Baby Rania is 8days old today. And we're still in the hospital.
Got discharged from the hospital last Tuesday and was readmitted on Thursday as Rania's bilirubin count was high - 325. And we've been here ever since. She made pretty good progress the past two days but this morning the count went up a tad bit (from 258 to 260). Based on my experience with Keisha, it will nicely progress down and will go up a bit once before it goes here's hoping that her jaundice will go off all the way after this.
No doubt I'm very stressed out. Dealing with post-labor pains, sore nipples and all those post labor pains we women will go's not all sunshine and rainbows.
And I'm missing Keisha tremendously.
Including labor, I've been in the hospital for more than a week now. Longest I've ever been. Thank god for supportive suami and mama..they come everyday as Keisha seems to be looking for both baby and I when she wakes in the morning. So suami tries to make it a point to bring her to me everyday. Apparently I've been missing out on quite a few milestones Keisha's achieved within this one week I've been in here.
It seems like ever since the baby arrived, Keisha has been amazing..a little bit sensitive when scolded but no more unnecessary patience-testing-tantrums or antics. She's been very gentle with baby, always wanting to stroke her hair and give her a kiss. Been giving me won't-let-you-go hugs everytime I ask for one (which just breaks my heart everytime she gives me one), and has made pretty good progress with her vocabulary. Her sentences are still mostly gibberish, but she's improved a lot in telling us what she wants.
As for my progress..this stress I'm under is affecting my milk supply for baby Rania which is not good. Being under the UV light for her phototherapy, she gets VERY thirsty everytime she wakes up and I don't seem to be able to satiate her even after almost 3 hours of feeding. I have resorted to signing my consent with the hospital to supplement Rania with some glucose water on top of my breastmilk. Else, she won't settle down, which means she doesn't want to be put under the UV light, which also means it will be harder for her jaundice to go off.
Suami has been great. I pity him tho. It's been pretty stressful for him to to travel back and forth between home and the hospital throughout this whole entire duration. He starts work again tomorrow. He can easily apple for compasionate leave, but really I don't see a point anymore even if we can be discharged tomorrow. Besides, he's been gone for a week already. Am sure work is piling up on his desk (and in his head) right now. If we do get to be discharged tomorrow, the hospital (and us) can wait til he gets off work). I've been here this long, what's a few more hours right?
So okay, dinner is here. Didn't take much lunch just now. I lost my appetite..but I need to replenish for Rania's sake.
Til later, hope everyone else is having a better day than we are,,,
Feb 26, 2012
Feb 19, 2012
I am a mother of TWO girls's here and its a GIRL :)
Went to the hospital on thursday night. My pain was probably triggered due to a panic state my suami caused by his asthma attack. He was almost asphyxiated after playing with Keisha. Thank god I heard him coughing in a funny way only to find him red faced. Gave him a few puffs of Keisha's ventolin and alhamdulillah he got better after.
But..I started to get pain in my lower abdominal area and my stomach was contracting and it wouldn't go off to the hospital we went.
I was 1cm dilated and having contractions but it wasn't regular. So I was admitted for observation for the night. Morning came and I was still only 1cm dilated so the doctor decided to put me on the drip(with some meds I'm not sure what) to help regulate my contractions and speed up my dilation.
Contractions got more intense as the day progressed and by evening I was 3cm dilated. The doctor hoped that by midnight I would be ready to go..but I was still only 3cm dilated that evening.
The next morning, he checked and I was 4cm dilated and decided to break my waterbag. And the pain begins..
Contractions got so intense that I gave in to a Pethidine injection. At around 4.30pm the contractions was really close and really intense. The nurses started to worry about the baby because everytime I was having a contraction, her heart rate would go down.
So with only 8cm dilated, with the help of a vacuum (which popped out when I started to push) and forceps..I pushed my baby girl out into the world.
She was born on 18 February 2012 at 5.42pm, weighing 3.07kg and beautiful as ever.
So we are still at the hospital so far both of us are doing great. She sleeps most of the time, probably the after effect of the Pethidine, but otherwise, she alright.
It's a totally different experience this time round (and definitely more painful) but alhamdulillah, I'm glad we both made it through safely.
So okay peeps..I'm off to focus on recovering and being a mom of TWO..'s still surreal for me..
