Here are the rules..:-
1. Link to the person that tagged you and post the rules in your blog.
2. Share Raya facts about yourself.
3. Tag random people at the end of their post and include links to their blog.
4. Let each person know they have been tagged by leaving a comment in their blog.
a) Favourite Hari Raya SongNamed the singer and title of the song.. Find the song in in youtube and post it here. Sing along to the song as you answer the rest of the questions...
b) Happiest Memory of Hari Raya
Of course masa zaman kecik2..kutip duit raya, main bunga api..meriah! Kalo mat salleh suka cakap the Magical Christmas, Raya was exactly that for me. Mesti rajin gile bangun tido dengan awalnya pepagi raya. Excited nak pakai baju raya..
c) Saddest Hari Raya
Sebenarnya takde..either that, aku dah block dari memori aku.
d) Worst Hari Raya
Sama macam soklan c)
e) Favourite Kuih Raya
UUuuuuuu!Jem tart Mokcik aku selalu beli masa dia keje kat Petronas dulu. Dia konpem belikan sekotak especially untuk aku sbb dia tau aku gile jem tart tu! Kalo korang nak tau mane satu, ade jual kot kat KLCC. Cari jem tart yang ada nama Quetart kat memane gerai2 yang ada jual kuih muih kat situ.
Pastu kek lapis sarawak and dektutt's grandma's egg tarts!!!Aku penah gi beraya kat rumah dektutt a few years ago..masya allah!!sedap!!overdose kek lapis dan eggtart. Sampai sekarang aku cube cari kek lapis sarawak seperti yang aku makan masa aku kat sana, tapi hampa...takda satu pun yang serupa. Kene pegi beraya kat sarawak lagi sekali kut.
f) Favourite Thing to Eat during Raya
Nasi dagang, laksa (pahang ke, utara ke, johor ke..sume aku bedal!kecuali laksa penang), soto, ketupat palas, rendang ayam..ohohhoho..the list is never ending!
g) A must have during Hari Raya
Family gathering! The more the merrier! Plus raya adalah time aku dan kazen2 aku layan citer hantu!
Penah sekali raya tahun bile tah...kitorg layan tgk cite 'The Train' atau 'Ju-on' time malam raya dalam bilik kazen aku. Tengah2 malam bute, mak aku cari mane kitorg takde tido kat ruang tamu rumah tu. Rupanya sume dah macam tin sardin kat dalam bilik kazen tgk cite hantu!haha!sekor2 tak berani nak tido kat luar!
h) Normal First Hari Raya activities
Pagi raya kat rumah nenek la of course. Walaupun rumah mak bapak aku kat kuantan jugak, tapi lagi meriah tido rumah nenek sbb sumer kazen ade kat situ. Pastu berebut nak mandi..sepupu sepapat serupa sekampung tapi toilet ada 2 je.
Pastu tolong set-up meja nak breakfast sbb rumah arwah nenek kitorg depan masjid. Lepas sembahyang raya, rumah kitorg konpem penuh kene serbu dulu. Kate dah kat kampung..almost sumorg related...berjumpa laa semua sedara jauh la..kazen mak la..abang tiri datuk la..segala macam jenis sedara.
Dalam riuh tu jugak..time kitorg salam...dulu masa ada arwah tok and tok ki..memula salam ngan diorg dulu la. kutip duit raya dari tok ki (time ni la aku beratur 2 kali!cucu dan cicit ramai..tok ki tak ingat!hahah!)
Pastu salam dengan semua mak sedara, pak sedara, kakak sedara, abang sedara..of course yang muda salam yang tua la. Time ni..bonda mesti menangis..pastu aku bile dah nampak bonda menangis..aku pun menangis la...
Selesai salam..makan time!!!!!Menu wajib rumah arwah nenek..nasi dagang, satay ayam, ketupat palas dan rendang ayam.
Lepas makan, cabut lari pi rumah nenek belah bapak pulak. Kutip duit raya belah sana pulak sambil mengelak layan budak 'semekom'.
