I'm more of a radio person. The only CD I would listen to over and over again would be Project Pop. But even then, the mood has to be right.
So it would be typical of me to listen to the radio while I drive to work in the morning. I used to listen to the Mix.fm Breakfast Show back when it was Serena C and Pietro doing the slot. They had great chemistry and had great topics to talk about every morning. Plus they didn't have those prank call slots (ugghh..i hate those slots). Plus, Mix.fm plays old and new music. Perfect for me. Then I don't know why, their topics started to get a bit annoying and next thing I know, they were off the air. I don't know why coz I stopped listening to them.
Serena C and Pietro (source:chinfern.blogspot.com) |
But I was ok. My friends introduced me to Red.fm. Initially it was because they played a LOT of my favorite songs from back in the days. Similar to Mix.fm, but a tad bit more variety. Then I started listening to their breakfast show. At first, I didn't really like Dilly's voice. But she kinda grew on me and I really enjoyed listening to her and JD. I loved the 'Thousand Ringgit Minute" slot which no one seems to win. Couldn't call in coz I'd be driving during the slot but I loved trying the trivia out by myself. And now..even they are taken off the air!
JD & Dilly (source: The Star) |
I hate the other morning shows that are available now. I
ESPECIALLY hate Hitz.fm morning crew (oh how I wish for the days when Lil'Kev and Flyguy were on air! Those guys were PHENOMENAL!). However, I secretly enjoy Richard Reid's gossip slot and that's about it! I think Ean is plain rude (he seems to cut off his callers mid-conversation) and don't get me started on the prank calls. Same goes to ALL the stations who has those prank calls slots. Hello!! It's lame!
So now I skip stations every few minutes. Sometimes Fly.fm is not so bad, until they get to the Alarm Call slot. I wish they could be a bit more original with their slots (psst..the musical clip Phatfabes and Ben did together with Hunny Madu was great..start there!).
And the new team for Mix.fm hmm..eh! Sorry..but listening Kimberly and Reefa, it could cause a driving hazard for me. You guys don't have the chemistry like Serena and Pietro did.
And PLEASEEEEEEE dont' get me started on Rudy (taking over JD & Dilly's slot)!! The dude mumbles and talks like there's something in his mouth! Its probably all those sock people tell him to shove up his mouth! He's boring and sound soooo self-absorbed! It was better when Jeremy and Pietro took over for a bit. They should've just continued with those guys! Rudy's Recruit??????? It's more like you're the one who needs to be recruited!
But I heard news that JD and Dilly will be '
MIX'ing back starting January 3rd! Yeay!!!!!! I look forward to my morning fix..thank god!
So I guess for now, the cds will just have to do or keep on station hopping..January please come quick!