Went to the hospital on thursday night. My pain was probably triggered due to a panic state my suami caused by his asthma attack. He was almost asphyxiated after playing with Keisha. Thank god I heard him coughing in a funny way only to find him red faced. Gave him a few puffs of Keisha's ventolin and alhamdulillah he got better after.
But..I started to get pain in my lower abdominal area and my stomach was contracting and it wouldn't go off to the hospital we went.
I was 1cm dilated and having contractions but it wasn't regular. So I was admitted for observation for the night. Morning came and I was still only 1cm dilated so the doctor decided to put me on the drip(with some meds I'm not sure what) to help regulate my contractions and speed up my dilation.
Contractions got more intense as the day progressed and by evening I was 3cm dilated. The doctor hoped that by midnight I would be ready to go..but I was still only 3cm dilated that evening.
The next morning, he checked and I was 4cm dilated and decided to break my waterbag. And the pain begins..
Contractions got so intense that I gave in to a Pethidine injection. At around 4.30pm the contractions was really close and really intense. The nurses started to worry about the baby because everytime I was having a contraction, her heart rate would go down.
So with only 8cm dilated, with the help of a vacuum (which popped out when I started to push) and forceps..I pushed my baby girl out into the world.
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Che Rania Marissa and I |
So we are still at the hospital so far both of us are doing great. She sleeps most of the time, probably the after effect of the Pethidine, but otherwise, she alright.
It's a totally different experience this time round (and definitely more painful) but alhamdulillah, I'm glad we both made it through safely.
So okay peeps..I'm off to focus on recovering and being a mom of TWO..'s still surreal for me..
Feb 13, 2012
Watermelon to Yoga to Labor Signs to Missing my baby Girl
I wanted to start this post with Watermelons in my mind. Then I started to think about my waiting to get into labor (am 36 almost 37weeks now) and at the same time, thinking about my little baby girl who's not feeling so well right now (mild fever and heat rashes all over body - gonna get the doc check it in the morning)
So I don't know where this post will take us. You'll just have to read on.
Quoting from The Sound of Music -
Watermelons..must be wondering why I'm thinking of watermelons. Well, many of my girlfriends seems to be pregnant this year (actually, not only this year, but almost every year..I think we're at that age) Either they'll be 'popping' soon (like moi..) or just found out the great news (expecting a bub) and the not so great news (morning sickness). Enter watermelon.
I have a very active BBMgroup consisting of my high school friends. Oh! the conversations we have there..would be too explicit to even be discussed here! LOL! It's like having girl talk constantly, anytime, anywhere. Conversation could start with an innocent question (which almost always begins about food - or someone hungry - pregnant or not) to having babies and everything in between..:P so anyway..
As I've mentioned, many are expecting this year (and no it's not because we're superstitious about the year of the Dragon) so we're sharing tips and experiences on what to expect, what to do, what not to do..(and everything in between :P) So aaaaanyway..(going wayy off course here)..Just wanted to say that if you're in your first trimester and not so lucky in the morning sickness department as I have been..try Watermelons.
The resident doctor in the bbmgroup suggested it. She said its full of minerals and water (google watermelon nutrition - it's rich in pottasium and fibre, an anti-oxidant and low in saturated fat, but careful if you're diabetic, sugar content quite high) So it's really good if you seem to be vomiting a lot (like me!) and have no appetite (like me!) or your body just seems to be rejecting whatever you eat or drink (like me too!) Watermelons can help at least keep you hydrated. Sigh..if only the girls had told me this earlier. Would've prolly help me with my first trimester. I couldn't even consume plain water back then
You can also try Yoga to help with your nausea and labor too. Now this one, I had ALL intentions of trying out. But as usual (get ready for the excuses peeps!)..I was in Perlis. Doubt there was any yoga centres there. And the yoga person/teacher I would've like to try has just only recently started her Pre-natal Yoga classes (and at a VERY affordable price too) and being so close to labor, I can hardly'd think I can do yoga this late in pregnancy? (I've NEVER done yoga too) but if you're interested (and you're in KL laa), check out Upward Yoga located in Saujana, PJ (literally across the street to my house!) for more info. But I have every intention of trying out her classes once I give birth and finished my confinement..we'll see how that goes when the time comes ok? is me.