By tengah hari..raya aku dah selesai..baju raya tah ke mana...boleh la korang tgk senario pakcik2 dan kazen2 lelaki berlenggeng kepanasan sambil tido terbongkang kat ruang tamu. Kitorg sbb dah kaya duit raya..pegi Megamall!hahah!
i) Mail or emails raya cards
Tahun ni aku telah pos kan kad raya kat kengkawan aku. Dulu meriah sms di pagi raya. Tapi selalunya pagi raya bergayut telepon dgn boipren. Tapi since dah bersuami ni..takde la bergayut di telepon dah.
Tapi masa zaman kat sekolah dulu meriah hantar kad raya kat kengkawan serta 'pen-pal'!hehehe!zaman tu mana mampu nak pakai henpon, pastu email pun bukan fenomena yang berleluasa lagi...But I miss the good ol days. Seronok tau dapat kad raya melalui pos....
j) Favourite Raya Movies
Takde..main layan je ape2 drama swasta kat TV tu..rumah arwah nenek takde astro..tapi meriah je kitorg layan TV tu..
k) When do you start shopping for Hari Raya
Tak shopping sebenarnya. Have never been the type yang beria-ia beli baju raya. Baju raya aku selalunya only baju tradisional sepasang. Settle...kadang2 bertahun2 aku repeat baju sama.Tak kuasa nak shopping. Tahun ni pun kakak ipar yang tolong settle kan..hehe!Tapi baju suami dah selesai dibuat. First time buatkan baju raya untuk suami sebenarnya (hantar tailor..jangan salah faham..aku tak jahit..)
l)Duit Raya...a must have or not?
Dah kahwin..konpem la dah tak dapat..tapi FIL dan MIL kasi duit raya!heheh!Suami aku tak berapa ingat kasi ke tak...hahah!tak jugak heran. Di kasi duit raya, pastu nnt kene pow balik.takde beza!
Tahun ni tahun ke-dua aku start kasi duit raya kat semua orang, termasuk bonda dan babah.Bankrupt...tapi takpe.skali setahun.
m) Friends I'd like to know about their Hari Raya experiences
Hajime, Rockstar, Sapik the Sinbad, En. Buih serta semua penulis2 di Total Rebiu.
*well elsa, raya aku takde la lain sangat dari masa aku bujang dulu. tak tau la sebab belum ada anak sendiri lagi.mungkin bila baby dah sampai nnt aku start tradisi baru ke.buat masa sekarang, stick to the original plan sudah!hehe!*
Sep 15, 2009
Sep 14, 2009
dah nak raya ni wei!
Hari khamis ni aku dah balik kampung...PANIC!PANIC!
Kenapa panic?
1. Kerja banyak nak kene settle. Balik je dari raya..dah company dinner!dem!
2. Duit raya tak tukar lagi!
Jadi sekarang, sambil melawan perasaan loya nak muntah (yea..morning sickness dah bermula)..aku buat list nama anak buah aku. Ni mmg stail family aku. Duit raya kasi ikut nama kat sampul. Supaya tak tersalah kasi, dapat mengikut sepatutnya dan tak tertinggal sape2 ataupun tak terkasi 2 kali..(aku masa kecik selalu beratur mintak duit raya ngan aku tok ki aku at least 2 kali. Kali ke-3 adalah bodek baekkkk punya!)
Family aku besar..especially sebelah mak aku. Adik beradik mak aku ada 7 orang, dan masing2 ada anak at least 4 orang, dan ada antara anak2 tu yang sendiri dah beranak, juga at least 3 orang (side bapak aku lagi ramai sebenarnya, adik beradik dia je dan 13 orang. Tapi kitorg tak berapa rapat macam dgn side mak aku). Aku buat family tree baru korang bley paham tahap ke'ramai'an diorg. Dan kami semua rapat macam adik beradik.
Tahun ni beraya kat kampung aku. Bile time nak kasi duit raya..bersiaplaa nak kene serbu. Kalo tengah duduk kat posisi yang tak kukuh, silap haribulan boleh terbalik jatuh kerusi. Dan kalau suara anda tak cukup kuat untuk cakap "BERATUR!!!"..nasib laaaa kene stampede anak sedara dah kazen-mazen.
