So when I got home, standard laa..switched on all the lights and tv just to feel like there's people in the house. This has been a habit of mine for a very long time everytime I'm home alone. Finished up all the laundry and folded the dried ones.
Then I remembered that I still have yet to finish watching Gossip Girl season 2 that K.Lin has so graciously downloaded for me. So I started at about 9:00pm, in between watching American Dreams on Hallmark Channel.
I slept at 3am!!!!
Honestly, I don't really like the characters in it. It's not like watching Friends where you will laugh at their jokes no matter how many times you watch it. Gossip girl to vicious! And somehow it's scary being the rich and famous on the upper east side.

But why do you ask did I still sleep at 3am watching it? I like the clothes and the style. Especially Serena's..she has this laid-back rock chick style. Thing is..rambut dia serabut macam tak sikat pun boleh nampak cun..sigh..
And come on..gossip laaaaa!!hehehehe! *Jime..aku rasa kau mesti suke GG kan?xoxo..:P*
But IF EVER, ANY of my children ends up like any of the characters in GG.. haiyoooooooooo... I don't know what I would do..
But the thing is..that's not the point of my post. The thing I stressed the most here was that I stayed up til 3am watching GG. It felt kinda nice having the whole house to myself once in a while (walaupun telinga ni asyik dengar macam-macam...saiko diri sendiri) Coz if suami was around..jangan harap boleh stay up selama itu. I doubt I'd even manage to get through one espisode before suami starts to complaint...hehehe!
But I miss suami. He's coming home today...yay!
*tah bile nak habiskan GG S2 and Ugly month GG S3 pulak dah keluar....catch up Sasha...catch up!*
ReplyDeletesaye sukak gosip girl!
ish name aku lak kene cop PIRACY.. takpi takpe.. member nye hal... ambik lah segala season yg ade... bulan depan start all the new seasons!!!!!!.. wahahhaha bestttttt!