But this is what I bought at the fair..and it's SOOOOOOO worth it!!!

I bought it for RM415...retail price is approx RM600!hihihi!now I'm all geared up for that holiday!tell u when it's all confirmed..i'm a bit jinxed when i hope on something too much!
Leo: I know it's not as nice as your Quiksilver bag..but hey!now we both have our 'new' travel pack to show off..so bile nak holiday sesame ni?
*excuse the 'bimbo'ness of this post! :P*
wah.bag baru.nalik ghaya hang bawak bag ni ka?gila besaq.pueh hati no.weih..aku dh nmpk spotlight hang tuh.jadi ka tips aku tuh?esok aku tukar la yg lagi canggih.jom buat pertandingan.sapa lagi lawa.kehkeh.
ReplyDeletehahah!!berjaya!!tima kacih!
ReplyDeletepertandingan sape punya lagi lawo?alahai....aku ni bkn kreatif bab2 cenggini!itu pun bape juta kali aku dok tuko2 nak kasi dia betul fit!
takpe..kita cube...ayuh!sape jadi judge?dateline bile?
hmm..judge dia..Abdul Gani Patail?
ReplyDeletelawak bangsat....
ReplyDeleteko n leo dtg holiday kat sydney...itu cadangan aku la..haha
ReplyDeleteheheh..nnt kitorg check poket..mcm berlubang!
ReplyDeleteterpaksa la aku berdoa dgn lebih kuat supaya durian runtuh utk kau supaya kau sponsor aku ke sana
berdoa *Ya allah!jadikan la cik habibah kita kaya sekelip mata supaya dia bole beli tiket saya ke sydney utk jumpe dia*
kau dah kaya belom babe?
Saya pon dah beli beg!
ReplyDeleteGood post.