Duit raya untuk anak buah aku bukan limited kepada anak saudara dan anak sepupu aje..sepupu pun aku kene kasi. Nak buat cemne...sepupu pun ada umur baya2 anak buah ( aku produktif..ikut cerita aku pun kau dah tau aku produktif!)
Jadi aku bakal bankrupt. Tapi kami kazen2 yang dah naik pangkat jadi PEMBERI duit raya ni kerjanya lepas dah kasi duit raya...pow balik dari bebudak yang PENERIMA duit raya tu tadi!hahaha! Konpem kene paksa beli aiskrim McDonalds seround!
Seronok pulak bila pikir dah bank balik raya ni. Pulak tu tahun ni ramai sedara mara balik ke kampung yang sama. Plus, bonda ku sudah kembali bermastautin di rumah arwah tok dan tok ki aku..jadi expectation aku untuk raya tahun ini adalah seperti aku beraya masa aku kecik2 dulu. Konpem meriah! Sebab bonda ku adalah anak sulung antara adik beradiknya, so dia dah serupa tok semua orang la. Kalo sempat aku hapdet time raya nnt ok?
Tak tau aku akan ada inspirasi nak update blog sebelum raya ke tidak..kut2 tengah meriah nak prepare beraya, takde masa. Jadi aku nak ucapkan..
Mintak maaf laa kalo ada entry2 aku yang menyinggung perasaan ke..untuk kengkawan aku yang tersayang..mintak maaf tersalah kata, tersalah ambil, pinjam tak pulang, makan tak bayor, janji tak tunai...kira halal ekk...aku pun maafkan korang sume..
Berhati-hati di jalan raya dan kalau buat open house sile laaa jemput. Aku tak sure buat ke tak..tapi kalo ade, nnt aku ajak laa sape2 yang patut!heheh!
Kenapa panic?
1. Kerja banyak nak kene settle. Balik je dari raya..dah company dinner!dem!
2. Duit raya tak tukar lagi!
Jadi sekarang, sambil melawan perasaan loya nak muntah (yea..morning sickness dah bermula)..aku buat list nama anak buah aku. Ni mmg stail family aku. Duit raya kasi ikut nama kat sampul. Supaya tak tersalah kasi, dapat mengikut sepatutnya dan tak tertinggal sape2 ataupun tak terkasi 2 kali..(aku masa kecik selalu beratur mintak duit raya ngan aku tok ki aku at least 2 kali. Kali ke-3 adalah bodek baekkkk punya!)
Family aku besar..especially sebelah mak aku. Adik beradik mak aku ada 7 orang, dan masing2 ada anak at least 4 orang, dan ada antara anak2 tu yang sendiri dah beranak, juga at least 3 orang (side bapak aku lagi ramai sebenarnya, adik beradik dia je dan 13 orang. Tapi kitorg tak berapa rapat macam dgn side mak aku). Aku buat family tree baru korang bley paham tahap ke'ramai'an diorg. Dan kami semua rapat macam adik beradik.
Tahun ni beraya kat kampung aku. Bile time nak kasi duit raya..bersiaplaa nak kene serbu. Kalo tengah duduk kat posisi yang tak kukuh, silap haribulan boleh terbalik jatuh kerusi. Dan kalau suara anda tak cukup kuat untuk cakap "BERATUR!!!"..nasib laaaa kene stampede anak sedara dah kazen-mazen.
Duit raya untuk anak buah aku bukan limited kepada anak saudara dan anak sepupu aje..sepupu pun aku kene kasi. Nak buat cemne...sepupu pun ada umur baya2 anak buah ( aku produktif..ikut cerita aku pun kau dah tau aku produktif!)
Jadi aku bakal bankrupt. Tapi kami kazen2 yang dah naik pangkat jadi PEMBERI duit raya ni kerjanya lepas dah kasi duit raya...pow balik dari bebudak yang PENERIMA duit raya tu tadi!hahaha! Konpem kene paksa beli aiskrim McDonalds seround!
