Was admitted to the hospital yesterday. Was bleeding and having minor contractions. But alhamdulillah everything is ok now. Am on MC for 2 weeks so if you see my gtalk online (yes you anies!) sila jangan msg..itu computer di opis..
Am ok now..Follow up by the doctor in 2 weeks time if nothing serious comes along before then (nauzubillah).. Apparently its due to stress from work. Jadi now I will be de-stressing for 2 weeks...
OK..itu aje announcement untuk hari ini. Rumah my in-laws dah ade internet, jadi saya cuba apdet jika ada apa2 yang menarik atau jika saya tak tido..:P
Feb 28, 2009
Feb 26, 2009
Can't Take My Eyes Off You - Lauryn Hill
Beberapa orang telah tag aku dengan bende alah ni. I finally have the time to play the songs on my laptop so here goes..
1. Put your iTunes, Windows Media Player, etc. on shuffle.
2. For each question, press the next button to get your answer.
4. Tag 10 friends.
5. Everyone tagged has to do the same thing.
6. Have Fun!
Luxurious - Gwen Stefani *ooooh..ye ke?*
Damaged - TLC *omg!!hahaha..I WAS..not anymore*
In a Rush - Blackstreet *definitely the song for me to describe someone i like*
Memang Enak - Melly Goeslow *memang enak..satgi nak pi makan! :P*
Separated - Usher *erk..apekah?*
Segitiga - Cokelat *haaa?*
Khayalan - VE & Ruffedge *hahahhaha!!!! BEEPS!! 1,2,3 dan 4 tiada apa ku dapat bersamamu hanya penat!hahahahha!*
These are the Days - Jamie Cullum *wow..it's actually flattering*
A Taste of Honey - Tony Bennet *laparkah aku??*
WHAT IS 2 + 2?
Menyelamatkanmu - Sheila on 7 *aku selamatkan sape ni?*
Semua Tentang Kita - Peterpan *hahaha!we're so full of ourselves aren't we?*
Because of You - Keith Martin *kinda true..*
You Make Me Wanna - Blue *hehehe..notty notty me..*
Thanks 4 Nothin - Mariah Carey *erk..adekah kerana dia tak suke aku??hahah!*
Cahaya Aidilfitri - Handyblack! *hahah!!wrong occasion weyh!!*
Boy - Mariah Carey *hmm..*
Sway - Michael Buble *yeargh..Sway bebeh!!*
Sattelites - Sugar Ray *haa?*
Absolutely Zero - Jason Mraz *hahahhahaha!pandai kaver line playlist aku ni!*
Hey Little Rich Girl - Amy Winehouse *I don't mind the rich part..heheh!*
Pon De Replay - Rihanna *party!party!party!hahaha!*
Can't Take My Eyes off You - Lauryn Hill
1. Put your iTunes, Windows Media Player, etc. on shuffle.
2. For each question, press the next button to get your answer.
4. Tag 10 friends.
5. Everyone tagged has to do the same thing.
6. Have Fun!
Luxurious - Gwen Stefani *ooooh..ye ke?*
Damaged - TLC *omg!!hahaha..I WAS..not anymore*
In a Rush - Blackstreet *definitely the song for me to describe someone i like*
Memang Enak - Melly Goeslow *memang enak..satgi nak pi makan! :P*
Separated - Usher *erk..apekah?*
Segitiga - Cokelat *haaa?*
Khayalan - VE & Ruffedge *hahahhaha!!!! BEEPS!! 1,2,3 dan 4 tiada apa ku dapat bersamamu hanya penat!hahahahha!*
These are the Days - Jamie Cullum *wow..it's actually flattering*
A Taste of Honey - Tony Bennet *laparkah aku??*
WHAT IS 2 + 2?
Menyelamatkanmu - Sheila on 7 *aku selamatkan sape ni?*
Semua Tentang Kita - Peterpan *hahaha!we're so full of ourselves aren't we?*
Because of You - Keith Martin *kinda true..*
You Make Me Wanna - Blue *hehehe..notty notty me..*
Thanks 4 Nothin - Mariah Carey *erk..adekah kerana dia tak suke aku??hahah!*
Cahaya Aidilfitri - Handyblack! *hahah!!wrong occasion weyh!!*
Boy - Mariah Carey *hmm..*
Sway - Michael Buble *yeargh..Sway bebeh!!*
Sattelites - Sugar Ray *haa?*
Absolutely Zero - Jason Mraz *hahahhahaha!pandai kaver line playlist aku ni!*
Hey Little Rich Girl - Amy Winehouse *I don't mind the rich part..heheh!*
Pon De Replay - Rihanna *party!party!party!hahaha!*
Can't Take My Eyes off You - Lauryn Hill
Superstar vs. Rockstar, Round 2
Dulu kitorg dah buat dah bende ni (click sini). Pastu round 2 tergendala sbb memasing takde idea. Skali cik Rockstar stumbled on newer templates and wanted to restart the challenge.
Bezanya sekarang?
Cik Rockstar masih rock..
Cik Superstar dah jadi mak buyung!hahahahah!
Jadi walaupun nama blog masih sama (aku dah tukar jugak sebenarnya), imej dan personaliti sudah berubah...
Watch this space and mine la for voting options and updates...kali ni voting kat blog cik Rockstar.
Harap maklum.
Bezanya sekarang?
Cik Rockstar masih rock..
Cik Superstar dah jadi mak buyung!hahahahah!
Jadi walaupun nama blog masih sama (aku dah tukar jugak sebenarnya), imej dan personaliti sudah berubah...
Watch this space and mine la for voting options and updates...kali ni voting kat blog cik Rockstar.
Harap maklum.
Feb 25, 2009
How I Learned to Type
My father has always found it amusing that I can type faster than he does. So everytime aku balik rumah, ade je surat yang dia nak suruh aku buatkan untuk dia.
Arini dalam sesi mengeji Jime, aku teringat zaman2 baru abis sekolah dulu. Infact zaman internet baru je diperkenalkan kat sekolah aku. Aku yang sesungguhya tak cyber ni dulu, was once one of the pelopor internet kat sekolah aku.
