Nov 15, 2008

Takde Keje Lain Ke??

Sorry laa..but working on Saturdays mmg buat aku emo sikit. Although I have tons of stuffs to finish but I just can't help but say what's on my mind (lately it's not often I feel like I want to say something about anything).

I was introduced to this blog, The Yoga Instructor Diaries [Click here to view blog] by my friend and I think it's amazing that she has such great passion for yoga and it shows in her physique and the stuffs she's done to promote yoga.

Did you guys know that there's a new fatwa BANNING muslims from practicing yoga?? *sorry aku lagging..dah lame tak bace surat khabar..:P* WTF?????????? I'm sorry laa but I seriously think that these JAKIM ppl truly lives under a coconut shell and have nothing else to do! Pasal ape nak ban Yoga? Ok..pardon my facts about yoga coz I am no expert about it but I do know that yoga is a form of exercise and meditation and is a very good form to release stress. Yes it might have originated from spiritual practices and perhaps even have religious (not islam laa) elements in it. But yoga has been commercialized that the way it is being practiced today is mainly JUST as a form of exercise.

Orang2 JAKIM ni cetek sungguh ke pemikiran diorg?Do they even KNOW how yoga is being practiced???How the hell did they come to the conclusion sampai nak keluarkan fatwa ban Yoga???

What???they're not getting any from their wives at home ke sampai boleh aroused tgk perempuan in their yoga outfits doing yoga?ke stress sbb bini kat rumah tak flexible mcm yoga practicioners so aktiviti kelamin kat rumah dah tak exciting?????Then the solution should be to SEND their wives for yoga classes instead of banning yoga man!!

If the issue is because the women are wearing skimpy outfits while stretching their bodies in positions that deem arousing (to them!)..then suggest segregation, women only yoga sessions..conducted by a female yoga instructor..not BAN the whole thing altogether..

and like the blogger I'm referring to said in one of her open letter to the media..pegi tgk sendiri tempat2 yang org buat yoga tu...if the way they are teaching yoga has religious elements like chanting in sanskrit or hymns (word usage?sorry aa) then only allow non-muslims to go there. But places like commercial fitness centres kalo tak silap aku takde those kind of chants or hymns...just stretching and breathing methods je.

Bodoh laaa diorg ni...nak buat fatwa..tapi taknak kaji betul2 dulu sebelum keluarkan fatwa..tanak buat research betul2..tanak argue the issue and take into consideration ALL the pros n cons of doing yoga BASED ON FACTS and not just stupid assumptions. Bukan nak tgk issue tu from different perspectives..bukan nak BUKAK MINDA tu! dah biasa sgt semua bende kene suap masuk mulut sampai tuhan kasi otak tanak pikir habis2.

Salah siapa?

again I blame our educational system...sbb too academic oriented..too exam oriented..never encouraging students to research, explore, argue about things..stok dok dalam kelas, hafal sebijik2 apa yang ada dalam buku not allowing the students to ask "WHY?" sbb the teachers themselves tak reti nak explain why (or even worse they don't even know why themselves) and end up saying "Because it says so in the book" and cut off the child from saying another word...

also i blame our culture......yes..there are parts of our culture yang I am proud of like adab and sopan santun kita...banyak lagila..tapi our culture jugak sekat kita from being curious.bile curious about something different but may be beneficial, bukan nak galakkan perasaan-ingin-tahu tu..sbb takut nnt org mengata sbb lain dari yang lain so we end up being ignorant about important stuffs, killed our chance of opening our eyes and minds to something new..TAPI bila bab nak mengata hal personal orang lain..CHAMPION lah!SEMUA benda tau...sampai apa mak mentua punya adik punya laki punya sepupu cakap pun kita tau...

orang Malaysia suka nak jadi bodoh..sorry la..aku pun orang Malaysia juga..tapi aku rasa aku tak suka jadi bodoh.Gosip2 yang tak berasas ni aku malas nak campur...

Kalau JAKIM takde keje sangat kat sana..kenape tak keluar fatwa BAN magazine mcm URTV or MEDIA or MANGGA from artis2 lelaki buat sesi fotografi kat tepi swimming pool tak pakai baju?????Itu tanak cakap ape2 pulak....(walaupun sebenarnya tak meng'GHAIRAH'kan langsung...sbb tu tak ban kot...)



  1. emo apehal?lu buat yoga ke?hahahhahaa.dia buat yoga bende lain besar, lu buat yoga, perut besar. tahniah.

  2. bodo laaa lu anies!

    gue emo sbb gua baru igt nak buat yoga lepas 'perut besar' ni kempis..nak kasi 'bende lain' besar to keep aktiviti kelamin dgn suami BERAPI!hahahahahah!

    suami kene jaga beb.....tanggungjawab kene perform TIP-TOP!:P..kene la usaha!