Seronok pulak bila pikir dah bank balik raya ni. Pulak tu tahun ni ramai sedara mara balik ke kampung yang sama. Plus, bonda ku sudah kembali bermastautin di rumah arwah tok dan tok ki aku..jadi expectation aku untuk raya tahun ini adalah seperti aku beraya masa aku kecik2 dulu. Konpem meriah! Sebab bonda ku adalah anak sulung antara adik beradiknya, so dia dah serupa tok semua orang la. Kalo sempat aku hapdet time raya nnt ok?
Tak tau aku akan ada inspirasi nak update blog sebelum raya ke tidak..kut2 tengah meriah nak prepare beraya, takde masa. Jadi aku nak ucapkan..
Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri semua!!
Mintak maaf laa kalo ada entry2 aku yang menyinggung perasaan ke..untuk kengkawan aku yang tersayang..mintak maaf tersalah kata, tersalah ambil, pinjam tak pulang, makan tak bayor, janji tak tunai...kira halal ekk...aku pun maafkan korang sume..
Berhati-hati di jalan raya dan kalau buat open house sile laaa jemput. Aku tak sure buat ke tak..tapi kalo ade, nnt aku ajak laa sape2 yang patut!heheh!
Sep 11, 2009
Unstoppable indeed!
If you know me well..I will most definitely be one of the first ppl to join in the party!!!hahaha!!He definitely made the festival more fun!
*he made the sucky tickets worthwhile!*
*he made the sucky tickets worthwhile!*
Black Eyed Peas at Oprah's 24th Anniversary Kickoff Party 2009 @ Chicago
At first ppl thought the girl in front was crazy..but you see what happens. I wonder if Malaysians will do the same thing when BEP performs for the Guinness Party nanti...tak kot...heheh! Enjoy!
It was actually choreographed and they practiced it before.
*aku suke bab menari beramai-ramai ni...I think it's cool..*
It was actually choreographed and they practiced it before.
*aku suke bab menari beramai-ramai ni...I think it's cool..*
Sep 10, 2009
Maskman! Or maybe woman

Testing out abg lan's paintball mask. Cantik tapi kurang sesuai dgn saya. Lagi sikit nak jadi darth vader (bunyi dah mcm dah sebenarnya.gila susah nak bernafas)
Sabtu ni suami dan konco-konco nak pegi usha kedai paintball - Propaintball at Dataran Glomac for markers n mask. Saya pegi tgk je la. Since dah jadi mak buyung ni..harapan je la nak main paintball. Kut-kut silap nanti anak aku keluar terus nak jadi komando masak aku!hehe!
*we will be having a paintball session @Rimba Harmonis, Gombak this 27th Sept. If you're interested lemme knw. I'll fwd the event details thru facebook. 4 games, 200pellets for EACH game. Nak trigger happy pun belasah!*
Sep 8, 2009
choo choo train!
Harini my train of thoughts macam keretapi! Bermula dengan perasaan loya
-jangan no...tahan..control..maintain!
-uu..toilet here i come!
-nak buka puasa tak?
-itineri company dinner?uwekk..nak muntah!
-kenapa speech obama adalah kontroversi?bodoh kut org amerika ni.tanak kasi budak2 dia pi sekolah
-banyak sgt binatang kat farmville ni.semak aaa!
-nak beli vila ke?ish kene tunggu level 25
-budus la sorority life ni. kenape takde energy pack mcm mafia wars???????leceh nak level up
-pegi bayar bil astro and bil api la
-beli roti..hmm..asam pun sedap!
-puasa kantoi hari ke-dua!
-ah..belog tak update.
-siot peah makan ayam golek kerinchi
-uuuu...kari kepala ikan pun sedap
-bile nak pukul 5 ni????
-dem jime..celen yang tak adil!dah tau aku tak pose nak lawan sape pose full!nak sate yehhh...
-nasi ayam chee meng!
-ayam golek kerinchi..
-rasa cam nak tergolek pastu terus tido!
-environmental quoteslah..motto laa...sendiri buat la!