How am I doing you may ask? Well, I just had my 36week checkup last friday. If you're following me on twitter you'd know I've been getting false alarms since thursday. Interesting enough, I came across an article while I was waiting for my turn at the clinic..
Pre-labor Signs
Braxton Hicks (check!)
Lose bowel movements (check!)
Vaginal Discharge (check! - you didn't have to know that..sorry!)
Back ache (check!)
Bloody show (uncheck..)
and some old wives tales signs
Feet swelling twice (check!)
Second flu during pregnancy (check!) - not too sure about this one tho so don't take my word on it!
Doctor ignored me when I said I was starting to show signs of labor. I guess he knows better :P. Well, for one thing, the baby has moved its position..head not engaged. But that can change towards the very last minute. But he did say that if I AM in labor, I'm good to go. It's an OK to give birth at 36 weeks. So his advice to me was, come to the hospital when I experience any of the following:
1. Water bag breaks
2. Bloody show
3. Contractions every 10 minutes
These last few weeks of pregnancy is always the worst time for me. I am still paranoid that history might repeat itself, and having high pain threshold level, I'm scared I might not know if I AM in labor...Those scenes you see in movies about the women screaming and shouting in pain when they're about to go into labor??Those are LIES!
I mean, labor pains are painful..but not to the extend you want to scream bloody murder...more towards writhe in pain is more like it.
So, my maternity bag is packed. I'm nicely being lazy in the house (I owe mom BIG time for this)..So I have nothing to do but wait..
And last but definitely never last on my terrible yet adorable little girl.
As I've mentioned in my previous post, CKD has been pretty trying..scratch that..VERY trying lately. Blame it on the 'Terrible Two' syndrome or her instincts that someone new is joining the family soon, we've developed this love-hate relationship. Mostly tantrums (by her) and shouting (by me). But she developed a fever with heat rashes all over her body this morning and refused to be cuddled by me. And I was heartbroken...
As much as she's been driving both my mom and I nuts lately, I miss playing with her. When she's in one of her cute modes, she can truly steal your heart with her antics. In a way, I can't wait to deliver this baby so I can play with CKD more comfortably. CKD can be quite rough in her ways, a bit of a tom boy (kicks a ball like a boy tho!) and most of the time it's very uncomfortable for me to play with her especially when she starts to climb all over me and presses on my bulging belly. Plus she's so active, constantly wanting to run or be chased after or carried around or be taken to the playground, none of which I am capable of doing in my current condition.
So yes..she may be right in front of me, but honest truth, I miss her.
Soon ok baby girl..soon we'll play til your heart's content!
OK..I guess I've had my dose of ramblings. A big chance I might already be a mom of TWO in my next wish me luck and pray that all will go well for both baby and I.
A big chance I might be back sooner than u think..whichever..take care peeps!
So I don't know where this post will take us. You'll just have to read on.
Quoting from The Sound of Music -
Let's start at the very beginning...
Watermelons..must be wondering why I'm thinking of watermelons. Well, many of my girlfriends seems to be pregnant this year (actually, not only this year, but almost every year..I think we're at that age) Either they'll be 'popping' soon (like moi..) or just found out the great news (expecting a bub) and the not so great news (morning sickness). Enter watermelon.
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image source - google |
As I've mentioned, many are expecting this year (and no it's not because we're superstitious about the year of the Dragon) so we're sharing tips and experiences on what to expect, what to do, what not to do..(and everything in between :P) So aaaaanyway..(going wayy off course here)..Just wanted to say that if you're in your first trimester and not so lucky in the morning sickness department as I have been..try Watermelons.