I remember my brother installed the internet connection at home during my end-of-year school break. While waiting for my PMR results, he taught me to open my first hotmail account and chat..my first chatting experience was at alamak.com. I don't know if the site still exists or not. But that was where I first learned how to chat..
Then when I went back to school the following year, the school bought the first PC with internet connection. Dulu, dial-up tone tu was like music to my ears!hahah..aku hantu chatting..Cikgu pun tak reti guna internet so aku volunteer la nak demo. Siap attach the monitor to the projector..aku bukak website alamak.com! Cikgu pun tatau website apa tu..hahah! Imagine my whole class chatting as one person in the world wide web..kelakar gile!
Then mIRC picked up...hahahah!Those from my generation would remember the frenzy!
/join #highway -->channel sekolah aku
/nick tHiSsKiSs -->in those exact fonts! so those who knows me from back then remembers thisskiss
Gile addicted!!!My school advanced from having just one pc with internet to a whole lab of PCs equipped with internet. So apalagas....asal prep je terperuk kat lab PC, weekend kalau tak pegi outing..kat lab PC..
Pros and Cons of chatting?hahah..banyak..
- aku boleh type laju dari siput...:P
- met boys (i was from an all girls school ok!)
- made loadsa friends including those yang tolong time nak SPM and have some who are still friends til now. made my first few days in Uni bearable..altho not familiar with their faces (sbb jumpe time chatting je) but it was comforting to knw that it was someone I used to chat with.
- the weirdos online
- blind dates..:P
- menjadikan aku yang memang dah pemalas ni makin MALAS..nak chatting aje..
Skarang ni tgh cuba nak ingat nama channel that was frequented by SBPians..a few channels yang aku ingat are
#tess - channel yang admin nya Jime yang asal usul pun budak STAR la wey! :P *aler..defensive laa lu jime!:P*
#yutloy - budak MCKK
#143 - budak STF kot...
and the general chatrooms..#mamak and #kampung
and kalo nak hepp sikit #arangos -banyak bebudak Damansara Jaya kot...tah.tapi bukan SBP la.
Sekarang dah tak layan chatrooms..dok melayan member2 aku kat YM ni pun dah cukup.
*a/s/l anyone?*
Arini dalam sesi mengeji Jime, aku teringat zaman2 baru abis sekolah dulu. Infact zaman internet baru je diperkenalkan kat sekolah aku. Aku yang sesungguhya tak cyber ni dulu, was once one of the pelopor internet kat sekolah aku.
I remember my brother installed the internet connection at home during my end-of-year school break. While waiting for my PMR results, he taught me to open my first hotmail account and chat..my first chatting experience was at alamak.com. I don't know if the site still exists or not. But that was where I first learned how to chat..
Then when I went back to school the following year, the school bought the first PC with internet connection. Dulu, dial-up tone tu was like music to my ears!hahah..aku hantu chatting..Cikgu pun tak reti guna internet so aku volunteer la nak demo. Siap attach the monitor to the projector..aku bukak website alamak.com! Cikgu pun tatau website apa tu..hahah! Imagine my whole class chatting as one person in the world wide web..kelakar gile!
Then mIRC picked up...hahahah!Those from my generation would remember the frenzy!
/join #highway -->channel sekolah aku
/nick tHiSsKiSs -->in those exact fonts! so those who knows me from back then remembers thisskiss
Gile addicted!!!My school advanced from having just one pc with internet to a whole lab of PCs equipped with internet. So apalagas....asal prep je terperuk kat lab PC, weekend kalau tak pegi outing..kat lab PC..
Pros and Cons of chatting?hahah..banyak..
- aku boleh type laju dari siput...:P
- met boys (i was from an all girls school ok!)
- made loadsa friends including those yang tolong time nak SPM and have some who are still friends til now. made my first few days in Uni bearable..altho not familiar with their faces (sbb jumpe time chatting je) but it was comforting to knw that it was someone I used to chat with.
- the weirdos online
- blind dates..:P
- menjadikan aku yang memang dah pemalas ni makin MALAS..nak chatting aje..
Skarang ni tgh cuba nak ingat nama channel that was frequented by SBPians..a few channels yang aku ingat are
#tess - channel yang admin nya Jime yang asal usul pun budak STAR la wey! :P *aler..defensive laa lu jime!:P*
#yutloy - budak MCKK
#143 - budak STF kot...
and the general chatrooms..#mamak and #kampung
and kalo nak hepp sikit #arangos -banyak bebudak Damansara Jaya kot...tah.tapi bukan SBP la.
Sekarang dah tak layan chatrooms..dok melayan member2 aku kat YM ni pun dah cukup.
*a/s/l anyone?*
Feb 21, 2009
First Day of School
Malam tadi aku mimpi masuk sekolah semula. Form 1..
Tak kenal sesapa tapi masa sampai je kat gate sekolah, ada sorang budak perempuan tarik tangan aku "Jom! Letak je beg kat sini"
Dia bawak aku round2 sekolah..Sesak..Ramai sangat budak tengah tunggu nak start perhimpunan sekolah. Aku rimas "Ramai sangatlah..nak pegi amik beg semula"
Bila aku sampai kat tempat aku letak beg aku tadi, ada budak cina ni sorang sedang posing dgn beg aku.
"Hey! That's my bag!"
"Mana lu tau? Ada nama lu ka?"
"Ada!" aku pusingkan bag tu upside down and sah nama aku ada kat bontot beg tu. The struggle begins and I start swearing.
"You STUPID B***H!!WHY THE F**K DID U STEAL MY BAG FOR!" sambil struggle nak amik balik beg tu dari amoi tu. Tapi dia tanak lepaskan.
Tetibe budak perempuan yang bawak aku pi round sekolah tu tadi datang balik.."Hey! Cikgu nak jumpa you!"
Sambil kene tarik dek budak perempuan tu, aku jerit kat cinapek tu "You wait b***h! I'm gonna get your for this!"
Aku dibawa pergi kat macam balcony yang menghadap pintu gate sekolah. Tetiba cikgu tu passkan microphone kat aku and cakap "Make the morning announcements..Greet everybody into the school"
Maka berkumandanglah suara aku kat seluruh sekolah..Dalam tengah aku nak start buat announcements, sempat aku selit kata-kata "Nicole is a Stupid Bitch!" yang aku tujukan kat budak cina yang curi beg aku tadi. Macam mana aku tau nama dia Nicole jangan tanya...