-uik..nak muntah!asam!asam!
tu je yang aku ingat. Ikutkan hati nak je update twitter setiap kali fikiran berubah. Tapi nnt mesti ada yang sumpah aku sbb flood twitter nya. Jadi aku jadi orang gila dan update belog untuk kali ke-3 hari ini!
*kenape bila aku buyung aku rajin belog?*
-jangan no...tahan..control..maintain!
-uu..toilet here i come!
-nak buka puasa tak?
-itineri company dinner?uwekk..nak muntah!
-kenapa speech obama adalah kontroversi?bodoh kut org amerika ni.tanak kasi budak2 dia pi sekolah
-banyak sgt binatang kat farmville ni.semak aaa!
-nak beli vila ke?ish kene tunggu level 25
-budus la sorority life ni. kenape takde energy pack mcm mafia wars???????leceh nak level up
-pegi bayar bil astro and bil api la
-beli roti..hmm..asam pun sedap!
-puasa kantoi hari ke-dua!
-ah..belog tak update.
-siot peah makan ayam golek kerinchi
-uuuu...kari kepala ikan pun sedap
-bile nak pukul 5 ni????
-dem jime..celen yang tak adil!dah tau aku tak pose nak lawan sape pose full!nak sate yehhh...
-nasi ayam chee meng!
-ayam golek kerinchi..
-rasa cam nak tergolek pastu terus tido!
-environmental quoteslah..motto laa...sendiri buat la!
-uik..nak muntah!asam!asam!
tu je yang aku ingat. Ikutkan hati nak je update twitter setiap kali fikiran berubah. Tapi nnt mesti ada yang sumpah aku sbb flood twitter nya. Jadi aku jadi orang gila dan update belog untuk kali ke-3 hari ini!
*kenape bila aku buyung aku rajin belog?*
My Remedy

Asam kulit limau! The bitterness and sourness is just nice to curb my nauseousness. Normal asam masin might sting my stomach. This is just nice.
My cousin likes the new Starbucks grapefruit and cranberry Juice. Guess sour alone won't do the trick anymore.
I wonder if ayam golek kerinchi will do the trick or not...
*tak baik buat mak buyung mengidam tau!*
Week 7 already?
"Congratulations! Your estimated due date is Sunday, May 02, 2010, which means you're in week 7 of your pregnancy."
Went to and got my due date calculated. Week 7? fast. I haven't even made my doctor's appointment yet. Was thinking of going after raya and trying my very best to fast for the entire of Ramadhan..but sadly, semalam dah kantoi sehari! *makan McDonalds!!hahah!*
Right now, most of the time I'm feeling very nauseous. Although I have yet to throw up like I did the first time (morning and night weyh!!), but I think it's going to happen soon (if it doesn't even better!) But this nauseousness..ya Allah..sabar je la.
The bad news is, I have developed rashes on both arms, belly and both thighs. Went to a GP and said it's kinda weird that I'm developing rashes now since I'm at my early stage of pregnancy. Because rashes would normally develop at the later stages. So the doctor assumes that it's not because of the baby. It has been known for me to develop rashes everytime I'm stressed and ever since I lost my first child, rashes keeps on coming. It could also be due to my hormonal imbalance. So I took primrose oil to balance out my hormones and alhamdulillah, my rashes subsided. But since I am pregnant now, it is not advisable for me to continue my primrose oil intake, not until my 34th week (it's rumoured to help prepare for labor) More about primrose oil and pregnancy here. So as a mitigating action, the doctor prescribed me with piriton (but best to consult your doctor about it). But me being me, I am not training myself to depend so much on piriton (I barely eat panadol..) Jadi menggaru macam beruk laa aku! Plus I am a bit skeptical when taking any chemical substance unless its absolutely unbearable!
So back to my obgyn, still haven't fully confirmed on which one to go to yet, but I have an idea. Not going back to the previous hospital not because they're no good, but too many memories of Arwah there. Kind of torture if I do go back there.
I hope everything goes well this time. Need to keep my stress level down low (good luck with that!) But funny thing is..I seem to be sooooo rajin memasak nowadays. Suami sangat suka..saya sangat pelik..hehe!
