Dec 2, 2008

Macam Sama Tapi Tak Semua ok!

*plagiat kopipes dari cik elsa

Outgoing personality. takes risks. feeds on attention. No self-control. Kind hearted. Self-confident. Loud and boisterous
*sangat AKU kan?*. VERY revengeful. Easy to get along with and talk to. Has an 'every thing's peachy' attitude. Likes talking and singing. Loves music. Daydreamer. Easily distracted. Hates not being trusted. BIG imagination. Loves to be loved. Hates studying *haha!explanation yang sangat tepat!sbb tu aku lambat abis blaja!* in need of 'that someone'. Longs for freedom. Rebellious when withheld or restricted. Lives by 'no pain no gain' caring. Always a suspect. Playful. Mysterious. 'charming' or 'beautiful' to everyone. stubborn. curious. Independent. Strong willed. A fighter.

Aku selalu impress dgn bende2 cenggini walaupun aku tau bende alah ni adalah syirik kalau percaya..pernah jugak aku terbaca kat newspaper ada ulama cakap kalau bace je horoscope dah kira syirik. Tapi tu cerita lain. tujuan post aku ni lain...

*tapi aku suke baca horoscope..takde la percaya, cume kelakar dgn the similarities sbb baca horoscope at the end of the day (kadang2 newspaper semalam :P)..bukan dari pagi hari. coincidence je tu..bukan sbb horoscope kejadian2 tu terjadi*-->Ustad HAZIM tak bertauliah cakap macam ni tak syirik..hehe (cam sial je aku kene ceramah pepagi selasa oleh jime!) tapi jime..janji kita tak taksub dgn bende2 cenggini kan??kan??kan??

AAAANYWAYY...back to this personality orang bulan August ni..part yang VERY revengeful and mysterious tu I have to say I disagree..kuat berdendam kah aku ni?tak aa...berdendam tu ada laa..tapi takde la kuat. aku lagi percaya pada karma daripada nak berdendam-dendam ni. So far karma has been very FAIR..both to me and to the person yang menganiaya aku. *ye..aku pun sekali sekala ada 'terkena' karma sendiri sbb aku pun tak perfect ok!* Bab mysterious?hahahaha!!if you know me well you will know that I am NO WHERE NEAR mysterious. Very predictable adelah!heh!

Part Always a Suspect..that I have to agree...mungkin sbb aku ni kepochi kalo ade bende yang tak kene je..mesti AKU la penyebabnya!haha!teringat zaman kat 2nd College sial je kene tuduh 'jadi naga' dalam bilik member..padahal..I was not even in the room. In fact I was not even IN THE COLLEGE!biasala mentaliti org yang kuat berdengki dgn kami2 yang 'perasan hotstuff' *padahal diorg yang gelar kitorg camtu!*

tapi takpe..seronok bila ingat balik..stok buat gelak aje bile melepak ngan my gurls yang mereng tu!haha! Click here and here for more insights about my mereng gurls!

yang lain2 pasal august baby nye personality tu...banyak betul la..korang jgn taksub perangai aku camtu sudah..nnt syirik ok!

*charming and beautiful to everyone!hahah!yeee lah sangat!*


  1. hahah..kau tak bertauliah tau jime..

    ke kau plan nak join JAKIM pas ni?buat fatwa pasal horoscope pulak...:P

  2. kat salah satu blog kawan kau tu, yang kau link tu, kau macam comel ah pulak.

    aku tak pernah tgk kau comel.

    :. tuk bukan gambar kau.

  3. en. buih..

    i think i knw which one you're referring to..hehe!aku tau aku tak comel tapi mesti ingat..aku ada 'potensi' untuk comel ok!
    *meskipun tak secomel kau*

  4. i pun suka baca menda2 camni. Sambil baca set dlm kpala, "jgn percaya, jgn percaya, nnt syirik"..

    Eh, a'ahh laaa!! Betul laa!! camne dia tau eh??? Patut la pun!1 Oooooo!!!....

    dah pulak daaahh...

  5. puteri fiona..

    manede percaya..kebetulan je..kalo takde bende2 camni jadi jugak kan??kan??kan??



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