Tetibe aku nampak geng bebudak TOTAL Subang (Peah, Amad, Zano, Kept, Sapik, Shahir dan semua2 la)tgh dok kat satu meja tepi pagar sekolah. Semua tengah tolak2 Peah suruh naik balcony ngan aku. Memula dia tanak..tapi akhirnya dia akur.
Naik je kat balcony, dia pun start buat announcement dengan aku. Aku ingat, Peah pakai shirt kaler pink. "For your information, he is not my boyfriend. But I really like hugging this big guy!"
Then the school bell rang and semua proceed pegi dewan...
Dan aku terjaga dari tido sbb anak aku menendang aku suruh pegi toilet untuk kesekian kalinya malam ni...
*ape motif mimpi aku? aku cuma boleh decipher pasal peah and the pink shirt aje sebab semalam sticker berbuih.blogspot dia tiba dirumah aku dalam sampul surat yang pawer!!apa pendapat korang?*
Tak kenal sesapa tapi masa sampai je kat gate sekolah, ada sorang budak perempuan tarik tangan aku "Jom! Letak je beg kat sini"
Dia bawak aku round2 sekolah..Sesak..Ramai sangat budak tengah tunggu nak start perhimpunan sekolah. Aku rimas "Ramai sangatlah..nak pegi amik beg semula"
Bila aku sampai kat tempat aku letak beg aku tadi, ada budak cina ni sorang sedang posing dgn beg aku.
"Hey! That's my bag!"
"Mana lu tau? Ada nama lu ka?"
"Ada!" aku pusingkan bag tu upside down and sah nama aku ada kat bontot beg tu. The struggle begins and I start swearing.
"You STUPID B***H!!WHY THE F**K DID U STEAL MY BAG FOR!" sambil struggle nak amik balik beg tu dari amoi tu. Tapi dia tanak lepaskan.
Tetibe budak perempuan yang bawak aku pi round sekolah tu tadi datang balik.."Hey! Cikgu nak jumpa you!"
Sambil kene tarik dek budak perempuan tu, aku jerit kat cinapek tu "You wait b***h! I'm gonna get your for this!"
Aku dibawa pergi kat macam balcony yang menghadap pintu gate sekolah. Tetiba cikgu tu passkan microphone kat aku and cakap "Make the morning announcements..Greet everybody into the school"
Maka berkumandanglah suara aku kat seluruh sekolah..Dalam tengah aku nak start buat announcements, sempat aku selit kata-kata "Nicole is a Stupid Bitch!" yang aku tujukan kat budak cina yang curi beg aku tadi. Macam mana aku tau nama dia Nicole jangan tanya...
Tetibe aku nampak geng bebudak TOTAL Subang (Peah, Amad, Zano, Kept, Sapik, Shahir dan semua2 la)tgh dok kat satu meja tepi pagar sekolah. Semua tengah tolak2 Peah suruh naik balcony ngan aku. Memula dia tanak..tapi akhirnya dia akur.
Naik je kat balcony, dia pun start buat announcement dengan aku. Aku ingat, Peah pakai shirt kaler pink. "For your information, he is not my boyfriend. But I really like hugging this big guy!"
Then the school bell rang and semua proceed pegi dewan...
Dan aku terjaga dari tido sbb anak aku menendang aku suruh pegi toilet untuk kesekian kalinya malam ni...
*ape motif mimpi aku? aku cuma boleh decipher pasal peah and the pink shirt aje sebab semalam sticker berbuih.blogspot dia tiba dirumah aku dalam sampul surat yang pawer!!apa pendapat korang?*
Now I Feel Bad
The Rihanna's concert that was postponed...okla..maybe bukan aku yang mendoakan benda buruk jadi kat dia..but she was beaten up pretty badly by Chris Brown. The photo of her injuries leaked on the internet (biasala) and you can see the article here (Click here). I don't want to post the pic here. Nanti tak pasal2 aku plak yang kene saman sbb menyebarkan gambar dia..

OKla..aku terima kenyataan..Jason Mraz's concert will still take place next week. I don't want anything bad to happen to Jason..he's too cute for bad things to happen. I never wished anything bad to happen to Rihanna either ok!?!

Cute Geek in The Pink pic taken from http://maybesomeday.jugem.jp
Kan ke comel tu!ish!
*Redha je la tak bole pi concert dan bekerja pada hari Sabtu..*
Feb 19, 2009
Should I go for Maternity Leave soon?
The air-cond in the office doesn't seem to work. The service guy has serviced it over andover again but it still doesn't work. Tah sengaja nak cari duit lebih ke tak tau la..tapi semalam baru cakap the compressor is not working. Idiots! Thay should've realised that after the 2nd visit shouldn't they?
I dunno why but I am feeling sooooo terribly irritated by the slightest thing. Maybe the baby is growing so rapidly that I'm so uncomfortable. Semua benda tak kene..Rasa cam nak mengamuk aje..And yes its a good thing that the baby is active but today his activeness is annoying me..
32nd week dah..means another 5 weeks before the baby is in his fullterm. Which means I can deliver anytime from then on. According to my plan, I was thinking of starting my maternity leave on the 6th April (my due date is 17th April) But I dunno why, my gut feeling is saying that the baby will come early. Maybe 30th March aku dah start cuti kot.
Tapi sebelum becuti I have to finish off this Hibiscus Report yang due datenya next week. Walaupun not much left of the report to do..but I so DON'T FEEL LIKE WORKING...
Ikutkan hati nak start duduk rumah je sekarang. Tak larat and I hate getting ready to work nowadays. Apart from struggling to get out of bed, I hate having to figure out what to wear to work.Not only to work ok...nak keluar pakai biasa2 pun tak tau nak pakai apa. And the amount of laundry to do...OMG! Aku stress..
Adekah mungkin harini aku PMS?
*Perasaan marah membara tapi tak tau kenapa.......*
I dunno why but I am feeling sooooo terribly irritated by the slightest thing. Maybe the baby is growing so rapidly that I'm so uncomfortable. Semua benda tak kene..Rasa cam nak mengamuk aje..And yes its a good thing that the baby is active but today his activeness is annoying me..