Will update after my first doctor's visit.
*we're hoping for twins...hehehe!*
Went to and got my due date calculated. Week 7? fast. I haven't even made my doctor's appointment yet. Was thinking of going after raya and trying my very best to fast for the entire of Ramadhan..but sadly, semalam dah kantoi sehari! *makan McDonalds!!hahah!*
Right now, most of the time I'm feeling very nauseous. Although I have yet to throw up like I did the first time (morning and night weyh!!), but I think it's going to happen soon (if it doesn't even better!) But this nauseousness..ya Allah..sabar je la.
The bad news is, I have developed rashes on both arms, belly and both thighs. Went to a GP and said it's kinda weird that I'm developing rashes now since I'm at my early stage of pregnancy. Because rashes would normally develop at the later stages. So the doctor assumes that it's not because of the baby. It has been known for me to develop rashes everytime I'm stressed and ever since I lost my first child, rashes keeps on coming. It could also be due to my hormonal imbalance. So I took primrose oil to balance out my hormones and alhamdulillah, my rashes subsided. But since I am pregnant now, it is not advisable for me to continue my primrose oil intake, not until my 34th week (it's rumoured to help prepare for labor) More about primrose oil and pregnancy here. So as a mitigating action, the doctor prescribed me with piriton (but best to consult your doctor about it). But me being me, I am not training myself to depend so much on piriton (I barely eat panadol..) Jadi menggaru macam beruk laa aku! Plus I am a bit skeptical when taking any chemical substance unless its absolutely unbearable!
So back to my obgyn, still haven't fully confirmed on which one to go to yet, but I have an idea. Not going back to the previous hospital not because they're no good, but too many memories of Arwah there. Kind of torture if I do go back there.
I hope everything goes well this time. Need to keep my stress level down low (good luck with that!) But funny thing is..I seem to be sooooo rajin memasak nowadays. Suami sangat suka..saya sangat pelik..hehe!
Will update after my first doctor's visit.
*we're hoping for twins...hehehe!*
Sep 4, 2009
Tengah malas nak update secara rajin. Ni update malas tapi sedikit rajin..
*anies..nak ayam golek kerinchi!*..ceis..takde kene mengena...
30 secrets About Yourself. Be honest no matter what..
[One] Who was your last text from?
scott russell..he's in town
[ Two ] Where was your default picture taken?
rasa kat starbucks kut..rafiqa amik pakai henpon.
[ Three ] Are you bored with life at times?
bored?tah..frust tu ade la kadang-kadang
[ Four ] Your current status?
happily married..and expecting!! :)
[ Five ] What is your current mood?
lapar, sedikit loya dan sangat dahaga..(mak buyung bercita-cita nak pose penuh tahun ni!)
[ Six ] Where do you stay?
ara damansara
[ Seven ] If you could go back in time and change something, would you?
nak..would've tried to do better in my SPM trials and get that scholarship!!*sigh*
[ Eight ] What's your favorite color/s?
pink, yellow, white...and pastel green
[ Nine ] Ever had a near death experience?
Yes..when I got snatched a few years ago.
[ Ten ] Something you do a lot?
Watch TV
[ Eleven ] Who can you tell ANYTHING to?
[ Twelve ] Name someone with the same birthday as you.
Cik Zurina!
[ Thirteen ] If you could have one super power what would it be?
nak power mcm si Jumper tu. Anywhere, anytime bebeh!!Pegi holiday memane tapi balik rumah tido!best gile!
[ Fourteen ] What's the first thing you notice about the opposite sex?
Must be the smile la. But can I say vibes? Am sometimes pretty good at recognizing someone's vibes..
[ Fifteen ] Favorite season?
Holiday! HARI RAYA!!!!!!!
[ Sixteen ] Do you still watch kiddy movies or tv shows?
I'm big little think?
[ Seventeen ] What are you eating or drinking at the moment?
Saya puasa.........but i wish i was eating ayam golek kerinchi..* rebiu berjaya!*
[ Eighteen ] Do you speak any other language?
Malay count?
[ Nineteen ] Describe your life in one word.
