'culture'. Then the classic crisis that gets Robert Langdon on a treasure hunt deciphering symbols and finding clues.
The thing I like about this book is how Dan Brown portrays the Masonic brotherhood as people who are open minded about religion. How the different religions in the world is not a boundary and not one religion is superior than the other. I like how Mr. Brown finds the similar understanding from all different religions, that you praise God, whoever your God is.
I didn't go to the extent of confirming all the points in his writing, but if his facts are right, I definitely learnt a lot about the different religion and about other things too.
To me this is different from his other 2 books in the sense that, although there is still some political involvement, at least this time round it's not a conspiracy. It's about preserving a secret that the world is not ready for.
A secret that "seen by all but recognized by few" - The Lost Symbol, Dan Brown
I give it 4.5/5. Definitely recommended.
Sep 15, 2009
Tag Hari Raya
Here are the rules..:-
1. Link to the person that tagged you and post the rules in your blog.
2. Share Raya facts about yourself.
3. Tag random people at the end of their post and include links to their blog.
4. Let each person know they have been tagged by leaving a comment in their blog.
a) Favourite Hari Raya SongNamed the singer and title of the song.. Find the song in in youtube and post it here. Sing along to the song as you answer the rest of the questions...
b) Happiest Memory of Hari Raya
Of course masa zaman kecik2..kutip duit raya, main bunga api..meriah! Kalo mat salleh suka cakap the Magical Christmas, Raya was exactly that for me. Mesti rajin gile bangun tido dengan awalnya pepagi raya. Excited nak pakai baju raya..
c) Saddest Hari Raya
Sebenarnya takde..either that, aku dah block dari memori aku.
d) Worst Hari Raya
Sama macam soklan c)
e) Favourite Kuih Raya
UUuuuuuu!Jem tart Mokcik aku selalu beli masa dia keje kat Petronas dulu. Dia konpem belikan sekotak especially untuk aku sbb dia tau aku gile jem tart tu! Kalo korang nak tau mane satu, ade jual kot kat KLCC. Cari jem tart yang ada nama Quetart kat memane gerai2 yang ada jual kuih muih kat situ.
Pastu kek lapis sarawak and dektutt's grandma's egg tarts!!!Aku penah gi beraya kat rumah dektutt a few years ago..masya allah!!sedap!!overdose kek lapis dan eggtart. Sampai sekarang aku cube cari kek lapis sarawak seperti yang aku makan masa aku kat sana, tapi hampa...takda satu pun yang serupa. Kene pegi beraya kat sarawak lagi sekali kut.
f) Favourite Thing to Eat during Raya
Nasi dagang, laksa (pahang ke, utara ke, johor ke..sume aku bedal!kecuali laksa penang), soto, ketupat palas, rendang ayam..ohohhoho..the list is never ending!
g) A must have during Hari Raya
Family gathering! The more the merrier! Plus raya adalah time aku dan kazen2 aku layan citer hantu!
Penah sekali raya tahun bile tah...kitorg layan tgk cite 'The Train' atau 'Ju-on' time malam raya dalam bilik kazen aku. Tengah2 malam bute, mak aku cari mane kitorg takde tido kat ruang tamu rumah tu. Rupanya sume dah macam tin sardin kat dalam bilik kazen tgk cite hantu!haha!sekor2 tak berani nak tido kat luar!
h) Normal First Hari Raya activities
Pagi raya kat rumah nenek la of course. Walaupun rumah mak bapak aku kat kuantan jugak, tapi lagi meriah tido rumah nenek sbb sumer kazen ade kat situ. Pastu berebut nak mandi..sepupu sepapat serupa sekampung tapi toilet ada 2 je.
Pastu tolong set-up meja nak breakfast sbb rumah arwah nenek kitorg depan masjid. Lepas sembahyang raya, rumah kitorg konpem penuh kene serbu dulu. Kate dah kat kampung..almost sumorg related...berjumpa laa semua sedara jauh la..kazen mak la..abang tiri datuk la..segala macam jenis sedara.
Dalam riuh tu jugak..time kitorg salam...dulu masa ada arwah tok and tok ki..memula salam ngan diorg dulu la. kutip duit raya dari tok ki (time ni la aku beratur 2 kali!cucu dan cicit ramai..tok ki tak ingat!hahah!)
Pastu salam dengan semua mak sedara, pak sedara, kakak sedara, abang sedara..of course yang muda salam yang tua la. Time ni..bonda mesti menangis..pastu aku bile dah nampak bonda menangis..aku pun menangis la...