The resident doctor in the bbmgroup suggested it. She said its full of minerals and water (google watermelon nutrition - it's rich in pottasium and fibre, an anti-oxidant and low in saturated fat, but careful if you're diabetic, sugar content quite high) So it's really good if you seem to be vomiting a lot (like me!) and have no appetite (like me!) or your body just seems to be rejecting whatever you eat or drink (like me too!) Watermelons can help at least keep you hydrated. Sigh..if only the girls had told me this earlier. Would've prolly help me with my first trimester. I couldn't even consume plain water back then
You can also try Yoga to help with your nausea and labor too. Now this one, I had ALL intentions of trying out. But as usual (get ready for the excuses peeps!)..I was in Perlis. Doubt there was any yoga centres there. And the yoga person/teacher I would've like to try has just only recently started her Pre-natal Yoga classes (and at a VERY affordable price too) and being so close to labor, I can hardly'd think I can do yoga this late in pregnancy? (I've NEVER done yoga too) but if you're interested (and you're in KL laa), check out Upward Yoga located in Saujana, PJ (literally across the street to my house!) for more info. But I have every intention of trying out her classes once I give birth and finished my confinement..we'll see how that goes when the time comes ok? is me.
How am I doing you may ask? Well, I just had my 36week checkup last friday. If you're following me on twitter you'd know I've been getting false alarms since thursday. Interesting enough, I came across an article while I was waiting for my turn at the clinic..
Pre-labor Signs
Braxton Hicks (check!)
Lose bowel movements (check!)
Vaginal Discharge (check! - you didn't have to know that..sorry!)
Back ache (check!)
Bloody show (uncheck..)
and some old wives tales signs
Feet swelling twice (check!)
Second flu during pregnancy (check!) - not too sure about this one tho so don't take my word on it!
Doctor ignored me when I said I was starting to show signs of labor. I guess he knows better :P. Well, for one thing, the baby has moved its position..head not engaged. But that can change towards the very last minute. But he did say that if I AM in labor, I'm good to go. It's an OK to give birth at 36 weeks. So his advice to me was, come to the hospital when I experience any of the following:
1. Water bag breaks
2. Bloody show
3. Contractions every 10 minutes
These last few weeks of pregnancy is always the worst time for me. I am still paranoid that history might repeat itself, and having high pain threshold level, I'm scared I might not know if I AM in labor...Those scenes you see in movies about the women screaming and shouting in pain when they're about to go into labor??Those are LIES!
I mean, labor pains are painful..but not to the extend you want to scream bloody murder...more towards writhe in pain is more like it.
So, my maternity bag is packed. I'm nicely being lazy in the house (I owe mom BIG time for this)..So I have nothing to do but wait..
And last but definitely never last on my terrible yet adorable little girl.
As I've mentioned in my previous post, CKD has been pretty trying..scratch that..VERY trying lately. Blame it on the 'Terrible Two' syndrome or her instincts that someone new is joining the family soon, we've developed this love-hate relationship. Mostly tantrums (by her) and shouting (by me). But she developed a fever with heat rashes all over her body this morning and refused to be cuddled by me. And I was heartbroken...
As much as she's been driving both my mom and I nuts lately, I miss playing with her. When she's in one of her cute modes, she can truly steal your heart with her antics. In a way, I can't wait to deliver this baby so I can play with CKD more comfortably. CKD can be quite rough in her ways, a bit of a tom boy (kicks a ball like a boy tho!) and most of the time it's very uncomfortable for me to play with her especially when she starts to climb all over me and presses on my bulging belly. Plus she's so active, constantly wanting to run or be chased after or carried around or be taken to the playground, none of which I am capable of doing in my current condition.
So yes..she may be right in front of me, but honest truth, I miss her.
Soon ok baby girl..soon we'll play til your heart's content!
OK..I guess I've had my dose of ramblings. A big chance I might already be a mom of TWO in my next wish me luck and pray that all will go well for both baby and I.
A big chance I might be back sooner than u think..whichever..take care peeps!
Feb 5, 2012
The Long Weekend Well Spent (so far)
Yes, I am 35 weeks into my pregnancy and that is how long I haven't blogged. I've actually no reason to give you since we have been Unified for about a month now except for my extreme laziness. But maybe the nesting mode is kicking in and I'm thinking "The heck of keeping things on track, I'll just pick up where I left whenever I feel like it and just start to ramble on the current stuffs now"
If not now when, right?