32nd week dah..means another 5 weeks before the baby is in his fullterm. Which means I can deliver anytime from then on. According to my plan, I was thinking of starting my maternity leave on the 6th April (my due date is 17th April) But I dunno why, my gut feeling is saying that the baby will come early. Maybe 30th March aku dah start cuti kot.
Tapi sebelum becuti I have to finish off this Hibiscus Report yang due datenya next week. Walaupun not much left of the report to do..but I so DON'T FEEL LIKE WORKING...
Ikutkan hati nak start duduk rumah je sekarang. Tak larat and I hate getting ready to work nowadays. Apart from struggling to get out of bed, I hate having to figure out what to wear to work.Not only to work ok...nak keluar pakai biasa2 pun tak tau nak pakai apa. And the amount of laundry to do...OMG! Aku stress..
Adekah mungkin harini aku PMS?
*Perasaan marah membara tapi tak tau kenapa.......*
Feb 13, 2009
Tag Elsa 2, Dektutt and Godop 1
I got tagged by Elsa for 5 things you didnt know about me and yang 16 tu by Dektutt and Godop. Aku malas nak buat banyak2 kali..jadi aku combine ajela ok?
Rules: Once you’ve been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 16 random things, facts, habits or goals about you. At the end choose 16 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. If I tagged you, it’s because I want to know more about you.
1. My right arm is longer than my left..
yeap..ini adalah satu perkara yang normal bagi bekas2 pemain basketball.tak caya tanya dektutt and godop. Tangan diorg pun mesti panjang seblah...
2. I am a TV junkie.
TV is the first thing I switch on when I get home. It also helps me sleep..
3. Have a VERY weak bladder.
EVERYTIME sampai rumah..mesti nak terkencing..:P
4. I have a MASSIVE imagination
Suke berangan especially bile hujan. Mula laa karekter2 pelik muncol..:P
5. I can eat the same food over and over again.
Current lunch menu..ikan keli masak sambal dgn rebung masak lemak. Have been eating that every working day since April 2008.
6. I can cook.
Bukan takat masak air n meggi ok? A whole complete meal..Tak percaya sudah..:P
7. I don't like staying hotels.
Tah..rasa cam tak boleh rest dgn betul. Tumpang rumah sedara lagi best.
8. I like to travel but am a VERY bad traveller.
Especially when it comes to food. I like seeing new places but I always have a VERY hard time accepting new food. Can't stand being away from home for more than 3 days.
9. Was in boarding school for 5 years, but I hate being confined.
I didn't eat for a whole week during Asasi's Orientation except for Oreo's and water because I was homesick. I think that's why I'm a bad traveller jugak kot.
10. Am a good dancer..
haha..mepoyokan diri sendiri but yeah..back in the days when I used to paint the town red..paint the town i did together with my then-partner-in-crime cik Lina Ali..:) good times eh babe?
11. Cita-cita saya dulu nak jadi Stewardess
camne aku jadi engineer plak? Gara2 mengikut jejak boyfren dan rakan baik ketika itu...not that I regretted it..
12. I like to write although I don't think I'm that good...
I used to keep a journal with pictures and all..masa tu aku kat UM. Banyak sey kisah memalukan bile baca balik!hahaha! Stok nak kene bakar dalam baldi je rasanya. But I personally think I used to write better dulu than I do now. Makin tua rasa macam makin lebih berhati-hati bila mengarang..nak jaga hati orang kunun..tapi kekadang 'ter'keji jugak..hehe!
13. Almost every person I know has a song that will remind me of them.
Mostly ex-bfs but member2 pun ade gak..cthnya:
- Kudin - any Michael Learns to Rock songs..(marah gile dia kat aku!)
- Lina - Pond de Replay (spelling?) it was our song back in the days..
- Sophie and Beeps - banyak SANGAT!!tak terlist
- Peah - his own song that aku cilok from Sophie
banyak sudah lupa laa...tapi bile dengar lagu specific orang tuh..mesti aku akan teringat.
14. I'm LOUD..
Selalunya kalau member2 aku disuruh describe aku..that is the MOST common description that they will use.Yes..I am LOUD..suara aku kuat..bila aku mode menghanjeng..lagi kuat!haha!
15. Am I crazy?
Banyak orang cakap aku gila jugak..tapi I like to think that I am just spontaneous and fun (which is sometimes if not always misunderstood for being crazy!hehe!)
16. I'm always misunderstood
Ppl think sbb aku dulu happening and sometimes messed-up maka aku suka porak-peranda kan hidup orang..DULU hidup AKU yang porak-peranda, rasa2 aku ada masa ke nak kaco hidup orang? I don't mess with you if you don't mess with me first. Even then..I don't necessarily do anything. Orang yang terasa ngan aku je yang RASA mcm aku kenekan dia..padahal..cuit pun tidak. Oh well..sapa makan cili, dia la yang rasa pedasnya..ye tak?
Dah..Habis 16 perkara tentang aku..do you think you know me now?
*malas nak tag orang..*
Rules: Once you’ve been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 16 random things, facts, habits or goals about you. At the end choose 16 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. If I tagged you, it’s because I want to know more about you.
1. My right arm is longer than my left..
yeap..ini adalah satu perkara yang normal bagi bekas2 pemain basketball.tak caya tanya dektutt and godop. Tangan diorg pun mesti panjang seblah...
2. I am a TV junkie.
TV is the first thing I switch on when I get home. It also helps me sleep..
3. Have a VERY weak bladder.
EVERYTIME sampai rumah..mesti nak terkencing..:P
4. I have a MASSIVE imagination
Suke berangan especially bile hujan. Mula laa karekter2 pelik muncol..:P
5. I can eat the same food over and over again.
Current lunch menu..ikan keli masak sambal dgn rebung masak lemak. Have been eating that every working day since April 2008.
6. I can cook.
Bukan takat masak air n meggi ok? A whole complete meal..Tak percaya sudah..:P
7. I don't like staying hotels.
Tah..rasa cam tak boleh rest dgn betul. Tumpang rumah sedara lagi best.
