I am at ESSET, Bangi, attending this safety week seminar organized by NIOSH. It's gonna be a löng day! There are 6 project paper that i will have to go through. But the topics are quite useful so we'll see what happens.
What inspired me to blog is actually this hall. It's cramped with almost 600 participants and right now, Datuk Dr. S. Subramaniam is 'reading' his speech. Dön't get me wrong..what he's saying is actually useful but it's just the feeling that this hall is giving me.. I suddenly feel as is I was back in school.
It feels as if i was in my school hall, attending one of our many functions. After this i'll be heading to the dining hall for lunch (i am getting a free lunch for this seminar!)
Kinda missing my school days now. Although i was homesick all through my 4 years there (i stopped feeling homesick in form 5 coz we kinda ruled the school..hehe) there was a lot of fond memories we had there.
English drama..sports day..basketball tournaments..and the weekly weekend outings in town..
Opst! It's time for the morning tea break!hehe! Continue later!
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