[ Twenty ] Do you have any tattoos?
Ada..kat peha..owh wait. Tu tanda lahir!hahahaha!
[ Twenty-one ] Who was the last person you hung out with?
Suami la
[ Twenty-two ] What are you thinking about right now?
Ayam golek kerinchi..and should I go throw up or not right now..*uh-oh...morning sickness starting??*
[ Twenty- three ] What should you be doing?
[ Twenty-four ] Who was the last person that made you sad/angry?
Not person, but a video on Kelsey Briggs - the little girl that got killed by her stepfather and I personally think the mother too!
[ Twenty-five ] What are you listening to?
[ Twenty-six ] Do you like working in the yard?
If I could..I do...
[ Twenty-seven ] Who is with you?
[ Twenty-eight ] Do you act different around the person you like?
Sama jek kot
[ Twenty-nine ] What is your natural hair colour?
Dark brownish
[ Thirty ] Last time you were really happy.
Lepas main paintball.
Tak macam secret pun. Esok saya tak kije!!yeah yeah yeah!!
*anies..nak ayam golek kerinchi!*..ceis..takde kene mengena...
30 secrets About Yourself. Be honest no matter what..
[One] Who was your last text from?
scott russell..he's in town
[ Two ] Where was your default picture taken?
rasa kat starbucks kut..rafiqa amik pakai henpon.
[ Three ] Are you bored with life at times?
bored?tah..frust tu ade la kadang-kadang
[ Four ] Your current status?
happily married..and expecting!! :)
[ Five ] What is your current mood?
lapar, sedikit loya dan sangat dahaga..(mak buyung bercita-cita nak pose penuh tahun ni!)
[ Six ] Where do you stay?
ara damansara
[ Seven ] If you could go back in time and change something, would you?
nak..would've tried to do better in my SPM trials and get that scholarship!!*sigh*
[ Eight ] What's your favorite color/s?
pink, yellow, white...and pastel green
[ Nine ] Ever had a near death experience?
Yes..when I got snatched a few years ago.
[ Ten ] Something you do a lot?
Watch TV
[ Eleven ] Who can you tell ANYTHING to?
[ Twelve ] Name someone with the same birthday as you.
Cik Zurina!
[ Thirteen ] If you could have one super power what would it be?
nak power mcm si Jumper tu. Anywhere, anytime bebeh!!Pegi holiday memane tapi balik rumah tido!best gile!
[ Fourteen ] What's the first thing you notice about the opposite sex?
Must be the smile la. But can I say vibes? Am sometimes pretty good at recognizing someone's vibes..
[ Fifteen ] Favorite season?
Holiday! HARI RAYA!!!!!!!
[ Sixteen ] Do you still watch kiddy movies or tv shows?
I'm big little think?
[ Seventeen ] What are you eating or drinking at the moment?
Saya puasa.........but i wish i was eating ayam golek kerinchi..* rebiu berjaya!*
[ Eighteen ] Do you speak any other language?
Malay count?
[ Nineteen ] Describe your life in one word.
[ Twenty ] Do you have any tattoos?
Ada..kat peha..owh wait. Tu tanda lahir!hahahaha!
[ Twenty-one ] Who was the last person you hung out with?
Suami la
[ Twenty-two ] What are you thinking about right now?
Ayam golek kerinchi..and should I go throw up or not right now..*uh-oh...morning sickness starting??*
[ Twenty- three ] What should you be doing?
[ Twenty-four ] Who was the last person that made you sad/angry?
Not person, but a video on Kelsey Briggs - the little girl that got killed by her stepfather and I personally think the mother too!
[ Twenty-five ] What are you listening to?
[ Twenty-six ] Do you like working in the yard?
If I could..I do...
[ Twenty-seven ] Who is with you?
[ Twenty-eight ] Do you act different around the person you like?
Sama jek kot
[ Twenty-nine ] What is your natural hair colour?
Dark brownish
[ Thirty ] Last time you were really happy.
Lepas main paintball.
Tak macam secret pun. Esok saya tak kije!!yeah yeah yeah!!
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