Selesai salam..makan time!!!!!Menu wajib rumah arwah nenek..nasi dagang, satay ayam, ketupat palas dan rendang ayam.
Lepas makan, cabut lari pi rumah nenek belah bapak pulak. Kutip duit raya belah sana pulak sambil mengelak layan budak 'semekom'.
By tengah hari..raya aku dah selesai..baju raya tah ke mana...boleh la korang tgk senario pakcik2 dan kazen2 lelaki berlenggeng kepanasan sambil tido terbongkang kat ruang tamu. Kitorg sbb dah kaya duit raya..pegi Megamall!hahah!
i) Mail or emails raya cards
Tahun ni aku telah pos kan kad raya kat kengkawan aku. Dulu meriah sms di pagi raya. Tapi selalunya pagi raya bergayut telepon dgn boipren. Tapi since dah bersuami ni..takde la bergayut di telepon dah.
Tapi masa zaman kat sekolah dulu meriah hantar kad raya kat kengkawan serta 'pen-pal'!hehehe!zaman tu mana mampu nak pakai henpon, pastu email pun bukan fenomena yang berleluasa lagi...But I miss the good ol days. Seronok tau dapat kad raya melalui pos....
j) Favourite Raya Movies
Takde..main layan je ape2 drama swasta kat TV tu..rumah arwah nenek takde astro..tapi meriah je kitorg layan TV tu..
k) When do you start shopping for Hari Raya
Tak shopping sebenarnya. Have never been the type yang beria-ia beli baju raya. Baju raya aku selalunya only baju tradisional sepasang. Settle...kadang2 bertahun2 aku repeat baju sama.Tak kuasa nak shopping. Tahun ni pun kakak ipar yang tolong settle kan..hehe!Tapi baju suami dah selesai dibuat. First time buatkan baju raya untuk suami sebenarnya (hantar tailor..jangan salah faham..aku tak jahit..)
l)Duit Raya...a must have or not?
Dah kahwin..konpem la dah tak dapat..tapi FIL dan MIL kasi duit raya!heheh!Suami aku tak berapa ingat kasi ke tak...hahah!tak jugak heran. Di kasi duit raya, pastu nnt kene pow balik.takde beza!
Tahun ni tahun ke-dua aku start kasi duit raya kat semua orang, termasuk bonda dan babah.Bankrupt...tapi takpe.skali setahun.
m) Friends I'd like to know about their Hari Raya experiences
Hajime, Rockstar, Sapik the Sinbad, En. Buih serta semua penulis2 di Total Rebiu.
*well elsa, raya aku takde la lain sangat dari masa aku bujang dulu. tak tau la sebab belum ada anak sendiri lagi.mungkin bila baby dah sampai nnt aku start tradisi baru ke.buat masa sekarang, stick to the original plan sudah!hehe!*
1. Link to the person that tagged you and post the rules in your blog.
2. Share Raya facts about yourself.
3. Tag random people at the end of their post and include links to their blog.
4. Let each person know they have been tagged by leaving a comment in their blog.
a) Favourite Hari Raya SongNamed the singer and title of the song.. Find the song in in youtube and post it here. Sing along to the song as you answer the rest of the questions...
b) Happiest Memory of Hari Raya
Of course masa zaman kecik2..kutip duit raya, main bunga api..meriah! Kalo mat salleh suka cakap the Magical Christmas, Raya was exactly that for me. Mesti rajin gile bangun tido dengan awalnya pepagi raya. Excited nak pakai baju raya..
c) Saddest Hari Raya
Sebenarnya takde..either that, aku dah block dari memori aku.
d) Worst Hari Raya
Sama macam soklan c)
e) Favourite Kuih Raya
UUuuuuuu!Jem tart Mokcik aku selalu beli masa dia keje kat Petronas dulu. Dia konpem belikan sekotak especially untuk aku sbb dia tau aku gile jem tart tu! Kalo korang nak tau mane satu, ade jual kot kat KLCC. Cari jem tart yang ada nama Quetart kat memane gerai2 yang ada jual kuih muih kat situ.
