Dipetik dari blok Shafik yang memetik dari blog Peah
Four jobs I have had in my life:
1. Barista Gloria Jean's Coffees KLCC
2. Upgrade skit jadi Barista Starbucks Midvalley pulak! *i miss my freeflow of Grande CM days!i knw my friends misses them too!haha!*
3. PA to Gillian Hung..I was 'the new emily'..ala-ala Devil Wears Prada gitu life aku!
4. Safety Oppiser di kilang sampah!hahaha!
Four movies I would watch over and over:
1. My Best Friend's Wedding!
2. Mary Poppins
3. Sound of Music
4. Disney's Cinderella
*yes..the kid in me lives on!*
Four places I have lived:
1. Kuantan
2. Seremban
3. Setiawangsa
4. PJ
Four TV Shows that I watch:
1. Ugly Betty
2. The Nanny reruns
3. CSI
4. Ninja Boy..*hemo hemo hemo*

Four places I have been:
1. London
2. Vancouver
3. Kobe, Japan
4. Bangkok
Four people who email me most:
1. Whattoexpect.com
2. Facebook.com
3. buihblogspot
4. Bos
*hahah!takde manusia sebenar langsung yang email aku!hahah!*
Four favourite things to eat:
1. Nasi Dagang
2. Mee Kari Hoi Yin, Telok Chempedak!pergh!!!
3. Nasi Lemak mama buat
4. Chilli crab...fatty crab pun ok!
Four places I would rather be right now:
1. Kuantan
2. Starbucks...haven't had my caffeine fix for 3 months dah!
3. Home
4. that's it actually
Four Things I am looking forward to this year (2008):
1. Raya of course!!
2. My week long holiday for raya!!
3. The end of my morning sickness!
4. Vacation(s)..if ada....
And that wraps it up. I have a feeling I might not post anything anymore til after raya (unless hari sabtu ni aku mengulat laa!hehe!) So Selamat Hari Raya kawan kawan semua! Nanti aku buat open house jgn tak datang pulak! Wait for my SMS..heheh!
MAAF ZAHIR DAN BATIN...ampunkan tersalah kata, tersalah makan, tersalah pinjam dan apa-apa yang tersalah la..
Have fun this raya and drive safe to and from your 'kampung'!