8. I like to travel but am a VERY bad traveller.
Especially when it comes to food. I like seeing new places but I always have a VERY hard time accepting new food. Can't stand being away from home for more than 3 days.
9. Was in boarding school for 5 years, but I hate being confined.
I didn't eat for a whole week during Asasi's Orientation except for Oreo's and water because I was homesick. I think that's why I'm a bad traveller jugak kot.
10. Am a good dancer..
haha..mepoyokan diri sendiri but yeah..back in the days when I used to paint the town red..paint the town i did together with my then-partner-in-crime cik Lina Ali..:) good times eh babe?
11. Cita-cita saya dulu nak jadi Stewardess
camne aku jadi engineer plak? Gara2 mengikut jejak boyfren dan rakan baik ketika itu...not that I regretted it..
12. I like to write although I don't think I'm that good...
I used to keep a journal with pictures and all..masa tu aku kat UM. Banyak sey kisah memalukan bile baca balik!hahaha! Stok nak kene bakar dalam baldi je rasanya. But I personally think I used to write better dulu than I do now. Makin tua rasa macam makin lebih berhati-hati bila mengarang..nak jaga hati orang kunun..tapi kekadang 'ter'keji jugak..hehe!
13. Almost every person I know has a song that will remind me of them.
Mostly ex-bfs but member2 pun ade gak..cthnya:
- Kudin - any Michael Learns to Rock songs..(marah gile dia kat aku!)
- Lina - Pond de Replay (spelling?) it was our song back in the days..
- Sophie and Beeps - banyak SANGAT!!tak terlist
- Peah - his own song that aku cilok from Sophie
banyak sudah lupa laa...tapi bile dengar lagu specific orang tuh..mesti aku akan teringat.
14. I'm LOUD..
Selalunya kalau member2 aku disuruh describe aku..that is the MOST common description that they will use.Yes..I am LOUD..suara aku kuat..bila aku mode menghanjeng..lagi kuat!haha!
15. Am I crazy?
Banyak orang cakap aku gila jugak..tapi I like to think that I am just spontaneous and fun (which is sometimes if not always misunderstood for being crazy!hehe!)
16. I'm always misunderstood
Ppl think sbb aku dulu happening and sometimes messed-up maka aku suka porak-peranda kan hidup orang..DULU hidup AKU yang porak-peranda, rasa2 aku ada masa ke nak kaco hidup orang? I don't mess with you if you don't mess with me first. Even then..I don't necessarily do anything. Orang yang terasa ngan aku je yang RASA mcm aku kenekan dia..padahal..cuit pun tidak. Oh well..sapa makan cili, dia la yang rasa pedasnya..ye tak?
Dah..Habis 16 perkara tentang aku..do you think you know me now?
*malas nak tag orang..*
Feb 12, 2009
Tag Elsa 1
Aku ada banyak hutang tag. Nanti aku buat satu2 k..
Tagged by Elsa...Rules:It's harder than it looks! Copy to your own note, erase my answers, enter yours, and tag 10 people. Use the first letter of your name to answer each of the following questions. They have to be real...nothing made up! If the person before you had the same first initial, you must use different answers. You cannot use any word twice and you can't use your name for the boy/girl name question.
1. What is your name? SASHA
2. A four letter word: SIOT
3. A boy's name: SABRI mwahahahahahaha!
4. A girl's name: SURAYA..character yang aku belum introduce.nanti..
5. An occupation: SUPERSTAR (boleh ke?)
6. A color: SILVER
7. Something you wear: SHOES la!
8. A food: SATAY AYAM (tetibe teringin nak makan satay..set..dinner malam ni satay!yeah!)
9. Something found in the bathroom: SABUN
10. A place: SAN FRANCISCO
11. A reason for being late: SAKIT PERUT BOSS!
12. Something you shout: SIAL LAAAAAA!
13. A movie title: SOMETHING ABOUT MARY
14. Something you drink: SOYA BEAN
15. A musical group: SPICE GIRLS!!!
16. A street name: SULTAN ISMAIL?
17. A type of car: S-CLASS MERCEDES
18. A song title: STOP! by Spice Girls of course
19. A verb: SCREAM!
I tag Anies, Shafik, Peah and Hazim laa as usual since all the girls dah kene tag dah.
Tagged by Elsa...Rules:It's harder than it looks! Copy to your own note, erase my answers, enter yours, and tag 10 people. Use the first letter of your name to answer each of the following questions. They have to be real...nothing made up! If the person before you had the same first initial, you must use different answers. You cannot use any word twice and you can't use your name for the boy/girl name question.
1. What is your name? SASHA
2. A four letter word: SIOT
3. A boy's name: SABRI mwahahahahahaha!
4. A girl's name: SURAYA..character yang aku belum introduce.nanti..
5. An occupation: SUPERSTAR (boleh ke?)
6. A color: SILVER
7. Something you wear: SHOES la!
8. A food: SATAY AYAM (tetibe teringin nak makan satay..set..dinner malam ni satay!yeah!)
9. Something found in the bathroom: SABUN
10. A place: SAN FRANCISCO
11. A reason for being late: SAKIT PERUT BOSS!
12. Something you shout: SIAL LAAAAAA!
13. A movie title: SOMETHING ABOUT MARY
14. Something you drink: SOYA BEAN
15. A musical group: SPICE GIRLS!!!
16. A street name: SULTAN ISMAIL?
17. A type of car: S-CLASS MERCEDES
18. A song title: STOP! by Spice Girls of course
19. A verb: SCREAM!
I tag Anies, Shafik, Peah and Hazim laa as usual since all the girls dah kene tag dah.
Feb 11, 2009
Less than 10 weeks to go! - Week 31
This time I don't have any photos to share with you. Am just too darn lazy to take any. As you've seen in my previous post, you can imagine what I look like by now..:P
I took 6 days MC last week. Semalam baru start kerja semula. Lemau..seminggu duduk rumah asyik tido sampai muka sembam..masuk keje balik konpem sello..
