Feb 13, 2009

Tag Elsa 2, Dektutt and Godop 1

I got tagged by Elsa for 5 things you didnt know about me and yang 16 tu by Dektutt and Godop. Aku malas nak buat banyak2 kali..jadi aku combine ajela ok?

Rules: Once you’ve been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 16 random things, facts, habits or goals about you. At the end choose 16 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. If I tagged you, it’s because I want to know more about you.

1. My right arm is longer than my left..
yeap..ini adalah satu perkara yang normal bagi bekas2 pemain basketball.tak caya tanya dektutt and godop. Tangan diorg pun mesti panjang seblah...

2. I am a TV junkie.
TV is the first thing I switch on when I get home. It also helps me sleep..

3. Have a VERY weak bladder.
EVERYTIME sampai rumah..mesti nak terkencing..:P

4. I have a MASSIVE imagination
Suke berangan especially bile hujan. Mula laa karekter2 pelik muncol..:P

5. I can eat the same food over and over again.
Current lunch menu..ikan keli masak sambal dgn rebung masak lemak. Have been eating that every working day since April 2008.

6. I can cook.
Bukan takat masak air n meggi ok? A whole complete meal..Tak percaya sudah..:P

7. I don't like staying hotels.
Tah..rasa cam tak boleh rest dgn betul. Tumpang rumah sedara lagi best.

8. I like to travel but am a VERY bad traveller.
Especially when it comes to food. I like seeing new places but I always have a VERY hard time accepting new food. Can't stand being away from home for more than 3 days.

9. Was in boarding school for 5 years, but I hate being confined.
I didn't eat for a whole week during Asasi's Orientation except for Oreo's and water because I was homesick. I think that's why I'm a bad traveller jugak kot.

10. Am a good dancer..
haha..mepoyokan diri sendiri but yeah..back in the days when I used to paint the town red..paint the town i did together with my then-partner-in-crime cik Lina Ali..:) good times eh babe?

11. Cita-cita saya dulu nak jadi Stewardess
camne aku jadi engineer plak? Gara2 mengikut jejak boyfren dan rakan baik ketika itu...not that I regretted it..

12. I like to write although I don't think I'm that good...
I used to keep a journal with pictures and all..masa tu aku kat UM. Banyak sey kisah memalukan bile baca balik!hahaha! Stok nak kene bakar dalam baldi je rasanya. But I personally think I used to write better dulu than I do now. Makin tua rasa macam makin lebih berhati-hati bila mengarang..nak jaga hati orang kunun..tapi kekadang 'ter'keji jugak..hehe!

13. Almost every person I know has a song that will remind me of them.
Mostly ex-bfs but member2 pun ade gak..cthnya:
- Kudin - any Michael Learns to Rock songs..(marah gile dia kat aku!)
- Lina - Pond de Replay (spelling?) it was our song back in the days..
- Sophie and Beeps - banyak SANGAT!!tak terlist
- Peah - his own song that aku cilok from Sophie
banyak sudah lupa laa...tapi bile dengar lagu specific orang tuh..mesti aku akan teringat.

14. I'm LOUD..
Selalunya kalau member2 aku disuruh describe aku..that is the MOST common description that they will use.Yes..I am LOUD..suara aku kuat..bila aku mode menghanjeng..lagi kuat!haha!

15. Am I crazy?
Banyak orang cakap aku gila jugak..tapi I like to think that I am just spontaneous and fun (which is sometimes if not always misunderstood for being crazy!hehe!)

16. I'm always misunderstood
Ppl think sbb aku dulu happening and sometimes messed-up maka aku suka porak-peranda kan hidup orang..DULU hidup AKU yang porak-peranda, rasa2 aku ada masa ke nak kaco hidup orang? I don't mess with you if you don't mess with me first. Even then..I don't necessarily do anything. Orang yang terasa ngan aku je yang RASA mcm aku kenekan dia..padahal..cuit pun tidak. Oh well..sapa makan cili, dia la yang rasa pedasnya..ye tak?

Dah..Habis 16 perkara tentang aku..do you think you know me now?

*malas nak tag orang..*


  1. kalau nk dgr suara sasha masa time belajo, pegi je kafe fakulti selepas kelas. dia musti menegor dgn suara yang amat lantangggggggggg....

    cth sapaan mesra sasha ialah..

    "woi bitcchhhhhhh!!"


    i lef yu sasha.

  2. mane ade aku sebut 'bitch'...ish kau ni...fitnah tu!!hahah!

    *sebenarnya aku pun tak ingat aku selalu panggil orang ape dulu..:P*

  3. isn't this supposed to be 25 things?camane sampai kat kau dah discount jadi 16?

    pecah kepala tau tak nak buat 25!

  4. hahah..tatau...the tag i got was 16 things..ok..ok..nnt aku sambung lagi 9 things ok?



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