So today we had my FIL's birthday celebration at Prince Hotel, KL . We had an ALL YOU CAN EAT dim sum..the perfect lunch for a person with a monstrous appetite like me. And all I can eat I did. Being a rookie with dim sum, I don't think I'm the right person to review the food. They got me at "All you can Eat". Just google "Tai Zi Heen, Prince Hotel - All You Can Eat Dim Sum" and out pops many detailed reviews. Just to update, the price is about RM65++ per person and go there early on an empty stomach..(it's on every Weekends and Public Holidays and starts from 11.30am-2.30pm)
We arrived at 11.30am and stayed til as my BIL puts it "I feel like I'm going to throw up from being to full!" Left close to 2pm..good food!
Then we dropped off my in-laws at The Royal Chulan Hotel as that was where FIL got his complimentary stay (oh the privileges he day I hope suami and I will get to enjoy his kind of stature) and headed back home. And the little girl? The moment we got into the car, she went straight to la la land..phew!
Went home and dropped CKD off. Told suami I was still teensy bit hungry and was craving for some CBTL Vanilla Ice Blended and RV cake. And it was only 4pm (I KNOW!! told ya I had a monstrous appetite!!!) So we headed to Empire Shopping Mall to get my fix of RV cake from Whisk (they make the best RV cakes and cuppies! Not a fan of macarons, but ppl seem to rave about their macarons too). And this time, actually managed to FINISH the entire slice of RV cake!!!!!!
Had some 'us' time with suami. Talked about a few things and I complained about a few things..but it was nice to just be able to pay attention to each other for a while without having a toddler constantly harassing us.
So after our 'short-date' (we don't get to do that often nowadays..sigh..I wish we could), we headed home to pick up CKD and went to the pet store. Suami has been sulking about getting a fish tank for a REALLY long while and he'd come out with numerous arguments about why, how, etc etc we should have one. I caved in..he was gonna pay for it himself anyway. Might as well keep the old man happy right?
CKD was ecstatic at the pet store, even tho there were only fishes and fish tanks and the works there. She has become obsessed with animals..knows what a cat is (meommm..not meow), a fish, birds and goats (and it goes hek hek hek) A big improvement from when she was younger when all animals was a cat..heheh!
So after choosing the aquarium (a pretty nice one too), the plant and 8 little we went home. Suami, like a little kid with a new toy got to work on the aquarium straight away and I must say, it's a pretty nice addition to all the other crap we have on our teak shelves.
So that's pretty much what happened today. My days aren't always this productive. Since becoming a SAHM, my days normally starts at 10am (I'm up by 6.30am actually, to see suami off to work, then I'd go back to sleep because I won't normally sleep well at night. Baby bump getting really big and heavy)
CKD would wake me up by pounding at the door once she wakes, then it's watching her watching Nick Jr. I'd try to get some breakfast, which is usually just a cup of coffee and a few dinner rolls or just skip brekkie and have lunch (which is a constant dilemma for me and my mom - What to eat? What to cook?) Then CKD will take her nap - not without a battle - around 2.30 til about 4 or 5pm and that is when me and my mom will get some peace while watching out Korean Drama on tv. We'd normally be exhausted to do anything but this is also when Mom and I will get ourselves groomed (if you wanna call getting a shower, solat and make the bed that) and have some peace.
At 22 months..CKD is the classic 'Terrible Two'! Statement has been backed up by everyone (my brother, my in-laws, my relatives - and these people have been through it and none said they've seen anyone like her!) She has this excessive energy and determination that just drains me and my mom out. I think my mom secretly wants to up and leave if it weren't for my pregnant condition. So do NOT be deceived by her cuteness..
So yeah..I am 35 weeks pregnant now. Looking VERY pregnant obviously..although I'm not as huge as I was with my other pregnancies. I think this might be because of the running after the little girl..So far it has been a pretty good pregnancy except for the first 4 months (VERY bad morning sickness) and recently, my appetite and stomach has managed to triple itself!
So that is my excuse for not updating my blog..Exhaustion..(and borderline losing my mind)
She's pounding on the door demanding attention now. I better go before she starts screaming bloody murder with her crocodile tears..
See you soon peeps!
*I'm wishing the next baby will be less handful - hence my strategy is in the name!!*
If not now when, right?