Pastu kek lapis sarawak and dektutt's grandma's egg tarts!!!Aku penah gi beraya kat rumah dektutt a few years ago..masya allah!!sedap!!overdose kek lapis dan eggtart. Sampai sekarang aku cube cari kek lapis sarawak seperti yang aku makan masa aku kat sana, tapi hampa...takda satu pun yang serupa. Kene pegi beraya kat sarawak lagi sekali kut.
f) Favourite Thing to Eat during Raya
Nasi dagang, laksa (pahang ke, utara ke, johor ke..sume aku bedal!kecuali laksa penang), soto, ketupat palas, rendang ayam..ohohhoho..the list is never ending!
g) A must have during Hari Raya
Family gathering! The more the merrier! Plus raya adalah time aku dan kazen2 aku layan citer hantu!
Penah sekali raya tahun bile tah...kitorg layan tgk cite 'The Train' atau 'Ju-on' time malam raya dalam bilik kazen aku. Tengah2 malam bute, mak aku cari mane kitorg takde tido kat ruang tamu rumah tu. Rupanya sume dah macam tin sardin kat dalam bilik kazen tgk cite hantu!haha!sekor2 tak berani nak tido kat luar!
h) Normal First Hari Raya activities
Pagi raya kat rumah nenek la of course. Walaupun rumah mak bapak aku kat kuantan jugak, tapi lagi meriah tido rumah nenek sbb sumer kazen ade kat situ. Pastu berebut nak mandi..sepupu sepapat serupa sekampung tapi toilet ada 2 je.
Pastu tolong set-up meja nak breakfast sbb rumah arwah nenek kitorg depan masjid. Lepas sembahyang raya, rumah kitorg konpem penuh kene serbu dulu. Kate dah kat kampung..almost sumorg related...berjumpa laa semua sedara jauh la..kazen mak la..abang tiri datuk la..segala macam jenis sedara.
Dalam riuh tu jugak..time kitorg salam...dulu masa ada arwah tok and tok ki..memula salam ngan diorg dulu la. kutip duit raya dari tok ki (time ni la aku beratur 2 kali!cucu dan cicit ramai..tok ki tak ingat!hahah!)
Pastu salam dengan semua mak sedara, pak sedara, kakak sedara, abang sedara..of course yang muda salam yang tua la. Time ni..bonda mesti menangis..pastu aku bile dah nampak bonda menangis..aku pun menangis la...
Selesai salam..makan time!!!!!Menu wajib rumah arwah nenek..nasi dagang, satay ayam, ketupat palas dan rendang ayam.
Lepas makan, cabut lari pi rumah nenek belah bapak pulak. Kutip duit raya belah sana pulak sambil mengelak layan budak 'semekom'.
By tengah hari..raya aku dah selesai..baju raya tah ke mana...boleh la korang tgk senario pakcik2 dan kazen2 lelaki berlenggeng kepanasan sambil tido terbongkang kat ruang tamu. Kitorg sbb dah kaya duit raya..pegi Megamall!hahah!
i) Mail or emails raya cards
Tahun ni aku telah pos kan kad raya kat kengkawan aku. Dulu meriah sms di pagi raya. Tapi selalunya pagi raya bergayut telepon dgn boipren. Tapi since dah bersuami ni..takde la bergayut di telepon dah.
Tapi masa zaman kat sekolah dulu meriah hantar kad raya kat kengkawan serta 'pen-pal'!hehehe!zaman tu mana mampu nak pakai henpon, pastu email pun bukan fenomena yang berleluasa lagi...But I miss the good ol days. Seronok tau dapat kad raya melalui pos....
j) Favourite Raya Movies
Takde..main layan je ape2 drama swasta kat TV tu..rumah arwah nenek takde astro..tapi meriah je kitorg layan TV tu..
k) When do you start shopping for Hari Raya
Tak shopping sebenarnya. Have never been the type yang beria-ia beli baju raya. Baju raya aku selalunya only baju tradisional sepasang. Settle...kadang2 bertahun2 aku repeat baju sama.Tak kuasa nak shopping. Tahun ni pun kakak ipar yang tolong settle kan..hehe!Tapi baju suami dah selesai dibuat. First time buatkan baju raya untuk suami sebenarnya (hantar tailor..jangan salah faham..aku tak jahit..)
l)Duit Raya...a must have or not?
Dah kahwin..konpem la dah tak dapat..tapi FIL dan MIL kasi duit raya!heheh!Suami aku tak berapa ingat kasi ke tak...hahah!tak jugak heran. Di kasi duit raya, pastu nnt kene pow balik.takde beza!
Tahun ni tahun ke-dua aku start kasi duit raya kat semua orang, termasuk bonda dan babah.Bankrupt...tapi takpe.skali setahun.
m) Friends I'd like to know about their Hari Raya experiences
Hajime, Rockstar, Sapik the Sinbad, En. Buih serta semua penulis2 di Total Rebiu.
