I must hate working kan? All my posts seems to be about what I do on my weekends..
Ok..we try something different today. Let's talk about my normal routine on a working day
6am: alarm hubby goes off..am actually already awake tapi malas nak bangun.check hubby berselimut ke tidak (has a habit of kicking off his blanket..lepas tu mengigil sejuk..memang..dia suka cari pasal like that!:P) selalunya tak berselimut, so i'll share my blanket and hug him..he switches off his alarm and hugs me back
7am: MY alarm goes off..snooze..tido balik
7.08am: alarm goes off again..snooze
7.16am: alarm goes off..snooze..bangun..pasang air kat toilet..tido balik..
7.24am:alarm goes off..snooze..peluk hubby or he peluk me..tido balik
7.30am:air melimpah kat toilet..bangun..tutup air..tido balik
7.32am: alarm goes off..snooze
7.40am: alarm goes off..snooze
7.48am: alarm goes off..Finally tutup alarm...bergolek atas katil
8am: finally get out of bed and mandi and siap pegi keje..hubby goes to sit on his "thinking chair" like many men would do first thing in the morning..
8.25am: i ask "U nak I bawak keta mana satu ni? Bawak lori ke keta kecik?" i'd normally go for the kelisa....
8.41am: am at the cabel bridge traffic light..i just missed the green light (without fail tau!)
8.59am: punch card
dah penat dah cerita pasal getting up for work..but yes people..i do this 5 times a week without fail!!!the EXACT routine! I have been late for work before..traffic jam and have told myself over & over again..bangun je la awal sikit..I guess old habits die hard..hehe!
dah kahwin ni makin susah nak bangun pagi...you'll know what i mean when you get married.. *wink*
No, i dunno what u mean. *wink*
ReplyDeleteMinah kelisa juga ye?
haha!yup..i like the ability to mencilok with it!heheh!and no..aku belum lagi menghadapi situasi lorong touch n go yang mengkonpiuskan..hehehe!!
ReplyDeletealaa...kawin.of course mesti mau bangkong alot!hahaha...make love people!make love and make babies.kalau xnak baby...takkan tu pon aku nak ajar.aku ni blom kawin!hahaha....don't fall into the stats!what stats?haa....lu baca blog gua pastu lu pikirla sendiri!assalamualaikum!!!*quote nabil*
ReplyDeleteehh..bukan bangkong semata.. :P saya rasa saya tak tergolong dalam statistik itu..dunno bout hubby tho!hahahaha!
ReplyDeletemane tak susah nak bangun tido kalo dah ade self-warming 'bantal golek'..pepagi tgh sejuk2 tu...hehehehe!!
but i think you're definitely part of the statistic shafik..*grin*
confirm aku ahli statistic!TIDAKKK!!!!