    *yeargh..tahun depan aku ber'Yoga' jugak! fatwa or no fatwa*

  3. hahahahahaha. mcm silake la komen ko. keep UP the good work.

  4. aku pon pelik...kalau main bola pastu tinggal semayang haram jugak tak gitu?kan kan?

    kalau dok umah tgk tv....pastu tinggal kewajipan kan jadi haram jugak?

    pelik la diorg ni...aku tak paham.

    kenapa tak ban jek?tgk tv haram!hahahaa

  5. err, pemahaman saya amat cetek. Namun saya berpendapat.

    Haram di dalam amalan yoga ini adalah terletak di dalam praktis untuk mengosongkan fikiran seseorang demi untuk mencapai tahap ketenangan yang tinggi.

    Sebagai seorang yang menganut agama Islam pula, mengosongkan fikiran akan mengakibatkan kepesongan akidah lantaran tidak mengingati Allah SWT di setiap waktu.

    “Dan sesungguhnya di antara kami ada orang yang taat dan ada pula menyimpang daripada kebenaran. Barang siapa yang taat, maka itu benar-benar sudah memilih jalan yang lurus. Adapun orang yang menyimpang daripada kebenaran maka mereka menjadi kayu api neraka Jahanam.” (Surah al-Jin, ayat 14-15]

  6. sharkpitt..
    betul..tapi kalo ban tv..then mcm mana diorg nak berdakwah?nak buat all their forum perdana islam?org zaman sekarang dah kurang baca paper berasaskan fakta.tabloid rajin la org nak baca.

    betul juga..tapi tak semestinya bila kita kosongkan fikiran kita lupa Allah.the purpose is to forget all your worries for a while sort of 'restart' your mind so when you finish your session you're fresh..tak celaru sangat.bukan lupa dunia or tuhan terus.
    plus if i'm not mistaken, yoga today is practiced as such where it is a form of exercise..breathing focus on your physique and your breathing. a lot like tai chi(kenape takde fatwa ban tai chi pulak?asal usul dr agama lain jugak per..)that is how yoga is COMMERCIALLY practiced. altho there are place yang do take it as a serious form of meditation with chants from hindu practices..then yang macam tu nak prevent from muslims to practice ok la..but not those classes yang they have in commercial gyms and yoga classes..not to ENTIRELY ban muslims from practicing's like banning ppl from playing futsal..melalaikan sampai ada yang boleh tinggal solat and membazir duit..baik solat sunat on top of all the fardhu and derma duit tu semua kat rumah anak yatim...anda marah bukan kalau keluar fatwa ban muslim from main futsal?

  7. gile ke nak ban futsal?futsal mendekatkan seorang individu Islam itu ke jalan yang benar.

    perhatikan contoh2 berikut:

    situasi A.

    Peah: Shahir pass bola kat aku!
    Shahir: Ow worst! ( bola tersalah sepak terpass kat opponent )
    Peah: MasyaAllah..buduhnye!

    Situasi B.

    Dihadapan gawang gol yang kosong...
    Zano menyepak bola namun tersasar..

    "Astaghfirullahalazim...camane leh pengkau lak nih"

    So, based on the two situations above, tak patut ah kalau nak ban futsal..

    mana ade orang tgh yoga buat camtu?

  8. hahahahah! yoga is a more individualistic activity and YES..i couldnt agree with you more..futsal actually mengERATkan silaturrahim antara member (putus member pun boleh gak per!)

    but just WHAT IF jakim nak ban futsal..confirm RIOT satu malaysia..tak payah kumpulan Reformis nak tunjuk perasaan sambil berbogel...kroni2 subang tuju dulu kan?heheh!

  9. next sasha next. ko mcm piah plak. chis.

  10. uish..jgn samakan aku dgn dia...aku tak komen pasal blog org...tapi aku meluahkan pendapat aku tentang isu yang blogger tu tulis ok....

  11. alolololo..yu no ai lef yu...mai keritip dairekto.

  12. kalau dia ban futsal, kitorang akan antar Puan Sasha untuk membahaskan perkara ini.

    Perkara sebegini haruslah dibawa ketengah!

  13. anster..
    ai het yuh!dun wan fren yuh!

    aler...takut kalah je hantar usul...saya tak berapa ghairah tentang futsal..

    mungkin Puan S boleh membantu...sbb dia susah2 buat je muke prune!konpem setel!

  14. huyooo menarik betul.aku nak sambung lagi...aku setuju dgn peah bab kosongkan pikiran...

    sebab tu dlm Islam kita harus byk berzikir.itu meditation nye.solat tu cnfrm for yoga aku rasa itu mcm exercise jek.kalau over sampai pi ke kuil weil weil....tu worst case la



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