*well elsa, raya aku takde la lain sangat dari masa aku bujang dulu. tak tau la sebab belum ada anak sendiri lagi.mungkin bila baby dah sampai nnt aku start tradisi baru ke.buat masa sekarang, stick to the original plan sudah!hehe!*
Sep 14, 2009
dah nak raya ni wei!
Hari khamis ni aku dah balik kampung...PANIC!PANIC!
Kenapa panic?
1. Kerja banyak nak kene settle. Balik je dari raya..dah company dinner!dem!
2. Duit raya tak tukar lagi!
Jadi sekarang, sambil melawan perasaan loya nak muntah (yea..morning sickness dah bermula)..aku buat list nama anak buah aku. Ni mmg stail family aku. Duit raya kasi ikut nama kat sampul. Supaya tak tersalah kasi, dapat mengikut sepatutnya dan tak tertinggal sape2 ataupun tak terkasi 2 kali..(aku masa kecik selalu beratur mintak duit raya ngan aku tok ki aku at least 2 kali. Kali ke-3 adalah bodek baekkkk punya!)
Family aku besar..especially sebelah mak aku. Adik beradik mak aku ada 7 orang, dan masing2 ada anak at least 4 orang, dan ada antara anak2 tu yang sendiri dah beranak, juga at least 3 orang (side bapak aku lagi ramai sebenarnya, adik beradik dia je dan 13 orang. Tapi kitorg tak berapa rapat macam dgn side mak aku). Aku buat family tree baru korang bley paham tahap ke'ramai'an diorg. Dan kami semua rapat macam adik beradik.
Tahun ni beraya kat kampung aku. Bile time nak kasi duit raya..bersiaplaa nak kene serbu. Kalo tengah duduk kat posisi yang tak kukuh, silap haribulan boleh terbalik jatuh kerusi. Dan kalau suara anda tak cukup kuat untuk cakap "BERATUR!!!"..nasib laaaa kene stampede anak sedara dah kazen-mazen.
Duit raya untuk anak buah aku bukan limited kepada anak saudara dan anak sepupu aje..sepupu pun aku kene kasi. Nak buat cemne...sepupu pun ada umur baya2 anak buah ( aku produktif..ikut cerita aku pun kau dah tau aku produktif!)
Jadi aku bakal bankrupt. Tapi kami kazen2 yang dah naik pangkat jadi PEMBERI duit raya ni kerjanya lepas dah kasi duit raya...pow balik dari bebudak yang PENERIMA duit raya tu tadi!hahaha! Konpem kene paksa beli aiskrim McDonalds seround!
Seronok pulak bila pikir dah bank balik raya ni. Pulak tu tahun ni ramai sedara mara balik ke kampung yang sama. Plus, bonda ku sudah kembali bermastautin di rumah arwah tok dan tok ki aku..jadi expectation aku untuk raya tahun ini adalah seperti aku beraya masa aku kecik2 dulu. Konpem meriah! Sebab bonda ku adalah anak sulung antara adik beradiknya, so dia dah serupa tok semua orang la. Kalo sempat aku hapdet time raya nnt ok?
Tak tau aku akan ada inspirasi nak update blog sebelum raya ke tidak..kut2 tengah meriah nak prepare beraya, takde masa. Jadi aku nak ucapkan..
Mintak maaf laa kalo ada entry2 aku yang menyinggung perasaan ke..untuk kengkawan aku yang tersayang..mintak maaf tersalah kata, tersalah ambil, pinjam tak pulang, makan tak bayor, janji tak tunai...kira halal ekk...aku pun maafkan korang sume..
Berhati-hati di jalan raya dan kalau buat open house sile laaa jemput. Aku tak sure buat ke tak..tapi kalo ade, nnt aku ajak laa sape2 yang patut!heheh!
Kenapa panic?
1. Kerja banyak nak kene settle. Balik je dari raya..dah company dinner!dem!
2. Duit raya tak tukar lagi!
Jadi sekarang, sambil melawan perasaan loya nak muntah (yea..morning sickness dah bermula)..aku buat list nama anak buah aku. Ni mmg stail family aku. Duit raya kasi ikut nama kat sampul. Supaya tak tersalah kasi, dapat mengikut sepatutnya dan tak tertinggal sape2 ataupun tak terkasi 2 kali..(aku masa kecik selalu beratur mintak duit raya ngan aku tok ki aku at least 2 kali. Kali ke-3 adalah bodek baekkkk punya!)
