My faithful readers has been making noise why I haven't updated my blog for so long (i did la..aku siap Post gambar lagi masa aku kat MTV tu!) this was what happened...
15th August 2009, Saturday
MTV Worldstage - Sunway Lagoon Theme Park (bukan Stockholm ye Zu!hehe!)
It was ROCKING I tell you!!!!!!!!!!! I had the time of my life! (Walaupun hanya di RED zone) Thank you *rockstar* for suggesting that we go (walaupun akhirnya aku pulak yang dapatkan tiket untuk hang!) Although we missed Estranged coz we were waiting for *rockstar* untuk habis berak (aku tau local band tapi aku nak dengar lagu baru diorg - In No Time) When we first got there, we felt a bit awkward..Gile terasa tua yang maksimum..the crowd were mainly kids! But suami and Chip had a fun time making fun of the weird style and stuffs that kids today do..
Masuk je Sunway Lagoon, Boys Like Girls were performing..they were good and surprisingly Raygun and Pixie Lott was interesting as well. Sorry la..but I'm not that up-to-date with these ppl. Then HOOBASTANK came on stage!!!!!!!!!!
Dah tak tau dah nak describe macam mana..HAPPENING I TELL YOU!!! They sang
Crawling in the Dark
So Close, So Far (ke??new song aku tak ingat nama)
Ghostbusters (yes..the theme song)
and THE REASON!!!! OMG!! I could've dieded!!!hahahah!!
But one thing I have to say..Hoobastank MEMANG PROFESSIONALS! Sound fail sikit time diorg perform tapi they managed to cover it well and keep the crowd occupied...Cayalah!
Pastu ada potong sikit la sbb DJ Rahul dari mane tah dok spin. Suami fedap jadi telah keluar bersama Chip. Aku nak tunggu The All American Rejects, jadi aku stay bersama *rockstar* They opened their slot with
Swing, Swing
Dirty Little Secrets
It Ends Tonight
I Wanna
(Lagu OST Transformers..again aku tatau nama)
Gives You Hell
Time nih dah macam org tue tak sedar diri dah aku!hahah! Melompat mcm berok bersama cik *rockstar* BEST GILE!!!!!
Puas hati..lepas tu saya pulang. Kasabian saya tak familiar..And the fact that I am orang TUA..dah tak larat. *ngee!*
Malam tu layan Nasi Lemak kat Jalan Berkeley, Klang..konpem tido dengan nyenyak!
16th August 2009, Sunday
Paintball - Rimba Harmonis Paintball Extreme Park, Gombak
Dinner - Fatty Crab, Taman Megah

First time aku main paintball..GIAN DOWHHH!!!!!! Bestgiletaktaunakcakapapedah! Walaupun suami ada ala-ala main tipu sikit sebab dia telah pilih team mates dia yang kencang..tapi I still had fun!! And yes we are going to organize another game after raya. So sapa nak me! Nanti aku apdet via Event kat Fesbuk. Gambar pun sumer dah upload kat sana.
Habis main paintball..I had dinner with my former boss, Mama G at Fatty Crab.
5 kati ketam
2 dozen ayam goreng
4 orang makan
Kenyang tak ingat dunia...sekali lagi aku tido dengan nyenyak malam itu
17th August 2009, Monday (the day I turned 28)
Terima kasih kawan-kawan untuk segala sms dan msg kat Fesbuk, nyanyian Hepi Birthday, panggilan telepon segala macam. Saya Hepi....*big grin* Terima kasih juge cik Elsa sebab buat cyber party untuk aku and Zu kat belognya..
Office celebrated by getting me a cake after lunch. Nice.
That night I went to catch GI Joe: Rise of Cobra with suami at Platinum Cineleisure Damansara. Best!! For those who hasn't seen it..please go see. I'm too tired to review the movie.

Best kan birthday saya tahun ni?
Happy Birthday to you too Zurina - my birthday mate!
Uh-oh..Congrats to Azie and Jaja!!! Soon-to-be mommies!!!!!
*put up a brave front and count your blessings...*
nama plastik tu poncho laa...sekian
ReplyDeleteaku sangat sukaaaaaaa.thanks sashaaaaaa.i lebiu la darling! sori kenot join paintball. family time k. aku tembak ko smpi lebam.trattt tat tat tat.
ReplyDeletewahhhhh panjang nya belog mu....kosyokkk aku membaca....kan bagus mcm ni update sentiasa. takde lah org tercari2...
ReplyDeletebabe once again. epi bday to me (mestilah aku dulu..hehehe)epi bday to u (baru lah ko) epi bday to us ....epi bday to the gojas us. hahaha XOXOXOXO..
p/s: biar tua asal kencang. hahaha
tapi sapik, katanya pada bungkusannya..MTV Wet Wear..takde pun poncho...huahuahua! *degil*
ReplyDeleteanies..ailebiu tooo!!member aku amik video kita tengah terkinja kinja tgk AAR dowh!!haha!aku pun suke..sial je drama anak muda.."OMG..he WAS SO HOT!" ko ni nak kene sebat kan anies...hahahahahah!!paintball lepas raya plis!
zu!!hahaha!gojas dan kencang itu mesti!ok..pasni aku cuba gigihkan usaha apdet selalu!
cool giler. multi celebration bday!
ReplyDeleteglad u had fun.. tp masalahnya skrg terasa nak mkn fatty crab! urghh
azie..pegi!!!!sementara ada selera ni!hahah..dalam pantang nnt kempunan!
ReplyDelete*selamber racun!*
tak jugak nama dia poncho.hahahahaaa*degil balik*
ReplyDeletefatty crab*yawnssss*
nak balik makan an....ehhh silap silap...
makan makanan tak berunsurkan cipud!!hahahhaa