So today we had my FIL's birthday celebration at Prince Hotel, KL . We had an ALL YOU CAN EAT dim sum..the perfect lunch for a person with a monstrous appetite like me. And all I can eat I did. Being a rookie with dim sum, I don't think I'm the right person to review the food. They got me at "All you can Eat". Just google "Tai Zi Heen, Prince Hotel - All You Can Eat Dim Sum" and out pops many detailed reviews. Just to update, the price is about RM65++ per person and go there early on an empty stomach..(it's on every Weekends and Public Holidays and starts from 11.30am-2.30pm)
The family minus suami (cameraman) and CKD & Aleya - CKD was prolly bossing Aleya around |
YEE SANGGG!!!!! Finally can scratch that off from my cravings list |
The little girl who didn't want to stop playing when everyone else wanted to eat - hence the red eyes and nose from crying when people refused to entertain her. Temper! Temper! Temper! |
And just when everyone else finished eating she suddenly decides she wants to sit down and drink soup *facepalm & headache* |
Then we dropped off my in-laws at The Royal Chulan Hotel as that was where FIL got his complimentary stay (oh the privileges he day I hope suami and I will get to enjoy his kind of stature) and headed back home. And the little girl? The moment we got into the car, she went straight to la la land..phew!
Went home and dropped CKD off. Told suami I was still teensy bit hungry and was craving for some CBTL Vanilla Ice Blended and RV cake. And it was only 4pm (I KNOW!! told ya I had a monstrous appetite!!!) So we headed to Empire Shopping Mall to get my fix of RV cake from Whisk (they make the best RV cakes and cuppies! Not a fan of macarons, but ppl seem to rave about their macarons too). And this time, actually managed to FINISH the entire slice of RV cake!!!!!!
![]() |
It's sinfully rich and thick! Normally I could only finish half of this! |
So after our 'short-date' (we don't get to do that often nowadays..sigh..I wish we could), we headed home to pick up CKD and went to the pet store. Suami has been sulking about getting a fish tank for a REALLY long while and he'd come out with numerous arguments about why, how, etc etc we should have one. I caved in..he was gonna pay for it himself anyway. Might as well keep the old man happy right?
CKD was ecstatic at the pet store, even tho there were only fishes and fish tanks and the works there. She has become obsessed with animals..knows what a cat is (meommm..not meow), a fish, birds and goats (and it goes hek hek hek) A big improvement from when she was younger when all animals was a cat..heheh!
So after choosing the aquarium (a pretty nice one too), the plant and 8 little we went home. Suami, like a little kid with a new toy got to work on the aquarium straight away and I must say, it's a pretty nice addition to all the other crap we have on our teak shelves.
So that's pretty much what happened today. My days aren't always this productive. Since becoming a SAHM, my days normally starts at 10am (I'm up by 6.30am actually, to see suami off to work, then I'd go back to sleep because I won't normally sleep well at night. Baby bump getting really big and heavy)
CKD would wake me up by pounding at the door once she wakes, then it's watching her watching Nick Jr. I'd try to get some breakfast, which is usually just a cup of coffee and a few dinner rolls or just skip brekkie and have lunch (which is a constant dilemma for me and my mom - What to eat? What to cook?) Then CKD will take her nap - not without a battle - around 2.30 til about 4 or 5pm and that is when me and my mom will get some peace while watching out Korean Drama on tv. We'd normally be exhausted to do anything but this is also when Mom and I will get ourselves groomed (if you wanna call getting a shower, solat and make the bed that) and have some peace.
At 22 months..CKD is the classic 'Terrible Two'! Statement has been backed up by everyone (my brother, my in-laws, my relatives - and these people have been through it and none said they've seen anyone like her!) She has this excessive energy and determination that just drains me and my mom out. I think my mom secretly wants to up and leave if it weren't for my pregnant condition. So do NOT be deceived by her cuteness..
So yeah..I am 35 weeks pregnant now. Looking VERY pregnant obviously..although I'm not as huge as I was with my other pregnancies. I think this might be because of the running after the little girl..So far it has been a pretty good pregnancy except for the first 4 months (VERY bad morning sickness) and recently, my appetite and stomach has managed to triple itself!
So that is my excuse for not updating my blog..Exhaustion..(and borderline losing my mind)
She's pounding on the door demanding attention now. I better go before she starts screaming bloody murder with her crocodile tears..
See you soon peeps!
*I'm wishing the next baby will be less handful - hence my strategy is in the name!!*
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