Geng Total Subang dapat member baru semalam. Nuurill gave birth to a baby boy yesterday afternoon. 8 days before her due date..sekarang aku cuak...Aku MC 6 hari haritu sbb I was spotting some blood again. Still am..but not as much as it was last week. The spotting was prolly caused by stress. The week before I had SIRIM come in to audit the company for a Re-certification of the ISO 14001 cert. So was going in and out or the meeting room attending to the auditors. Alhamdulillah everything went well and we got to renew our cert. Was stressful for me preparing for it since it was my first ISO 14001 audit.
So 6 days of MC, tido je kat in-laws. Sampai muke kembang!hehehe!Tapi honestly..if being in confinement after the delivery is going to be like that..suami better equip me with enough books. But then again..I might not have the time to read since I will have a new member of the family that will need my undivided attention (make that 2! Suami tak boleh lupa..:P)
Sekarang ni mixed feelings..excited, scared..sume ada...and also..SOO many things to do..SOO little time (more like soo little energy..it's not easy carrying this big belly around..) So a checklist of things to do..
1. need to clear up the baby's room
2. wash the baby's clothes
3. prepare my labor bag
4. make my checklist for suami of people to inform when I have delivered
5. curtains for the baby's room
6. check to see if baby's things are complete ke tak (which I have NO IDEA how to start..nak beli baju baby haritu pun confuse..the baju is soooo tiny..muat ke anak aku dalam baju tu?if the baju besar takpe..if the baju too small??) walaupun ada wishlist..takde la mengharap. anak aku..aku la kene provide. baby checklist mane satu aku nak ikot????ada checklist satu hal..nak mencari benda dalam checklist is another thing altogether..if u dun knw yet..i dun really like going shopping.my condition right now doesn't seem to help either.
but my main challenge everyday now is my energy and ability to even move..nak bangun dari sofa/katil pun suami kene tolong (and having to go to the toilet countless times in a day doesn't help in conserving my energy!) nak tido malam pun agak susah kadang2..trying to find the most comfortable position for both baby and me..kalau tak comfortable si kecik ni suke menendang sampai i change position..and to move from one position to another...haiyo..puas suami ketawakan aku! :P
and I am soooo clumsy nowadays. If i eat..I'm bound to get food on my clothes. I forget things, I'm slow and selalu tak larat.
sigh..but people say pregnancy is a beautiful thing...
I guess so...with my hidung yang 'hilang' and my huge belly..suami still loves me unconditionally..I guess at least he still thinks I'm beautiful...:P
But most importantly now..I hope all of you keep your fingers crossed for me that I don't go into a pre-term labor..only 6 more weeks ok baby til its your full term...sabar....
I took 6 days MC last week. Semalam baru start kerja semula. Lemau..seminggu duduk rumah asyik tido sampai muka sembam..masuk keje balik konpem sello..
Geng Total Subang dapat member baru semalam. Nuurill gave birth to a baby boy yesterday afternoon. 8 days before her due date..sekarang aku cuak...Aku MC 6 hari haritu sbb I was spotting some blood again. Still am..but not as much as it was last week. The spotting was prolly caused by stress. The week before I had SIRIM come in to audit the company for a Re-certification of the ISO 14001 cert. So was going in and out or the meeting room attending to the auditors. Alhamdulillah everything went well and we got to renew our cert. Was stressful for me preparing for it since it was my first ISO 14001 audit.
So 6 days of MC, tido je kat in-laws. Sampai muke kembang!hehehe!Tapi honestly..if being in confinement after the delivery is going to be like that..suami better equip me with enough books. But then again..I might not have the time to read since I will have a new member of the family that will need my undivided attention (make that 2! Suami tak boleh lupa..:P)
Sekarang ni mixed feelings..excited, scared..sume ada...and also..SOO many things to do..SOO little time (more like soo little energy..it's not easy carrying this big belly around..) So a checklist of things to do..
1. need to clear up the baby's room
2. wash the baby's clothes
3. prepare my labor bag
4. make my checklist for suami of people to inform when I have delivered
5. curtains for the baby's room
6. check to see if baby's things are complete ke tak (which I have NO IDEA how to start..nak beli baju baby haritu pun confuse..the baju is soooo tiny..muat ke anak aku dalam baju tu?if the baju besar takpe..if the baju too small??) walaupun ada wishlist..takde la mengharap. anak aku..aku la kene provide. baby checklist mane satu aku nak ikot????ada checklist satu hal..nak mencari benda dalam checklist is another thing altogether..if u dun knw yet..i dun really like going shopping.my condition right now doesn't seem to help either.
but my main challenge everyday now is my energy and ability to even move..nak bangun dari sofa/katil pun suami kene tolong (and having to go to the toilet countless times in a day doesn't help in conserving my energy!) nak tido malam pun agak susah kadang2..trying to find the most comfortable position for both baby and me..kalau tak comfortable si kecik ni suke menendang sampai i change position..and to move from one position to another...haiyo..puas suami ketawakan aku! :P
and I am soooo clumsy nowadays. If i eat..I'm bound to get food on my clothes. I forget things, I'm slow and selalu tak larat.
sigh..but people say pregnancy is a beautiful thing...
I guess so...with my hidung yang 'hilang' and my huge belly..suami still loves me unconditionally..I guess at least he still thinks I'm beautiful...:P
But most importantly now..I hope all of you keep your fingers crossed for me that I don't go into a pre-term labor..only 6 more weeks ok baby til its your full term...sabar....
Feb 10, 2009
Update: Will Rihanna's Concert be Cancelled?
Owh well...the concert is not cancelled (YET!!!) but merely postponed..
But I was close to speculate kannn??I hope the concert will be done somewhere in August ke...sempat lagi aku nak pegi!
But I was close to speculate kannn??I hope the concert will be done somewhere in August ke...sempat lagi aku nak pegi!
Sunburst KL 2009? I'll Pass..
Artist line-up Sunburst KL 2009
N.E.R.D aje????Last year ada John Legend OK!!sbb tu aku hangin tak pegi last year. This year takat N.E.R.D..takpa.."Aiman tak kesah!"
2 concerts down..one more to go..
*selamber mengiyakan concert Rihanna kene cancel! :P..sape percaya kata2 aku memang anda naif dan sungguh senang ditipu oleh mak buyung!*
Tapi statement jujur aku katakan..konsert Jason Mraz should be done in a more intimate place like HRC or Planet or a private concert for ME!!!!