Family aku besar..especially sebelah mak aku. Adik beradik mak aku ada 7 orang, dan masing2 ada anak at least 4 orang, dan ada antara anak2 tu yang sendiri dah beranak, juga at least 3 orang (side bapak aku lagi ramai sebenarnya, adik beradik dia je dan 13 orang. Tapi kitorg tak berapa rapat macam dgn side mak aku). Aku buat family tree baru korang bley paham tahap ke'ramai'an diorg. Dan kami semua rapat macam adik beradik.
Tahun ni beraya kat kampung aku. Bile time nak kasi duit raya..bersiaplaa nak kene serbu. Kalo tengah duduk kat posisi yang tak kukuh, silap haribulan boleh terbalik jatuh kerusi. Dan kalau suara anda tak cukup kuat untuk cakap "BERATUR!!!"..nasib laaaa kene stampede anak sedara dah kazen-mazen.
Duit raya untuk anak buah aku bukan limited kepada anak saudara dan anak sepupu aje..sepupu pun aku kene kasi. Nak buat cemne...sepupu pun ada umur baya2 anak buah ( aku produktif..ikut cerita aku pun kau dah tau aku produktif!)
Jadi aku bakal bankrupt. Tapi kami kazen2 yang dah naik pangkat jadi PEMBERI duit raya ni kerjanya lepas dah kasi duit raya...pow balik dari bebudak yang PENERIMA duit raya tu tadi!hahaha! Konpem kene paksa beli aiskrim McDonalds seround!
Seronok pulak bila pikir dah bank balik raya ni. Pulak tu tahun ni ramai sedara mara balik ke kampung yang sama. Plus, bonda ku sudah kembali bermastautin di rumah arwah tok dan tok ki aku..jadi expectation aku untuk raya tahun ini adalah seperti aku beraya masa aku kecik2 dulu. Konpem meriah! Sebab bonda ku adalah anak sulung antara adik beradiknya, so dia dah serupa tok semua orang la. Kalo sempat aku hapdet time raya nnt ok?
Tak tau aku akan ada inspirasi nak update blog sebelum raya ke tidak..kut2 tengah meriah nak prepare beraya, takde masa. Jadi aku nak ucapkan..
Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri semua!!
Mintak maaf laa kalo ada entry2 aku yang menyinggung perasaan ke..untuk kengkawan aku yang tersayang..mintak maaf tersalah kata, tersalah ambil, pinjam tak pulang, makan tak bayor, janji tak tunai...kira halal ekk...aku pun maafkan korang sume..
Berhati-hati di jalan raya dan kalau buat open house sile laaa jemput. Aku tak sure buat ke tak..tapi kalo ade, nnt aku ajak laa sape2 yang patut!heheh!
Sep 11, 2009
Unstoppable indeed!
If you know me well..I will most definitely be one of the first ppl to join in the party!!!hahaha!!He definitely made the festival more fun!
*he made the sucky tickets worthwhile!*
*he made the sucky tickets worthwhile!*
Black Eyed Peas at Oprah's 24th Anniversary Kickoff Party 2009 @ Chicago
At first ppl thought the girl in front was crazy..but you see what happens. I wonder if Malaysians will do the same thing when BEP performs for the Guinness Party nanti...tak kot...heheh! Enjoy!
It was actually choreographed and they practiced it before.
*aku suke bab menari beramai-ramai ni...I think it's cool..*
It was actually choreographed and they practiced it before.
*aku suke bab menari beramai-ramai ni...I think it's cool..*
Sep 10, 2009
Maskman! Or maybe woman

Testing out abg lan's paintball mask. Cantik tapi kurang sesuai dgn saya. Lagi sikit nak jadi darth vader (bunyi dah mcm dah sebenarnya.gila susah nak bernafas)
Sabtu ni suami dan konco-konco nak pegi usha kedai paintball - Propaintball at Dataran Glomac for markers n mask. Saya pegi tgk je la. Since dah jadi mak buyung ni..harapan je la nak main paintball. Kut-kut silap nanti anak aku keluar terus nak jadi komando masak aku!hehe!
*we will be having a paintball session @Rimba Harmonis, Gombak this 27th Sept. If you're interested lemme knw. I'll fwd the event details thru facebook. 4 games, 200pellets for EACH game. Nak trigger happy pun belasah!*
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