Apart from being blessed for having such a loving suamì, I am also VERY lucky to have a fashion designer as a sister-in-law. Yes people, NAZLEEN NOOR is my beloved SIL and an amazing batik designer.
That is the dress she made for me to wear to the OPA Dinner tonight. Lovely isn't it? You can check-out more on her designs at http://www.nazleennoor.com I am soo lucky to have her as my SIL..apart from never having to worry about what to wear for functions (i'm almost like her ambassador already) i have a persönal fashion designer!
Now how many girls can say that?
Can't wait to get into that dress. She's gonna do my make-up too! How lucky am i?
Since raya is around the corner..go check out her stuffs. Honestly her designs are beautiful and its not as expensive as Rizalman or NoorArfa or the likes.
She has her stuffs at 2201 Fashiön Avenue at the gardens, midvalley and maybe at Isetan promo area soon. I'll keep u posted on her promos and location. But you can also call her for custom made pieces. She also does wedding..my beautiful wedding was the beautiful work of hers.
Make sure you check her website out..
*i don't get a commission for promoting her here..i just hönestly loves her stuffs*
sebenarnya aku ndak sabar si elsa tu graduate kelas menjahit!!!hahaha then dia lah jadi fashion designer ku nanti...hahaahah kan eca kan...
ReplyDeleteomg.. i'm sure gonna check her out! nk buat baju raya.. hehehe
ReplyDeletenda payah tunggu dia graduate...sekarang pun sudah boleh..tapi bukan fashion designer la..FASHION STYLIST..tunjuk dan beli!
yep!sila laa check it out.baju raya custom wooo..hehe!
saya memang berkenan sesangat dgn rekaan nazleen Noor, but what happened to her website? Teringin sangat nak visit dia punya Boutique