N.E.R.D aje????Last year ada John Legend OK!!sbb tu aku hangin tak pegi last year. This year takat N.E.R.D..takpa.."Aiman tak kesah!"
2 concerts down..one more to go..
*selamber mengiyakan concert Rihanna kene cancel! :P..sape percaya kata2 aku memang anda naif dan sungguh senang ditipu oleh mak buyung!*
Tapi statement jujur aku katakan..konsert Jason Mraz should be done in a more intimate place like HRC or Planet or a private concert for ME!!!!
Will Rihanna's Concert be Cancelled?
Based on this article, Rihanna filed a report against Chris Brown saying she was assaulted by boyfie Chris Brown the night before the Grammy's. Both did not attend the event yesterday..
Does this mean Rihanna's concert this Friday (13th Feb) 'might' be cancelled????
*sukati aku jeeee nak memulakan spekulasi!!hahaha! aku keji sbb aku tak boleh pegi concert Rihanna. Ape pulak musibah untuk concert Jason Mraz ni? Sunburst tahun ni gua tak heran..orang cakap artist line-up tak gempak mcm last year..:P*
*aku tau aku keji..sukati aaaaa!!*
Does this mean Rihanna's concert this Friday (13th Feb) 'might' be cancelled????
*sukati aku jeeee nak memulakan spekulasi!!hahaha! aku keji sbb aku tak boleh pegi concert Rihanna. Ape pulak musibah untuk concert Jason Mraz ni? Sunburst tahun ni gua tak heran..orang cakap artist line-up tak gempak mcm last year..:P*
*aku tau aku keji..sukati aaaaa!!*
Feb 6, 2009
En. Sabri Lagi
Semalam perempuan En. Sabri call aku lagi. Untuk yang tak tau kisah En. Sabri, sila rujuk sini.
Kali ni aku tak mengamuk..sbb dia call dalam kol 10.15pm..aku otw nak ke Pelita KL dgn suami serta bapak mentua.
Aku: Hello?
*line senyap kejap..pastu dgr bunyi mengeluh...*
PES(Perempuan En. Sabri): Boleh cakap dengan Sabri?
Aku: *dgn tenang* En. Sabri takde..dah banyak kali dah cakap..salah nombor ni...
PES: Awak jangan nak menyamar laaa! Saya tau awak baru bernikah!
Aku: Memang laa saya baru bernikah..tapi suami saya bukan Sabri..Suami saya Mohamad Nizar (bukan Menteri Besar Perak yang tanak letak jawatan tu kay!sian suami aku!)
PES: Ah! Jangan nak menyamar!
Aku: Kenapa saya nak menyamar *masih dgn nada tenang* Saya dah pakai nombor ni dah lama dah. Kalo awak nak cari En. Sabri, kenapa awak tak call dia je terus? Kenapa awak asyik call saya?
PES: Hey! Jangan nak tipu la! Ni la nombor Sabri! Saya baru call dia petang tadi!
Aku: Saya rasa akak salah dail..cube cek balik. Mane tau tersalah tekan ke? Saya dah pakai nombor ni lama dah..dah 10 tahun dah kak..
*toooooot* Talian terputus..
Aku tensen...pastu suami cakap kalo dia call lagi pass phone kat dia..
Sungguh beberapa saat pastu..dia call lagi..suami yang angkat..
Suami: Hello..assalamualaikum *dgn suara hensem!:P* Ni apa cerita ni?
PES: Saya nak mintak maaf..memang salah nombor..Nombor En. Sabri 012...bukan 019 (aku pakai Celcom)
Suami: Ok...
Cilaka!!Time maki aku yang angkat..time mintak maaf suami yang angkat! Macam HARAM!
Sekarang aku dah tau nombor En. Sabri ni..aku rasa macam nak call je maki dia...nak main perempuan jangan laa kantoi pastu menyusahkan aku!!!!
*nasib baik aku MC sampai Thaipusam!!! :P*
Kali ni aku tak mengamuk..sbb dia call dalam kol 10.15pm..aku otw nak ke Pelita KL dgn suami serta bapak mentua.
Aku: Hello?
*line senyap kejap..pastu dgr bunyi mengeluh...*
PES(Perempuan En. Sabri): Boleh cakap dengan Sabri?
Aku: *dgn tenang* En. Sabri takde..dah banyak kali dah cakap..salah nombor ni...
PES: Awak jangan nak menyamar laaa! Saya tau awak baru bernikah!
Aku: Memang laa saya baru bernikah..tapi suami saya bukan Sabri..Suami saya Mohamad Nizar (bukan Menteri Besar Perak yang tanak letak jawatan tu kay!sian suami aku!)
PES: Ah! Jangan nak menyamar!
Aku: Kenapa saya nak menyamar *masih dgn nada tenang* Saya dah pakai nombor ni dah lama dah. Kalo awak nak cari En. Sabri, kenapa awak tak call dia je terus? Kenapa awak asyik call saya?
PES: Hey! Jangan nak tipu la! Ni la nombor Sabri! Saya baru call dia petang tadi!
Aku: Saya rasa akak salah dail..cube cek balik. Mane tau tersalah tekan ke? Saya dah pakai nombor ni lama dah..dah 10 tahun dah kak..
*toooooot* Talian terputus..
Aku tensen...pastu suami cakap kalo dia call lagi pass phone kat dia..
Sungguh beberapa saat pastu..dia call lagi..suami yang angkat..
Suami: Hello..assalamualaikum *dgn suara hensem!:P* Ni apa cerita ni?
PES: Saya nak mintak maaf..memang salah nombor..Nombor En. Sabri 012...bukan 019 (aku pakai Celcom)
Suami: Ok...
Cilaka!!Time maki aku yang angkat..time mintak maaf suami yang angkat! Macam HARAM!
Sekarang aku dah tau nombor En. Sabri ni..aku rasa macam nak call je maki dia...nak main perempuan jangan laa kantoi pastu menyusahkan aku!!!!
*nasib baik aku MC sampai Thaipusam!!! :P*
Feb 2, 2009
An Evening With The Gurls Pix (Elsa)
Gambar2 sesi Cam-Whoring bersama rakan2 dipetik dari Blog Elsa tanpa kami pedulikkan orang ramai di sekeliling kawasan yang tgh tgk Band Filipino perform kat situ time tu. Biasa dah diorg ni buat keje2 camni....

Aku tengah stand-by untuk photoshoot ditemani oleh Zurina
The 'STAR' of the day yang 'menyorok' dalam perut mamanya
The Hot Aunties.....Zurina, Elsa, Me, Erni, Sophie and Azie (Ida Mamarazzi, Farah dah balik)
Hot Aunties minus Elsa, Farah and Beeps *Elsa mamarazzi*

Mamarazzi Ida and Erni

Kesian anak aku..belum keluar dah kene cabul dek aunty2 dia yang Hot, Happening and PENING! :P

I had so much fun yesterday gurls.....thank you for coming and dah rindu dah pun ni!!!
*ni belum keluar dia dah kene serang..dah keluar ape laa jadi kat dia..sian anak aku....:P*
Kawan Kawan Aku Yang KEJI!
Dan mereka adalah..
dan Shafik..
kenapa mereka keji?
sebab arini Kolumpo cuti...jadi mereka cuti tetapi aku kerja sbb kompeni aku di Selangor dan kedekut cuti...
Isnin depan pun mereka cuti lagi sbb mereka sapot HINDU!! Aku tak sapot...jadi aku tak cuti walaupun majoriti 'rakyat' kat kompeni aku ni Hindu...orang Hindu je cuti Isnin depan..aku Islam....jadi tak cuti...
*sile laa keji...dah kene chop keji oleh aku dah awal awal..benci!*
dan Shafik..
kenapa mereka keji?
sebab arini Kolumpo cuti...jadi mereka cuti tetapi aku kerja sbb kompeni aku di Selangor dan kedekut cuti...
Isnin depan pun mereka cuti lagi sbb mereka sapot HINDU!! Aku tak sapot...jadi aku tak cuti walaupun majoriti 'rakyat' kat kompeni aku ni Hindu...orang Hindu je cuti Isnin depan..aku Islam....jadi tak cuti...
*sile laa keji...dah kene chop keji oleh aku dah awal awal..benci!*
Feb 1, 2009
My Baby's Wishlist
The post that Anies is dreading!!My baby's wishlist!!hahah! After the evening with the gurls, Ida gave me a VERY helpful list of baby needs that I think I'll use to guide me in buying stuffs for my baby.
But Anies..IF YOU CAN..I specifically want the item on the link from you!!huahuahua http://www.coolkreations.com/ZoobieIndex.asp If not..you may choose from the rest of the list..
Baby's Wishlist (from sape aku nak mintak pun aku tatau!! :p)
1. Diaper Bag - for baby's diapers, change of clothes and milk bottles etc.
- 1big & 1 small
2. Baby towels (hooded) - need4-5pcs..got one from Ida (thanks darl!love the "My Superstar Baby!") need 3 more.
3. Bouncer Seat - for feeding, entertaining and play. need 1
4. Baby mobile - need 1
5. Graco Baby Travel System!! - saw one that costs RM1600++..heheh! It looks like this (click here) Mungkin mintak dari mentua...tapi kalo korang nak belikan pun ok aje!hehehe!
6. Baby Bassinet - it's like a baby cradle.
Lain2 benda yang boleh jugak kalo nak belikan..
1. Baby bath tub
2. 8oz and 4oz Avent baby bottles (reccomended for breast feeding and to avoid colic for baby)
3. Drool and Feeding bibs (soft terry materials recommended)
4. Baby wash cloths
5. Infant wash cushions
6. Baby's Play Yard
I think that's all..hehehehe..
*approximately 2 and a half months to go...........*
But Anies..IF YOU CAN..I specifically want the item on the link from you!!huahuahua http://www.coolkreations.com/ZoobieIndex.asp If not..you may choose from the rest of the list..
Baby's Wishlist (from sape aku nak mintak pun aku tatau!! :p)
1. Diaper Bag - for baby's diapers, change of clothes and milk bottles etc.
- 1big & 1 small
2. Baby towels (hooded) - need4-5pcs..got one from Ida (thanks darl!love the "My Superstar Baby!") need 3 more.
3. Bouncer Seat - for feeding, entertaining and play. need 1
4. Baby mobile - need 1
5. Graco Baby Travel System!! - saw one that costs RM1600++..heheh! It looks like this (click here) Mungkin mintak dari mentua...tapi kalo korang nak belikan pun ok aje!hehehe!
6. Baby Bassinet - it's like a baby cradle.
Lain2 benda yang boleh jugak kalo nak belikan..
1. Baby bath tub
2. 8oz and 4oz Avent baby bottles (reccomended for breast feeding and to avoid colic for baby)
3. Drool and Feeding bibs (soft terry materials recommended)
4. Baby wash cloths
5. Infant wash cushions
6. Baby's Play Yard
I think that's all..hehehehe..
*approximately 2 and a half months to go...........*
An Evening With the Gurls!
Finally able to meet up with the gurls today plus a few unexpected gurls..(Dektutt: Happy Birthday again beb! Kiau: Nice bumping into to you!! Your expression seeing me was PRICELESS!! Wish I had recorded it!haha!)
It was the first time them seeing me since I got preggers (except Sophie and Farah) and boy were their expression priceless!!hehehe! Thank you for making me laugh til the tears came rolling! I had sooooo much fun! Thank you all for making it! And Ida and Azie..I absolutely LOVE the gifts!
My Superstar Baby towel from Ida becoz Mommy is Spotlight Superstar! So sweet!!!
Baby Bodysuits from Ida too..
Cute comforter from Azie (i dunno kenape gambar tu terbalik!) Thanks babe! *Mwacks*
I didn't have pics from our cam-whoring session. So I'll just wait til one of you post it on Facebook or blog then aku curi from situ je la k.
The only pic I have - those present were Ida, Sophie, Azie, Elsa, Zurina, Erni and missing foot is Farah sbb dia dah balik dah time tu.
Thanks gurls!! Hopefully I'll see you again before I bersalin but if not..see you when the baby gets here!!mwahss!!
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